<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15070988#post15070988 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SeaJayInSC

The profiles for a hookah diver at a given depth as compared to a diver on a tank of air at the same depth should be identical. The expansion/contraction of the breathing gas has nothing to do with it... It's all about the diver's body - and the ambient pressure. Whether the air comes from a tank or an umbilical doesn't matter.

The reason why you've probably been told that "hookah divers don't worry about their decompression obligation" is because they have an unlimited supply of air. They simply stay down until their decompression is finished. A scuba diver, on the other hand, better have planned to have enough breathing gas to be able to complete his deco - else he'll have to eventually make the choice between getting DCS (or "the bends") or drowning.

...Which is why, as a diver's dives get increasingly deeper, longer, and more complex, "gas management" - that is, making sure that you have enough gas to complete all obligations - becomes increasingly more important.
To be honest, I was basing this upon the fact that SA being non-compressed does not pose a risk of embolism to the lungs because it's non-pressurized... Forced yes, but non-expansive. By alleviating specific physical "traits", it would stand to reason from a physiological standpoint that the profiles would in fact have to be moderately different, even though the pressures are the same.

This theory comes solely from researching Hookahs and discovering the resort centers that offer SNUBA and are very matter of fact about zero training requirements. Brownie advertises a system good to 100' for 2 divers, or 60' for 3...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15070941#post15070941 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SeaJayInSC
One thing that I saw that you brought up - one of the places I saw your mind go to when you began thinking about this dive... Was the difference between what I am calculating as "bottom time" and what your dive tables say.

For example, I talked about an eight minute bottom time. You talked about a total dive time. Did you notice that? There's a big difference between the two. I'd like to explore that area some more with you to really get your brain cells warmed up. :)
Yes, I was very much aware that you wrote 8 minute bottom time, and I translated the entire dive to TBT, because that's what I was taught with the tables... The computer would obviously add more remaining time as the diver ascended because as the atmospheres decreased, so would the air consumption, but I really didn't feel like playing with the curves for this exercise and a friend once (okay, LOTS) told me that I'm not allowed to yield to the computer. ;)

I also didn't get into the issues pertaining to bounancy, weight and lift which will also play a large factor when cutting the air that close, but then for this exercise we could always simply make the assumption that the diver is manually inflating his BC with expelled air rather than hitting the button and using the clean stuff. :cool:

So not only am I too tired to properly figure the calculations tonight, but according to my C-Card I'm really not supposed to be smart enough to know any of this stuff yet! :D

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15071213#post15071213 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tgreene
To be honest, I was basing this upon the fact that SA being non-compressed does not pose a risk of embolism to the lungs because it's non-pressurized... Forced yes, but non-expansive. By alleviating specific physical "traits", it would stand to reason from a physiological standpoint that the profiles would in fact have to be moderately different, even though the pressures are the same.

This theory comes solely from researching Hookahs and discovering the resort centers that offer SNUBA and are very matter of fact about zero training requirements. Brownie advertises a system good to 100' for 2 divers, or 60' for 3...


That hookah rig is delivering air through your regulator at the same pressure as if you were breathing from a tank. If it wasn't, the air would never overcome the water pressure and allow any flow through your reg. Remember, the second stage delivers air at ambient pressure ;) If you filled a ballon at depth with air from that hookah rig and sent it up to the surface, it will break. So embolism is still a factor, along with nitrogen loading. Those resort SNUBA dives are done in a whopping 10 feet of water according to several non divers I've known that have done it, so no decompression worries.

While I obviously know that pressure is pressure is pressure, the "marketing" behind these systems and SNUBA diving is quite misleading then.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15072026#post15072026 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tgreene

While I obviously know that pressure is pressure is pressure, the "marketing" behind these systems and SNUBA diving is quite misleading then.


Yeah, well... :)

All of the marketing claims are simply that - marketing claims. In most cases, they're written by someone who's a marketing genius, not a scuba genius. :) In some cases, some of the marketing materials are simply wrong or entirely misleading... But you'd have to know the science of diving pretty well to know it.

Billsreef is totally dead-on about the SNUBA thing - the difference is that you're trading a tank for a long hose; that's it. Gear-wise, SNUBA replaces the first stage (which takes inlet pressure from 3000 psi to about 140 psi) and tank with a pump that simply delivers air down a long hose - theoretically at 140 psi.

Unfortunately, SNUBA systems actually have to pump at more than 140 psi because the idea is that the air pressure is 140 psi going into your second stage (the regulator in your mouth). If you're at depth, that means that the pump must deliver air at 140 psi PLUS your ambient pressure down there - an additional 14.7 psi per atmosphere, or 33 feet.

To do this, SNUBA units kinda "fudge" the numbers a bit, and the pump actually delivers air at about 160 psi at the surface. At 33 feet, they deliver air into the second stage at about 145.3 psi, at 66 they deliver air at about 130.6 psi, and at 99 feet, 115.9 psi. They then tune the second stage to be really forgiving of this flux in incoming pressure, better known as "intermediate pressure," or IP.

Those who dive on scuba and are used to a properly tuned regulator will tend to notice that the second stage seems a little sensitive at the surface and a little lethargic at depth. This is because of the change in the IP due to depth.

Taking this one step further, the pump never actually changes IP - it's always delivered at about 160 psi... But measuring the IP at the second stage in the diver's mouth, at 99 feet the second stage is only getting air that's 115.9 psi MORE than ambient pressure. Does that make sense? It's not 'cause IP has changed, but because the ambient pressure has changed. Still has the same effect on the second stage, though, as if IP had actually changed.

Interestingly, IP would be effectively zero right around 325 feet. At 400 feet, if you opened the valve inside of the second stage (by pressing the purge button), water would rush INTO the hose rather than air rushing out. :)

Interestingly, the same thing happens to a scuba tank... At the surface, it may read 3000 psi... But if you were to strap it to a submarine and take it to 6,700 feet and open the valve, water would rush INTO the tank, instead of air coming out.

Gives a new respect for the MIR submarines that are exploring the Titanic at 12,500 feet, hunh?

Anyway, the concept, I'm sure, is difficult to explain in marketing materials - and probably lost on the person who wrote the ad. :)
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Tim: Slight change in topic, but tied in with all of these discussions over the past couple of days:

You're a very experienced diver with more than 1000 dives to your name. You've been trained to do staged decompression diving, and on your next dive, you plan to do some mild decompression. You plan accordingly, take the right gas mixes, and the right number of tanks. During the dive, you manage your gas correctly.

You dive to 150'. At the end of your planned time there, you begin your ascent.

Your first stop is 1 minute at 80 feet.

Where is your "ceiling?"
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15075821#post15075821 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by yousmellsfishy
Awesome thread

Yeah, man... Sure is. :)

As I had to state once before, that's too far beyond my knowledge or understanding at this point.

Yeah, sorry, man... Just checking. :)

See, a lot of the things you've said and the concepts that you seem to understand pretty well are also beyond your training... Yet you seem to have a pretty good grasp on them already.

You must be one of them "natuals" I keep hearin' 'bout. :)

The "ceiling" is the point at which you can't go above, for risk of DCS.

In the example above, the ceiling is at 80'. One minute later, the ceiling lifts to the next decompression stop... Which in this case would be 40'.

Therefore, the ceiling is a moving entity, but you are always to stay below it.

Conversely, the "floor" is the point at which you begin ongassing... That is, taking minutes off of your NDL or INCREASING your decompression obligation.

This is a simple concept, I'm sure you'll agree... A very simple and practical way of explaining what goes on in your body physiologically with ongassing (your body taking on gasses that need to be expelled as you ascend) and offgassing (these gasses coming out of your body tissues). But it's a very powerful concept that will do you very well later in your training. If you think that way now, you'll be dramatically better off when you begin diving more aggressive profiles.

This is a concept, Tim, that I have worked for four pages of this thread to teach you.

A few posts back I asked you if you had noticed that your PADI tables counted ALL of your dive time as "bottom time," while I did my calculations on "bottom time only counts as bottom time."

This is a basic shortcoming of dive tables. Here's the reality of what's reallly going on in your body:

At less than 8 feet, there is enough of an increase in ambient pressure to measure ongassing. This means that in the beginning of your dive, the floor is close to zero feet.

As you dive deeper, you continue to ongas. The deeper you go and the longer you stay there, the more gas becomes dissolved in your body tissues. (You're below the floor, which is constantly moving downward to the depth where you are.)

As you ascend, there is a point at which you rise above the floor - depending on your depth and time spent there, there is a point at which you are no longer ongassing... But the opposite happens - you offgas... You decompress. Interestingly, the floor reverses it's direction of travel - and begins to rise to meet your new depth. The floor moving in this direction - upwards - represents your offgassing.

This happens on EVERY dive you make. Therefore, EVERY dive is a decompression dive. There is no such thing as a no-decompression dive.

However, if you stay down deep enough and long enough, there is a point where the offgassing is so violent that it causes injury - DCS. This point is called the "ceiling."

When coming up from a dive, you need to rise above the floor to begin offgassing, but if you rise above the ceiling, you're going to get hurt or die.

Thus... The times that are listed on your tables as NDLs aren't really "total dive time" times... They're times at which you have to be above the floor, offgassing... But not exceeding the ceiling.

