New member
576 liter Elos, rimless. MÃ¥l 160*60*60 cm. Sump 200 liter
Pumps and circulation
Red Dragon 12000 liter
Tunze Wavebox
2x Tunze 6045
1x Tunze 6095
Aqua Medic 1200lt for reactors
Bubble king Double cone 200 skimmer
2x Nextreef reactors, one with NP pellets and one with Rowaphos and carbon.
Refugium with caulerpa taxifolia macroalgea
20 cm DSB in sump
Water values
Ca: 440 mg/l
Alk: 8,9 dKH
Sa: 1.025-1.026
Temp: 25C
pH: 8.1
Magnesium: ~1300
4x Ecotec Radion LED G1
Misc equipment
Tunze ATO
Bubble magus Balling
1x Yellow Tang - Zebrasoma flavescens
2x Ocellaris Clown Fish - Amphiprion Ocellaris
1x Flameback Angelfish
4x Chromis Viridis
1x Blue tang
1x Powder Blue tang
1x Achillies tang
1x Regal Angelfish
1x Korean Angelfish
1x Queen Angelfish
1x Salarias
1x Dottyback bicolor
2x Blue Mandarin, male and female
Acropora Gomezi
Acropora Strawberry sh.
Acropora Validas
Acropora Yongei
Acropora Stag sp
Acropora Millepora
Acropora Hyancitus
More Acropora sp
Seriatopora caliendrum
Stylophora Pink
Hammer Coral
Montipora Digitata
Montipora confusa
Misc flake montipora
Pocillopora Damicornis
Star polyps
Cleanup crew
6 x Turbo snails
4 stk Blue leg hermit
Black Sea cucumber
This tank is located in the cold north, Norway. The tank was started in december 2013 and I had this tread on a quiet Norwegian forum, then moved it here today. I wanted to share the experience with you, and gather advice and visdom from fellow reefers. I hope you enjoy the pictures and reading and advice is always welcome, we all learn as we go.
This is what the DT looks like in July 2014

Original tread
Just picked up a used 576 liter tank, and unloaded it at work, so i can use the tools i have there, to modify it to my needs. It will be a rimless open tank with hanging LED lightning, dominated by SPS corals. I'm a big fan of SPS tanks and have gathered loads of inspiration from the many breath taking projects here on RC.
My plans for this tank:
-No noise. I'm allergic to fan noise and humming sounds so I'll end up testing equipment and throwing it away because of the noise level.
-Hanging LED lights. I already have two Ecotec Radion G1. I think these are a bit noisy so I'll be looking for something quieter.
-Tunze wavebox. Used on my old tank. Very nice natural movement in the whole tank.
-Tunze powerheads. I like Tunze pumps very much - quiet and reliable. I've tested Vortec MP40 - never again, too much noise!
-Rimless. Love rimless tanks. Just look at "A reef in the sky" - gotta love it
-Sump in the basement.
-Looking for a Bubble king skimmer on the used market.
-Considered Zeovit, but I'm not ready for such a big commitment to manual dosing and checking. I need a tank that can handle it self for a few days.
Before moving the project into my living room, it will be assembled and tested in my job's workshop, where I can spil water, grind and adjust pipes and mess all I want. And if there are any leaks, it will end up on the epoxy painted concrete floor and not on my bamboo wooden floor at home.
Picture from my old RSM250:

Nice with proper lift tools.

The furniture needs a paint job:

Door after paintjob:

Took apart the original Elos drain system and remaking it:

Testing new glass piece before applying glue:

Parts used for the drain system (added some more parts later on):

Drain from underneat the tank:

576 liter Elos, rimless. MÃ¥l 160*60*60 cm. Sump 200 liter
Pumps and circulation
Red Dragon 12000 liter
Tunze Wavebox
2x Tunze 6045
1x Tunze 6095
Aqua Medic 1200lt for reactors
Bubble king Double cone 200 skimmer
2x Nextreef reactors, one with NP pellets and one with Rowaphos and carbon.
Refugium with caulerpa taxifolia macroalgea
20 cm DSB in sump
Water values
Ca: 440 mg/l
Alk: 8,9 dKH
Sa: 1.025-1.026
Temp: 25C
pH: 8.1
Magnesium: ~1300
4x Ecotec Radion LED G1
Misc equipment
Tunze ATO
Bubble magus Balling
1x Yellow Tang - Zebrasoma flavescens
2x Ocellaris Clown Fish - Amphiprion Ocellaris
1x Flameback Angelfish
4x Chromis Viridis
1x Blue tang
1x Powder Blue tang
1x Achillies tang
1x Regal Angelfish
1x Korean Angelfish
1x Queen Angelfish
1x Salarias
1x Dottyback bicolor
2x Blue Mandarin, male and female
Acropora Gomezi
Acropora Strawberry sh.
Acropora Validas
Acropora Yongei
Acropora Stag sp
Acropora Millepora
Acropora Hyancitus
More Acropora sp
Seriatopora caliendrum
Stylophora Pink
Hammer Coral
Montipora Digitata
Montipora confusa
Misc flake montipora
Pocillopora Damicornis
Star polyps
Cleanup crew
6 x Turbo snails
4 stk Blue leg hermit
Black Sea cucumber
This tank is located in the cold north, Norway. The tank was started in december 2013 and I had this tread on a quiet Norwegian forum, then moved it here today. I wanted to share the experience with you, and gather advice and visdom from fellow reefers. I hope you enjoy the pictures and reading and advice is always welcome, we all learn as we go.
This is what the DT looks like in July 2014

Original tread
Just picked up a used 576 liter tank, and unloaded it at work, so i can use the tools i have there, to modify it to my needs. It will be a rimless open tank with hanging LED lightning, dominated by SPS corals. I'm a big fan of SPS tanks and have gathered loads of inspiration from the many breath taking projects here on RC.
My plans for this tank:
-No noise. I'm allergic to fan noise and humming sounds so I'll end up testing equipment and throwing it away because of the noise level.
-Hanging LED lights. I already have two Ecotec Radion G1. I think these are a bit noisy so I'll be looking for something quieter.
-Tunze wavebox. Used on my old tank. Very nice natural movement in the whole tank.
-Tunze powerheads. I like Tunze pumps very much - quiet and reliable. I've tested Vortec MP40 - never again, too much noise!
-Rimless. Love rimless tanks. Just look at "A reef in the sky" - gotta love it
-Sump in the basement.
-Looking for a Bubble king skimmer on the used market.
-Considered Zeovit, but I'm not ready for such a big commitment to manual dosing and checking. I need a tank that can handle it self for a few days.
Before moving the project into my living room, it will be assembled and tested in my job's workshop, where I can spil water, grind and adjust pipes and mess all I want. And if there are any leaks, it will end up on the epoxy painted concrete floor and not on my bamboo wooden floor at home.
Picture from my old RSM250:

Nice with proper lift tools.

The furniture needs a paint job:

Door after paintjob:

Took apart the original Elos drain system and remaking it:

Testing new glass piece before applying glue:

Parts used for the drain system (added some more parts later on):

Drain from underneat the tank: