600 gallon plywood Down Grade!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14318781#post14318781 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by slapshot
Sweet thread and a lot of work for you! Couple of things. What kind of eel was or is that ? Also your worm....just so you know they are also called a Bobbit worm. Named for the infamous Lorraina. It seems they are fond of male genital parts to feed their young. Just some info worth passing on. :)

Haha, I read they were called bobbit worms, but I didn't realize it was in reference to that event. You learn something everyday. No skinny dipping in the tank for me!

To answer your question. There is a convict blenny (engineer goby) that I added to the tank in a previous picture. I also have a white-eyed moray and 2 garden eels.
Got lucky and was able to get a replacement for the Fowler's that I lost. No QT this time, straight into the big tank with all of the lights out. Hope for the best and I will see how it is in the morning. Colors looked good and it was 6 ~ 7" in length. I've got my fingers crossed.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14321384#post14321384 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
Got lucky and was able to get a replacement for the Fowler's that I lost. No QT this time, straight into the big tank with all of the lights out. Hope for the best and I will see how it is in the morning. Colors looked good and it was 6 ~ 7" in length. I've got my fingers crossed.

That's great. A nice size. I'll cross my fingers too. What do you think caused the last one to die?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14321399#post14321399 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
That's great. A nice size. I'll cross my fingers too. What do you think caused the last one to die?
Looked like ich, which it had to brought in. I kept it in the ricordea tank the entire time by itself. This one came from the same wholesaler so I hope that this one doesn't have the same problem.......
I thought it would be neat to post pics of my annulatus unicorn from juvenile to adult. Total time is approximately 1.5 yrs. He started around 2 inches and now is probably about 14 inches and still growing.





Could you give some feedback on the Harlequin Tusk as they are considered risky reef fish? Do you have any shrimp with him?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14321657#post14321657 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TRITON1
Could you give some feedback on the Harlequin Tusk as they are considered risky reef fish? Do you have any shrimp with him?

I don't have any shrimp in my tank b/c of the large wrasses
and porcupine puffer, but I know a guy who had a few cleaner shrimp in his 90 gallon with a harlequin tusk fish. So I know its possible to keep them together. My guy is very peacefull, hides alot of the time.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14321384#post14321384 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
Got lucky and was able to get a replacement for the Fowler's that I lost. No QT this time, straight into the big tank with all of the lights out. Hope for the best and I will see how it is in the morning. Colors looked good and it was 6 ~ 7" in length. I've got my fingers crossed.
Good news this morning, the fish is still alive...bad news is that it is hiding in the same corner, being bullied by the Powder Blue. It has become the bad boy in the tank with any new additions. From what I can tell using just a flashlight, it appears to be in good shape. Will have to see what happens once all of the lights are on later in the day.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14322729#post14322729 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
Good news this morning, the fish is still alive...bad news is that it is hiding in the same corner, being bullied by the Powder Blue. It has become the bad boy in the tank with any new additions. From what I can tell using just a flashlight, it appears to be in good shape. Will have to see what happens once all of the lights are on later in the day.

That's great news. Hopefully he will start to eat despite the bullying. I imagine your guys are pretty used to frequent additions, so maybe the aggression will be mild and short lived.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14322829#post14322829 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
That's great news. Hopefully he will start to eat despite the bullying. I imagine your guys are pretty used to frequent additions, so maybe the aggression will be mild and short lived.
OUCH...With a few of the lights on, I was able to see that it had gotten beat up pretty bad, it was out in the open and the Dussimeri of all fish was giving it a bad time along with the Powder Blue, I was able to net it and move it to the specimen tank to see if it will heal up.....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14323423#post14323423 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
OUCH...With a few of the lights on, I was able to see that it had gotten beat up pretty bad, it was out in the open and the Dussimeri of all fish was giving it a bad time along with the Powder Blue, I was able to net it and move it to the specimen tank to see if it will heal up.....

Darn. Lucky you were able to catch him. These fowlers are the big sissies of the fish world. If your interested, there's a product called organicure. It's much better than cupramine IMO. It's copper and formalin. obviously you'll have to isolate to treat. I don't medicate much, but if a fish gets beat up pretty bad, I use it and it seems to keep any bacterial infections from infecting the lacerations. It's also good on ich. Usually within 48hrs the white spots drop off. I'm using it on my lieutenant tang right now. The way he looked I only gave him a few hours, but he actually started eating again last night. I probably should have used it on my achilles and powder blue when they were alive. I think I was over confident that they wold recover on their own. You always end up second guessing yourself when things start going badly.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14326841#post14326841 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reeftanks6
Thats some great growht. Everything is so nice. That tomato clown is huge like you said!

Very nice looking specimen bigred16, I would hate to post a picture of mine after he had the one over in the big tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14333287#post14333287 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
Very nice looking specimen bigred16, I would hate to post a picture of mine after he had the one over in the big tank.

Don't worry, this pic is from from GT tank, when I put my in about a week ago, he took a little beating to, I believe from my Purple Tang and a little from yellow Margin Trigger, I took him out for 5 days, and put him back in, a few little chases for the first day, nothing serious, everything seems to have calm down, he's eating.
I didn't work on the tank today, but I was lucky enough to snap a few pics of one of my garden eels that is living in my sand bed for the time being. He poked his head out for some food.





