700 gallon tank, or how i spent my daughters inheritance

Carl, I'm sorry to hear this, wish you all the best, I met you a few years ago at an aquarium show in Anaheim, all the best, Elliott
i went to the office today to do the morning feeding. the lights were still off and i saw a little warfare going on.

the new stuff

the clam came bleached out. i was told it was shaded in the previous tank and that caused the bleaching. we shall see.

this piece outgrew its tank too.
I don't know if you remember but I was the one who you met in Irvine to get a bunch of stuff a few years back, including that giant clam.

I am setting up a tank here at home currently.
I would love to perhaps take the clam back if our schedules and time frames match.
I can't believe it's still alive after what... almost 5 years? I bet it wouldn't fit in a 5 gallon bucket now. It barely fit back then.

Sorry to hear about your accident. That's a bad break in the X-ray.

coral wars
i saw this one morning in the 120 gallon

i moved the pieces and pulled off the tentacles as best i could.
the next morning it looked like this.
i have been neglecting my tank. soo much work to keep up with just the cleaning and water changes, water testing, additions of chems, etc. wha, wha, wha!



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