A Reef in the Sky

Your tank is super super nice...what is that led lighting fixture that you are mounting over your tank? I like that led light.
Wow Andrew!
Taking true to life colour photos of SPS under LEDs is not an easy task you have mastered one more skill....sweeeeet!!
Thanks Noob. The white balance is different and was hard to correct.

Are you getting enough coverage from the light at the back of the tank? Those whites look really yellow too in the reflection shot are they that yellow to the eye
The lights need to be raised and will be. I am getting a custom stand built to allow me to mount them slightly high to confirm the light spread then I will mount them from the ceiling.
Yes they look yellow in the reflection but I don't notice too much yellow when viewing the tank.

an amazing and spectacular aquarium,very very nice
Thank you Jared

nice pics as always andrew
Thanks Ryan!! Your tank is looking spectacular!

Looking good Andrew.

Got a few questions:

1. Have you measured PAR front to back? - I ask because with the fixture set low, I'd estimate that PAR around the centre below the light must be quite a bit higher?

2. When viewed in person, how does the red corals look? - Is the red colours as strong as before?

Many thanks.
Hi Sahin, sure no problems.
1. No I haven't yet but am keen to. I don't have the equipment to do so. Any recommendations? I looked a while ago but haven't since.

2. The red colours are not as strong as when I had the ATI at this stage but I am still playing around the light intensity. I also believe that once the light unit is raised, more of the UV and Blue Violet colour will be spread out which should make a difference. It will be interesting to see if there are any changes.

Really like the new LED unit, will be interesting to see if things change at all. Keep up the good work.
Thanks James... Yes I like too. Things are looking good so far

Thank you Crazy!

hi andrew, your tank is Amazing +1 and speechless, i really want to know what brand of LED you'r using ? it's DIY or you order from the manufaturer because it's really fit size ofyour tank

Hi Anton, I have PM'd you the email address of the person to contact. You can also visit this Japanese website to read more. Click on the KR93SP model

Google translate does a good job in translating the text. Simply copy the Japanese website address into this page
Google translate page

Hope that helps

Stunning tank, the color and aqauscape is perfect!
Thank you very much

wow nice step very well planed out
Thank you very much

Your tank is super super nice...what is that led lighting fixture that you are mounting over your tank? I like that led light.
Thank you. It is the Eco Lamps KR93SP model. See the links above for more details
New Goodies

New Rock
The rock that I removed from the right side of the tank was infested with various weeds. I've been interested in artificial rocks for some time, especially after seeing the success of Denadai's tank so I thought I'd give it a try.


Because of the grooves and holes many of the corals fitted in nicely without the need of glue.

Planning to frag some corals so I purchased these. The come in various sizes and I like how stable they look.

Potassium Test Kit
This test kit is new on the market. I am a big fan of Sailfert test kits except a couple and it was pleasing to see them release this one. I have tried the Red Sea potassium test Kit and also the KZ test kit. By far, this Salifert test kit is easier and faster to use. :thumbsup:


The first impressions: I loved the simple instructions that finally included pictures!!! This is a big bonus and should help all people achieve more accurate results!!

An expanded section showing the pictures. I particularly like the pictures of how the syringes should look when filled.

The testing process was very fast and straight forward. I found it easy to see the colour change from white to baby blue.
It is best to do it near a window and away from you tanks lights (as with all testing)
hello V1...rotate,

As I am sure that has been said to you many times before on this thread your tank is amazing. I havent really gotten through this whole thread yet but i'd say im about half way through reading it.

But I had some questions related to your profession, I read some where in this thread that you are an first officer flying Triple 7's, stationed over in HKG. Funny as it sounds as i began to go through this thread, and noticing your preparation through designs and really just the way you organized everything, from the planning to the practical uses of your equipment and labeling and organization. I thought to myself it seamed eerily familiar.
Its because I am studying to become an AMT and am not that far off from getting my licenses, but I recognize in you what I see in some of my instructors here at my school in Miami.

Don't really know how to put it into words but its reeks of aviation. That's a good thing, at least IMO.

Just was curious as to the airliner you fly for and what model 777 you fly? And what do you mean by V1? is that the front fan or one of the compressors? if you don't mind divulging that info. I only ask because this is my favorite engine
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/guZKxNIIsuI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Not because its the best because as you know its not the most fuel efficient, but just because of the amount of thrust it produces.

Thanks in advance

Ricky in Miami
so what was your K+ measuring at ? are you dosing it through the week ?

cant wait to get it here in Canada.

I bought the Salifert K test after seeing Andrews post. I should have it by the weekend, so I will post a short review too.
And what do you mean by V1?i

V1 is the decision speed for a pilot during take-off. ;)

Andrew, your tank looks fabulous. I didn't think it'd come through when you made the switch over to the LEDs, but the rendition is surprisingly vivid. How're you finding the corals are responding now as they progressively adapt to the new conditions?
Hey Andrew, I see you made the switch. Looking great. Best of luck with the LEDs.