Example: You finish your advanced open water certification and dive to 120 feet. There, whatever gas you're breathing dictates that you can spend 8 minutes there before having to come up. After 8 minutes, your floor may be at 60 feet... In other words, if you stay below 60 feet, you continue to ongas and have more decompression obligation. However, at 60 feet and above, you offgas - your floor. If you then hang out at 20 feet for 20 minutes, (let's say that you've got enough gas to do that), then that's actually good for your body, not bad. And while your tables and the idea of "120 feet, eight minutes" may now consider you dead or headed to a chamber, the reality is that you've done a very safe dive and had a great decompression, and are now loaded very little.

...What's considerably worse is telling a student that he's got 8 minutes at 120 feet, and expecting some of that 8 minutes to be used up in descent/ascent time. This will tend to make students rush to ascend and get out of the water in 8 minutes or less... A much less safe profile than taking your time to ascend and doing a long deco stop near the surface.

I don't know exactly what your tables tell you in terms of time at depth... 8 at 120 feet may not be correct... It all depends on the tables. I only used those numbers because that's what I used in one of the examples above.

...My point is that these published times are not from splash in to getting out... Yet that's how they're being taught, which is a dangerous practice because not only is it incorrect, but it significantly rushes the diver.

...What's a much more truthful teaching is that these times are times to get above the floor, which is constantly moving... Yet never exceed the ceiling, which is also contantly moving.

Dive with the philosophy of floor/ceiling instead of hard and fast tables, and you'll get a much better understanding of physiology and what's really happening in your body. You'll also stay longer, see more, be more relaxed on your dives, and ascend and descend the way that the science actually calls for.

Later in your traiing, you'll also have a very significant grasp on the properties of gasses in your body, and all of the new material will make a whole lot more sense to you.
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Of course, my friend! :)

It can be thought of that the floor is constantly chasing the diver up and down the water column... And the ceiling is a function of the floor... That is, it's chasing the floor, always getting closer to it, but never actually reaching it.

The distance between the floor and the ceiling is a function of time submerged and the individual diver's ability to ongas and offgas. Divers whose bodies are better equipped to ongas and offgas (fit, less body fat, no medical issues) have a further distance between the floor and ceiling - or may have their floor and ceiling move faster than those whose bodies ongas and offgas slower (less fit, less hydrated, more body fat, poorer circulation, less developed lungs, etc.)

Here's one more concept that I'll introduce you to... Then I'll drop this topic, as it can be mentally taxing to consider all of it at once: Decompression isn't a function of a change in depth over time, like everyone is expressing it... It's a function of the percentage of change in pressure over time. Think calculus instead of algebra... Which is why scientifically, we have such a difficult time expressing what's really going on there.

A simple example would be the 30 ft/minute rule in diving. Divers are taught that 30 ft/minute is a safe ascent rate, and not to exceed that. Instead, we need to think of it as a change in pressure... Effectively, the 30 ft/minute rule is a clean way of saying, "Don't reduce pressure on your body more than 1 ATA (atmosphere) per minute. What science really shows is that it's not really that clean - it's more like, "Don't reduce pressure by more than 25% (the number changes with diver fitness and tissue saturation level) per minute." If you're at 100 feet (4 ATAs), then you're fine to ascend to 66 feet (3 ATAs) in one minute. If you're at 66 feet, you're fine to ascend to 40 feet (2.25 ATAs) in one minute. If you're at 40 feet, then you're fine to ascend to 25 feet (1.68 ATAs) in one minute. If you're at 25 feet, you're fine to ascend to 9 feet (1.26 ATAs) in one minute. If you're at 9 feet, then you're fine to ascend to the surface (1 ATA) in one minute. Notice how the acent gets slower as you near the surface... 1 ATA. Again, it's not so much a question of how many feet can you rise per minute as it is a function of what percentage of feet you can rise... And I've seen the numbers change from 50% to 10%, depending on tissue saturation level and the diver's ability to expel the gasses from his body.

Interestingly, a diver at great depth (say, 400 feet) may have a safe ascent rate of 100 feet or more until he reaches shallower water.

The important thing to take from this is that a safe rate of ascent isn't a constant number of feet - it's a constant percentage of pressure... Which equates out to be a variable number of feet, based on ambient pressure.

Anyway, let's step away from the science books before we set something on fire. :)

New scenario: You're at 100 feet on a great dive. You breathe out and go to breathe in... Nothing. Your reg isn't delivering any gas.

What would you do?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15077267#post15077267 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SeaJayInSC
New scenario: You're at 100 feet on a great dive. You breathe out and go to breathe in... Nothing. Your reg isn't delivering any gas.

What would you do?
In order of relevance, falling to the next step if still no air.
A) Switch to my Octo and alert my buddy to the situation ASAP.
B) If 1st stage is toast, then get on my buddies Octo or my Pony when diving solo. ;)
C) Once I have a fresh supply of air, I want to check my computer to see what the water temp is, because it's possible my regulator has frozen. If this is the case, then we're going up a few feet to warmer waters in the hopes of a thaw... If the reg thaws and the air begins flowing as it should, we discuss continuing to abort the dive or continue on.
D) Obviously if there is still nothing then the dive is aborted!!!

