600 gallon plywood Down Grade!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14134807#post14134807 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by prostaff
Talk about recycling :-) Keep it up
What are you doing for a stand on the new tank?

I ordered a stand with the tank. I think its called the montaray black. I'm gonna build a canopy though, b/c the one available with the tank is too short for my reflectors. I'm going to try to mimic the design of the stand.

I talked to the tank people today. It should be here on Friday. But that's what they said last week.... and the week before.
Thats a bummer about the tank. Did you build a platform for the stand because your basement floods alot?

So do you have a favorite fish/tang? :)

Questions regarding your substrate .... what was it's depth?

and ... what shape was it in when you scooped it out into the other tub? Thinking about smell, detrius and ??? in it.

and ... what are you planning for the new tank?

Sorry, I know you are busy. I ask as your tank has been setup for 3 years and you had a huge bioload. It appears that you have a remote DSB (your heart of soul of your system).


Any time to experiment with the bristleworm and the turbo snails?

Really wanting to know the results of this test ....


PS I will buy the snails for you.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14156235#post14156235 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Carant

Questions regarding your substrate .... what was it's depth?

and ... what shape was it in when you scooped it out into the other tub? Thinking about smell, detrius and ??? in it.

and ... what are you planning for the new tank?

Sorry, I know you are busy. I ask as your tank has been setup for 3 years and you had a huge bioload. It appears that you have a remote DSB (your heart of soul of your system).


The substrate was 4-5 inches in the display tank. It didn't have any foul odour to it. It was in good shape. A fair amount of detritus was under the rockwork. I'm keeping it alive in the tub with a powerhead. I plan to add it back to the 300 at a similar depth. the remainder will go into the RDSB or the refugium, or another niche tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14156250#post14156250 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Carant

Any time to experiment with the bristleworm and the turbo snails?

Really wanting to know the results of this test ....


PS I will buy the snails for you.

I haven't had the time as of yet to experiment. I've put some frozen krill and silversides in the bucket/tank for him. If you want to bring some by this weekend, we could test it out. So far he seems pretty dissinterested in the frozen food.
Well over the last couple days I mudded, sanded and primed the wall.


I then added to coats of blue paint. I think the blue will be a good background for the tank. Now I just have to wait for the tank.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14181152#post14181152 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jjk_reef00
How was that puffer in your tank?
Did it eat corals?
Was it aggressive to other fish?

The Puffer has been great. absolutely no problems. He completely ignores the corals and other fish in the tank. He eats frozen, freeze dried, flake food and even Nori. I've never even seen him puffed up. NEver seems to get that stressed. Not even when I moved tanks.
Unfortunately the tank was delayed again. Seems it wont arive til this Friday. I was promised it would arrive this time. Unfortunately they didn't have it in stock, so it's being shipped from the US. Right now I'm trying to decide how to redo my refugium area.
Sorry to hear about your tank delays Jared. That is like 4 times they have said "next Fri". Hopefully this time.
That pic with your cat bothers me a little. Just looks like she is waiting patiently on the tank platform for dinner to arrive
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14221671#post14221671 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
Is today the BIG day for the new tank, I know that you have been waiting patiently for a while :confused:

Today was supposed to be the day, but yet again it has been delayed. They promised me they would deliver it on a week night next week. I went with this tank b/c they told me it was instock and could be delivered in less than a week. It seems they had the regular glass tanks in stock vs the starfire. I would have been fine with the regular glass tank, but they kept saying next week it will be here, so I just waited. If they had said it would be 3 weeks to get the starfire, I would have went with the regular glass tank instead. If I knew it was going to take this long I would have had the glass cut and built the tank myself. Supposedly I'll be getting some sort or gift certificate for the store for my troubles.

Today I was less than pleased when I checked tanks. Seems my small tang tank has broken out in a nasty case of ich. It has been there for a few days, but my guys are usually abble to fight it off. Today though it was much worse. Of course, the most affected are my Fowler's, achilles and powderblue. I fear I may lose them. I've isolated the tank, and dosed with copper. I try not to use it unless its an emergency, but this is an emergency. Fortunately most are still eating. I think a month of having all these fish in small tanks has really pushed the limits. I sure hope the tank comes next week.
Well, if it shows up next week, then maybe the starfire will be worth the wait. Hopefully the tangs will pull through and be ready when the new tank is up and running. I envy you with a starfire glass tank, so much easier to clean..... Did you see my latest additions on my thread, I thought that you might comment on one of them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14222811#post14222811 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
Well, if it shows up next week, then maybe the starfire will be worth the wait. Hopefully the tangs will pull through and be ready when the new tank is up and running. I envy you with a starfire glass tank, so much easier to clean..... Did you see my latest additions on my thread, I thought that you might comment on one of them.

I'll check out your thread. Sometimes I dont get the e-mails.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14222817#post14222817 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
I'll check out your thread. Sometimes I dont get the e-mails.
I thought that one might trip your trigger. I still have it in the ricordea tank. It is sitting on the bottom in one corners and I haven't seen it swim around the tank much. I am a little afraid of putting it in the big tank until it becomes a little more active.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14222926#post14222926 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
I thought that one might trip your trigger. I still have it in the ricordea tank. It is sitting on the bottom in one corners and I haven't seen it swim around the tank much. I am a little afraid of putting it in the big tank until it becomes a little more active.

Ya, good idea. He'll get his butt kicked if you put him in there. I'd leave him in the ric tank for a few weeks til he's fat and friendly and active.