600 gallon plywood Down Grade!





This guy looks happy to be in his new home!


I decided to let the Fowlers adapt for the rest of the day. I may add a couple unicorns tomorrow. Well see. I don't want to stress the Fowlers out too much too quickly.

Lastly I filled the 72 gallon with some of the live rock I had stored. This should add some extra biofiltration to the system.

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Probably too late now... But a Foam and epoxy wall on the rear would have been awesome. You could have made little shelves or holes coming out for some SPS, making even more room for swimming.

That tank looks awesome though. beautiful assortment of fish you have.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14290629#post14290629 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jflip2002
Probably too late now... But a Foam and epoxy wall on the rear would have been awesome. You could have made little shelves or holes coming out for some SPS, making even more room for swimming.

I thought about that, but I wanted to create the perception of depth. Also the sps are so big, I need a heavy duty platform to support them. Covering the back wall of my last tank made it seem smaller. The blue wall behind makes this tank look bigger than it is. Eventually though it will be covered in coraline anyway. I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
Btw, just curious here, but how's the temperament of stingrays? I've always wanted to get one whenever I get a large tank. I know they're not terribly invert safe with regard to crustaceans, but I'm just curious to see what people's experiences are with them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14294817#post14294817 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dante_JoseCuerv
Btw, just curious here, but how's the temperament of stingrays? I've always wanted to get one whenever I get a large tank. I know they're not terribly invert safe with regard to crustaceans, but I'm just curious to see what people's experiences are with them.

My guy is a cortez stingray. He only gets a few inches in diameter. He has a great temperment. Likes to be fed by hand. In fact I have to worry more about the other fish picking on him.
Very cool, I've always wanted a blue-spotted one, but this guy looks like he'd be ok. Gotta wait for the money so I can get a bigger tank though :)
Today I modified what was supposed to be the return into another drain. All I did was add a 1 inch slip T to a piece of pvc. There was a noticeable increase in turnover volume. In my opinion, two 1 inch drains is totally inadequate for a tank this size.


I decided to transfer my big sailfin, annulatus unicorn, vlamingis unicorn, moorish idol, and copperband butterfly.








It was tough catching the big guys. They put up a big fight. Looks like I'll need a new one of these.


The convict Blenny has been obsessed with his reflection. He spent a good portion of the day cruising the glass.


Another full tank shot.

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14296092#post14296092 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TRITON1
How long have you had the idol? He looks big. Definately a keeper.

He's about 3.5 yrs old. Definately the largest one I've seen in captivity.
Do you feed him anything special? Lots of people say they need sponge, but yours seems quite fine. You should call marineland back and get another tank........your running out of room :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14296160#post14296160 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TRITON1
Do you feed him anything special? Lots of people say they need sponge, but yours seems quite fine. You should call marineland back and get another tank........your running out of room :D

Nothing special. He'll eat everything, flakes, frozen, freeze dried, nori. I think the key is variety. I've heard the sponge theory. Never understood it myself. I mean its all carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen in the end. No matter what the source is. People say alot of things though.

I'm glad I didn't add any rock. It's freed up alot of space. I still have a couple more big guys to add, then the little guys. It'll definately be a full house when it's all said and done. But then again so was my last tank. My fish sure got big over the last few years.
Are you going to be adding any more rock? If not, do you think there will be problems with so little hiding spaces and so many fish? By the way, I love your tangs :)