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Not even one single update. Ugh
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I was over for a few hours to help. Everything was going well. I took a few pics while I was there. Hopefully .556 will upload them and provide everyone an update soon.
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I was over for a few hours to help. Everything was going some. I took a few pics while I was there. Hopefully .556 will upload them and provide everyone an update soon.
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Transfer go ok at least? Looking forward to it.
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Looking forward to your rock scape.
Loong looooong 2 days and there's still a lot to do but I took a moment to snap a few FTS
Very nice scape. Can you describe your light? Looks to one fixture.. but I've seen the me like that before.
Very nice scape. Can you describe your light? Looks to one fixture.. but I've seen the me like that before.
Get a bunch of astrea n turbo snail u know whats coming...better prepare for it otherwise u going to waste more time later deal with it.
Hermit dont eat algae u going to get a bunch in the next 5 days
It can get real ugly fast u rather deal with brown algae dont let it turn to green hair algae. The only 2 can help u are tang and snail. If u let the brown become green then only sea urchin will touch the green.