
Yeah it's nice to get some help with the scape. My friend is always the brain in my scapes :lolspin:
I came back from a two week holiday in the US on tuesday. Got back to a tank full of algae. Yesterday I bought more turbo snails and a tiny yellow tang to help clean out some of the algae. I had a great time in the US and I was so lucky that I got the opportunity to meet a fellow Acroholic in Los Angeles. I also got some new frags. Thanks again Nick, really nice to meet you and your amazing tank!
Here are my new mates (pictures taken the day after 24 hour transit, sorry for the poor quality. First shots after I got the new lamp so colours are a bit off).
I really hope these survive. Looking really good so far. 17 frags in total (had to mount 4 to the reef since they broke of the plug in transit).
Acropora Valida (called Grape Vine)
ASD Rainbow Millepora
Acropora Turaki (Hawkins Echinata)
Pink Lemonade, a sort of A. Microclados I guess
Acropora Tortuosa (Mother of Pearl), not looking to good, started loosing tissue the morning after I came back.
Acropora Awi (Red Dragon)
Acropora Tortuosa (Cali Tort)