Thanks Mark (MG21)-not everyone can be TOTM-
Melev-lots of nice tanks have been chosen thats for sure
Blinding Reef-thank you, funny you should ask since I just added the Fowleri,Thompsons and Chevron to the display two days ago-adding all three at once helped alot it seemed:
-my Powder blue was after the Fowleri big time at first but seemed to give up after the night.
-The Chevron wasn't messed with at all-I thought the Tomini's would be all over her but nothing and
-the Thompson was hassled by the purple tangs slightly but all was good the next day with everyone out and eating.
I do not quarantine any fish- I feel it stresses the fish unless you have a very large quarantine system-JMO-if the fish are small enough you can use a frag tank or refugium just to get them acclimated to the water and eating if possible but tangs like alot of room- saying that, I've had my PB and Unicorn for almost 5 yrs but have lost a pair of Triggers to flukes and I lost my Blonde Naso and a few wrasses for trying to add more flow under my rocks without considering the problems it would cause when they would try to find a place to rest at night- by the time I figured it out it was too late-live and learn-