7096 Availability?

Yes, you can program it and save the program and bring it to the tank. It comes with a 15ft USB cord and we have tried as much as 30ft but a signal repeater is required after 15ft. The only thing this won't work for is the wavebox tuning, as you really have to be at the tank to make this work.
Awesome, thanks Roger. I've been running my streams as glorified powerheads till now, without a controller. It's about time I unleash their full potential.:)
Any chance the manual could now be put on website or here?

I am interested in device after I read manual. I run two stream and two powerheads so it would be ideal. I hope it still uses the Din 5 or Midi cable.

Please let us know where manual is.
Any chance the manual could now be put on website or here?

I am interested in device after I read manual. I run two stream and two powerheads so it would be ideal. I hope it still uses the Din 5 or Midi cable.

Please let us know where manual is.
Because of past experiences with competitors using our manuals for R & D, we won't release the literature until the product is available. The cables are the same 5 pin DIN.
I have tried it with VMWare and it works great, don't get me started on Parallels. We use only Mac's and I have to use Windows to run UPS Worldship everyday, it uses a lot of memory, especially with our Filemaker program running in the background. Parallels crashed almost weekly, never updated properly and we had to reconfigure the USB peripheral settings daily. When you get to your wits end, try VMWare, it is faster, smaller and very trouble free. I could never see going back. I think it should work fine, but I can't stand Parallels and couldn't justify buying the upgrade from 3.0, to 4.0 so we switched and it was the best choice we could have made.
Thanks for the updates.

I'll ask the tough questions since the manual is not available. What would separate this unit from the features of the AquaSurf from Neptune Systems? Pricing is not part of the issues.
No fancy programing language and simple usb interface. As well as no need for the expensive of a separate head unit to control it.
I like the ac jr. and language is quite simple really. I guess I wasn't clear enough...

What can this unit do that the AquaSurf can not? I don't own either but have the original 7094 I think which is really two channel control.
It is a 4 channel controller, it can run a wavebox, it has moonlight, night mode, all the basic features of the 7095 and a weekly storm mode to clean the reef. It is very simple to program, a single screen that you just click some arrows on with the mouse. You then save the program to the computer and you can select any saved file to upload to the controller.

The pump would run off the safety connector, this in turn would power the 7096, the controller is powered by the pump itself.
They sent me 10 last week and 10 more left today. They are starting to ship but in very limited numbers. At the end of the month they will be more readily available.
No, I don't know. I know they made 50 in the last week of March and 50 more will be made this week and next and then that will bump up to a couple hundred. The first units they wanted to keep close to home in Europe in case of any problems, but I managed to get a few.
Hi Roger,

I'm numero uno on the list to get one of these puppies if 1 of them makes it to FAOIS (my LFS). I'm betting that I'm safe in assuming that if the guinny pig batch had any issues you (Tunze) would take care of us. With that said, and know how first run batches usually turn out I'm still looking forword to adding it to my tank. I'll just say I know better than to sell my 7094 right away.

Eagerly awaiting,
Everything should be fine, of course we will take care of any problems, but these have been carefully tested before they left, the only possible issue could be the software and we could email it in portions if necessary. The first versions will have software burned on a computer at the factory and not professionally produced. It won't look any different or run any different but there is some chance of an error.