Nicely done! :) See, that's not even a challenge for you, Tim...

Here's one that's a little tougher... Being a computer guy (and therefore probably having excellent troubleshooting skills), identify the problem and then provide a solution.

You're at 60 feet, and suddenly your reg doesn't work, identical to the scenario above. You switch to your octo (or simply press the purge valve, which is quicker)... Nothing. You alert your buddy, who immediately donates a working regulator. After catching your breath, you look at your guage and see that the needle is pegged at zero... Not really surprising, you guess, since you've been at that depth for more than half an hour and were working pretty hard against a stiff current.

Is there a problem? If so, what is it? What is the solution?
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Great thread. Ive spent the last 1.5 hours reading it.

I have some to throw out when you get done with this one.
Yes, there is a HUGE problem, many of them in fact!!!

1) At what point did the diver stop checking his own air levels as well as his buddies..?

2) At what point did his buddy stop checking both..?

3) At what point did they BOTH stop watching their bottom timers..?

{{ some team huh?? }}

The diver obviously wasn't cognizant of his air supply, nor was he watching his timer, and his buddy was just as ****~poor with his responsibilities, so it would be a safe bet that both of them are likely SOL.

Once on the buddies Octo, they obviously need to check to see if there is enough air for both of them to safely surface, and if not they should look to see if there are any other nearby divers that could safely assist them to the surface.

Obviously their day is over, and they owe not only a huge debt of gratitude to any assisting divers, but a case of beer and free air for the rest of the day would be in order!

If there are no other supporting divers within their immediate proximity, then they need to begin to ascend immediately with what air they have between them, and then go CESA when all else fails and alert surface support immediately.

Now, to backtrack a bit, if the gages had been rooutinely checked and then it showed a sudden zero, I would check the tank valve just in case a DM, Instructor or Buddy with a twisted sense of humor simply swam up undetected and turned off the air... If this was the case, then afterwards that person would owe ME the case of beer and a days worth of air!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15078232#post15078232 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tgreene
a twisted sense of humor simply swam up undetected and turned off the air...
That would have been my first guess. With the circles I ran in....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15078232#post15078232 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tgreene
Yes, there is a HUGE problem, many of them in fact!!!

1) At what point did the diver stop checking his own air levels as well as his buddies..?

2) At what point did his buddy stop checking both..?

3) At what point did they BOTH stop watching their bottom timers..?

{{ some team huh?? }}

The diver obviously wasn't cognizant of his air supply, nor was he watching his timer, and his buddy was just as ****~poor with his responsibilities, so it would be a safe bet that both of them are likely SOL.

Once on the buddies Octo, they obviously need to check to see if there is enough air for both of them to safely surface, and if not they should look to see if there are any other nearby divers that could safely assist them to the surface.

Obviously their day is over, and they owe not only a huge debt of gratitude to any assisting divers, but a case of beer and free air for the rest of the day would be in order!

If there are no other supporting divers within their immediate proximity, then they need to begin to ascend immediately with what air they have between them, and then go CESA when all else fails and alert surface support immediately.

Now, to backtrack a bit, if the gages had been rooutinely checked and then it showed a sudden zero, I would check the tank valve just in case a DM, Instructor or Buddy with a twisted sense of humor simply swam up undetected and turned off the air... If this was the case, then afterwards that person would owe ME the case of beer and a days worth of air!


Man, you're getting good. :)

Okay, so in reference to your last paragraph there... Let's say that you get topside and there's no gear problems. Your valve is open, your tank is empty. Nobody pulled a prank, and you did not suffer a gear issue.

All three of your answers up there, Tim, are symptoms - they are not the problem.

Helping to identify the problem, you could ask yourself, "What failed?"

With that, identify the problem. :)

SWINGRRRR ("Yeah, baebeee...") :) - Great to have you on board. :)
The PROBLEM is a pair of half-azzed divers that didn't pay attention to what they were doing, and they let the dive control them!

The divers failed... They failed themselves and each other, and quite miserably in fact.

The number 1 peice of equipment that any diver can posess is his/her brain, and when that's left on shore then bad things will happen quickly.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15078447#post15078447 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SeaJayInSC
Helping to identify the problem, you could ask yourself, "What failed?"
I would say the diver. He’s only to blame given all the other info. But it’s hard to Monday morning it. Was it lack of training? Distraction? Complacency?

I’ve had it happen to me. I was about 100' down on a wreck, with my team. I heard the beeping and thought to myself, "What a dumb... Someones already run out of air."

It was my computer that was beeping. Just got caught up in the dive.