A reef in the cold north

Beautiful tank!
My only question, not meant to be a criticism, is with your 4 tangs in a 140 gallon tank
Some of those tangs will grow to a foot long if you feed them regularily...
How you gonna deal with that?

I think there will be enough room for all fishes. Its nice and open. Room to swim both in front of the rockscape and behind it. Nice powerhead streams to exercise in. And The tank is 62" wide x 23" deep. But if needed, I'll take out some fish to give more space, when the time comes.

How difficult was it to drill the bottom? I'm sure it was scary. :-)

I have the 160XL and I'm drilling it for the ghost overflow. Back wall is much easier to drill.

I didnt actually drill the tank. I placed a small triangle glass piece in the original corner chamber, and drilled 3 holes in the triangle. Check out the images in the beginning of the tread. I bet it would be tricky to drill the double glass bottom of an Elos tank.


Really appreciate the feedback, thanks guys!

The clowns are still watching their eggs. But I wont bother to try breeding this time. I'm still tired of breeding fresh water discus babies, from the time before i started with salt water. My wife is nagging me to raise the eggs thou. :)
Small picture update.
Tomorrow I'm off to Las Vegas and thereafter New York for a business trip. Hope the tank will manage without me for a few weeks.

What type of steel Polish did you use? And what did you use to clean it off?

I used this stuff: http://www.lea.co.uk/products/polishing-and-buffing-compounds/solid-compounds.php It used to polish steel and aluminium to a chrome finish.

Great tank and I love your tang selection. PBT and Achilles. How's that working out now?
Thanks! Powder and Achilies made peace and they were good for about 3 weeks. I was so excited to have both powder blue and an achillies together. Two stunning fishes, which i both love. But one morning i found the achilies dried up inside my cabinet. Bummer!

Thats just amazing! Love the 2 islands rock scape a lot! Very nice :)
Thank you! I love them too. but they are slowly growing into eachother atm. Trimming the montipora confusa regulary to stop him from invading everything.

Quick update.
Tank is in great shape and everything grows like weed. I started running AIO pellets and they are really great! I've always been struggeling with high no3 (above 10) and have never managed to get below 10 ppm. I do big water changes, but it bounces right back up. I've been running regular pellets for a long while. I swapped my regular pellets for AIO pellets and after getting the flow right, the pellets really kicked in.

14 october 10 ppm
23 october 5 ppm
12 november 2,5 ppm
26 november 1 -2,5 ppm

And it is still dropping. I havent measured for a while but i guess I'll see zero for the first time in a long while. However some people expect this product to do wonders for Po4 aswell, well perhaps it could decrease some po4, but nothing dramatic. I will keep on running gfo to keep low po4 levels.
Result after weeks with AIO
Best coloration ever and very noticable even on pictures. I will do some more pictures later on so you can see for your selves. however I've managed to keep ultra stable ca/kh/mg levels in addition, so i cannot give AIO all the credit.
Sorry for the late update. Here is a few pictures to lighten up this beautiful saturday. Have a nice weekend!

I do big water changes, but it bounces right back up. I've been running regular pellets for a long while. I swapped my regular pellets for AIO pellets and after getting the flow right, the pellets really kicked in.

14 october 10 ppm
23 october 5 ppm
12 november 2,5 ppm
26 november 1 -2,5 ppm

How much AIO do you added to the reactor and what is the flow trought the reactor ?

I have the same problem here...10 ppm of No3...I´m using brightwell biopellets but I think is not working well

Awesome reef !!!! Congrats !!!