600 gallon plywood Down Grade!

Well good news. I just checked the 72 gallon and the fish are doing much better than this morning. They've really perked up and are all eating. I'm not sure what stressed them, but they've seemed to calm down. I feel like the Fowlers tang started the outbreak, so I've taken him to my office tank which is a very stable system and only has a couple clownfish and wrasses. He will stay there until he gets over the ich. Hopefully he will, survive. I've only had him a few weeks, so he hasn't really acclimated fully and built up the resistance to the ich. The others I've had for several months or years, so they should be able to stick it out in the tank they're in. I don't like medicating alot, so tomorrow I will do a huge water change in the 72, run a little carbon on it, and then reconnect it to the system. I think they'll be better off in the superior water quality of the large system, rather than that of the isolated tank and copper. I've also siphoned out all the gravel in hopes of limiting the spread of the ich.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14229311#post14229311 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reeftanks6
Wow amazing tank. Sorry to hear that you have to downgrade. But it should be great!

Thanks. I've got everything ready to go. Just need a tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14230208#post14230208 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reeftanks6
Sounds great. Cant wait to see it go up! When is the tank coming? If you know

Well supposedly they're gonna bring it by on a week night this coming week. Once it's in place, I can continue with the build and get some of the fish out of the smaller tanks.
Today Carant came by and purhased the former front of my plywood tank for the grand price of helping me carry it out of my basement. We recruited my neighbor to help us load it into the back of his truck. Thanks Bruce. I'll be expecting a build thread of your plywood tank.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14236116#post14236116 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chiefzod
Hey Cougarman,

Do you have a build thread for your plywood tank at all?

It certainly looked nice.

Sorry, no I didn't do a thread when I built it.
Well, today I'm sorry to say my Fowlers died. I've also lost 2 anthias and my Powderblue, Achilles and lieutenant tangs are struggling. Fortunately for me Lucas at oceans alive has another Fowler in stock. He's good enough to hold it for me. I'll be upset if my achilles dies. He will be very difficult to replace. Hopefully he will perk up a bit during the day. They always seem to be worse in the morning.
Bugger I am sorry for your losses. I sincerely hope your tank arrives soon and your troubles leave you. Looking forward to more of this build you've done a lot of good work! :)
Ouch sorry to hear about the fowler ...

It is really unfortunate that your plans for a quick switchover to the new tank has been so delayed. We must roll with the punches some time and not second guess ourselves ... especially when it is out of our control.

On a brighter note ... although you say the fish look stressed ... the majority look great. You have a wonderful collection of Tangs ... I was most impressed with the "heart and soul" of your system I was wondering how you would improve it previously. Through our discussion the only real improvement would be the physical location of the tanks for accessibility and not the components themselves. Without a doubt, it is the reason your whole collection of fish is not in trouble.

The old truck made the hour drive home without fail ... so the front of your tank is now safely in Guelph. My wife and neighbors may have thought I was nuts previously ... they now have confirmation. :lol: Glad to have so much company hear on this forum.

I will not be building the new tank until the spring ... so that build will have to wait until then.

Thanks again Cougarman ... I got my workout for the day for sure.

Hear is hoping that your new tank arrives early this week without fail.

Well today I got confirmation that the tank has arrived. They will be delivering it Thursday night. I'm a little concerned about getting it the the basement, b/c they said it will be hard to turn it on its side so it's only 27 inches thick. This is essential so that it will it through the door. It will be interseting to say the least.
The achilles and powder blue didn't look any worse this morning. Th achilles ate a little bit last night, but the Powder blue and lieutenant refused food. I did not see the lieutenant this morning.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14242502#post14242502 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Carant
Ouch sorry to hear about the fowler ...

It is really unfortunate that your plans for a quick switchover to the new tank has been so delayed. We must roll with the punches some time and not second guess ourselves ... especially when it is out of our control.

On a brighter note ... although you say the fish look stressed ... the majority look great. You have a wonderful collection of Tangs ... I was most impressed with the "heart and soul" of your system I was wondering how you would improve it previously. Through our discussion the only real improvement would be the physical location of the tanks for accessibility and not the components themselves. Without a doubt, it is the reason your whole collection of fish is not in trouble.

The old truck made the hour drive home without fail ... so the front of your tank is now safely in Guelph. My wife and neighbors may have thought I was nuts previously ... they now have confirmation. :lol: Glad to have so much company hear on this forum.

I will not be building the new tank until the spring ... so that build will have to wait until then.

Thanks again Cougarman ... I got my workout for the day for sure.

Hear is hoping that your new tank arrives early this week without fail.


Thanks Carant. Sometimes you stick with what works. I'm going to stay with the exisitng biofiltration, but add a few more components and move things around to make more efficient use of space. I'm also going to try to conserve power by running most things off the main pump.

So far no more deaths. The Lieutenant has started eating again. The achilles looks alot better, but is still not eating the way I'd like to see him. The powder blue looks the worst, he's not eating, but he's less lethargic than then on the weekend. I'm amazed how tough these fish are.

Last Sunday I moved all the small tangs (nigricaudus, convict, maculiceps, pyroferus, auranticavus, achilles, powderblue, and lietenant) to my 120 gallon refugium. It seems to have done the trick against the ich. The interesting thing is they've become quite a bit more aggressive with each other without all the larger more dominant tangs around. It will be intersting to see their disposition once I reintroduce them to the larger tangs in the new tank.

There is a snow storm here today. I hope it ends by tomorrow so as not to delay the tank delivery.
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