White inside also helps with seeing whats going on in there. Painted my stand white and everything is super easy to see with even minimal lighting.
Personally I would not use latex paint as it can still allow water through. Use an enamel, hard finish, super shiny, water proof, long lasting, and spills will wipe right up. Latex has a tendency to rub off after a while.
Overall it's your tank and you do with it what you want. I'm just throwing out some ideas I've used and read on other build threads.
I used this and have seen it used in a few build threads.
They do make it in a spray can, but I found using a roller much faster and cleaner looking.
1qt was plenty for 3 coats on my 80G stand.
Ok at that price never mind
It's a personal preference but I would think of a way to cover up that overflow. Overflows that run from the bottom tend to stand out. Maybe you could make a rock wall out of it.
I'm more of a ghost overflow style fan myself. If my rocks weren't made I would be putting that in. For me I want the things that I put in the DT to take up as little space as possible.