600 gallon plywood Down Grade!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14269476#post14269476 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
How are things looking for the new tank today? Got enough bodies to get it moved in? Hope all goes well!

The driver confirmed it with me. It will be here after 6:00 p.m. tonight. there will be atleast 4 of us, hopefully 5. I also confirmed that the stand is included as well. Just trying to avoid any more communication failures and resultant delays.
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OK so the tank finally arrived. To say it was a big job to put it in my basement is an understatement. First we moved the stand. It fit with millimeters to spare. The stand is a few inches bigger than the tank, so I knew if we could get the stand down the stairs, the tank would also fit.



Next we did the tank and I provided the necessary moral support to get the job done right!






This tank looks real small compared to my last tank.

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I added the stand pipes and return pipes, salt and started to fill the tank with R/O water. It will run over night. I tend to prefer high tank turnover. Especially with my large bioload. I think I'm going to make all 4 pipes drains and the plumb my own return over the back of the tank.



You know, I think it's better to make the water, then add the salt. I've heard it won't mix correctly if done the other way around.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14276156#post14276156 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thechad21
You know, I think it's better to make the water, then add the salt. I've heard it won't mix correctly if done the other way around.

Ya it seems to clump more the way I did it. But I ran a few power heads over night, and it was dissolved by this morning. I'm just going to let the temp rise a bit, then I'll connect it to the rest of my system. It'll be like a big water change.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14277714#post14277714 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
Congratulations on the move! Sorry I couldn't be there to help out :D

I asked the guys if they'd be around when I move to carry the tank back out of my basement. They all graciously declined!

Great news :smokin:

Glad that it all went well. I know that stairway is pretty narrow.

Looking forward to seeing the fish in their new home.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14277773#post14277773 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
I asked the guys if they'd be around when I move to carry the tank back out of my basement. They all graciously declined!

You will have to include the tank in the price of the house. That will solve that problem. Going down those stairs is one thing ... going up against gravity ...

Looking forward to the pics of the fish in there new home.

Now the hard part .. which ones? Looking forward to the list that makes it in and those that maybe on the sidelines. You have some hard choices. Even those that do not make it will have a great system to be in. So no losers ... I think you know what I mean ;)

Unfortunately my Powder Blue and Achilles didn't make it. I'm devastated. It took me forever to acclimate that achilles and get him eating. The powder blue was a perfect specimen. I'll be on the look out for new ones now.

Today I didn't have much time to work on the tank. But I was able to plumb it into the existing setup. I then built myself some braces to hang the lights from. Next I hung the lights and tried them out. Before I went to bed, I added a few inches of the left over live sand from the old tank. Hopefully the water will clear by the morning.



When I visited the tank this morning the water had cleared.


I started the day by transfering some of my corals into the tank. My sps took a beating over last month, but hopefully they will recover.
I had planned to add a shelf made of abs to place the corals on, but I decided to scrap the idea due to the small size of the tank. I need to maximize the swimming space for my fish so I didn't add any extra rock except that which had some corals growing on it. I also added the small fish (chromis, clownfish and anthias) and the convict blenny to the tank.









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I paid a visit to Lucas at Oceans Alive to pick up another Fowlers tang. Fortunately for me he had a few in stock. Here is his website. The tank in the background looks familiar to me. Its my old 600 gallon plywood tank in it's prime. So sad.


When I got home I added him to the new tank. I decided to also add my Dussumieris tang to teach the Fowlers how to eat the flake food and nori. They look very similar in colour patters. The dussumieris is a great teacher, the Fowlers ate almost immediately. I also added my cortex stingray.









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