7096 Availability?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14786891#post14786891 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
Wish i could get one by Friday to run all my 6305's :D

PFFFFFFFFFFT..........I am surprised you haven't designed your own TUNZE controller yet!:lol:
I'm getting one tomorrow (finger's crossed) :p

I've been waiting a long time for this, but not as long as some people. . . as I can see from this thread.

It will be part of . . . da Artsy Cube project. I plan to use it for wave action on dual pumps. Not sure if I can do this, or how it will work. Only time will tell. I like the flexibilty that this controller offers.

Roger, thanks for all your help with this project. I finally upgraded to the 6055s. Afterall, the tank was designed specifically with them in mind, as you can see from the day one pictures, using dual 6025s. I just need more control. The wife says it's a problem for me. :lol:
tank details here:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14846718#post14846718 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
Please let me know what you think, we are eager for feedback.

Will do... should have some preliminary impressions by Monday.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14847281#post14847281 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Konadog
Did it come with a manual?

Not in hardcopy, but apparently it's on the included CD - haven't had a chance to look yet, though.
First try w/ 7096: COM problem

First try w/ 7096: COM problem

Well, I'm having some trouble getting the 7096 to talk to my laptop. Following the instructions in the manual (which was, as advertised, on the CD that came in the box), I installed the multicontroller software. As expected from the manual, a command window cames up at the end of the software installation that said to plug the controller into my computer using the included USB cable, wait 15 seconds, and then hit any key. I did this, heard the "ba-bump" windows sound indicating successful driver installation, and hit a key. Then, per the manual, I double-clicked on the Tunze multicontroller icon on my desktop.

The manual says that an "AVRootloader" window should have come up briefly, but if it did, I missed it. The Multicontroller window opened and some kind of status message on the bottom was quickly replaced before I could read it. The replacement message said "The given portname does not start with COM/com or does not resolve to a valid serial port. Parameter name: portName". No hints given about what to do to fix the problem. It's clear the software doesn't see the controller- the buttons for transfering settings to/from the controller are greyed out. The manual says something about bluetooth possibly causing conflicts, so I disabled my bluetooth device and rebooted, then re-ran the Multicontroller software. Same result. Ughh.

I can try to trouble-shoot this offline with Roger, but thought I'd post here first in case any other new owners are having similar problems. If I can get it resolved, I (or maybe Roger) can post the solution here.

Incidentally, the laptop I've tried is an HP2133 Mini running Vista. I have other XP machines around that I may try, but I'd really like to have it working on the Vista machine because I don't typically move the XP machines around.

Jeff (vol_reefer)
Incidentally, for those who were interested in seeing the manual, in trying to troubleshoot my COM problem, I found that the 7096 install CD (including the manual in PDF format) is publically available. The link is http://www.tunze.com/download. Follow the links to grab the big (86Mb) zip file. Buried in the zip file is a file called x7096.8888.pdf that contains the English version of the manual.

Jeff (vol_reefer)
Hope this works out. Cross platform testing can be difficult. What operating system and version was the software tested on?
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I just got everything hooked up and working fine. I wished when using the wave controller you didn't loose 2 channels. It would be nice to run 3 channels sequential random mode with the wavebox. Is there any way you could also have the feed mode stop and pumps resume if the button is pressed a second time? Kind of like a pause mode, that way I could aim a pump or move a frag without having to wait the duration of the feed mode or have to manually turn off the power strip to reset it. I will have to wait for lights on tomorow to really see how the tank likes the new upgrade.
I was curious to here about opinions of the tune function where each pump was set to create a wave effect. That was a unique feature. I would like to know how it works. I'm getting one in summer when several 100 have been released.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14854946#post14854946 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by slow_leak
I was curious to here about opinions of the tune function where each pump was set to create a wave effect. That was a unique feature. I would like to know how it works. I'm getting one in summer when several 100 have been released.

You can select the pulse function and set the pulse flow timer to .30 or higher then place the pump at each end of the tank and connect the pump to each channel of the controller or you can use the wave mode on socket 3&4.... I currently set my 4 tunze 6305 on Pulse mode at 3 second interval. I really like the new controller even though it a bit confusing at first but when you figure it out, it is very simple....