a simple sps tank

I was so tempted to add sand a couple of months back...but the algae cycles that come with it deterred me. You are brave. :fun2:

I like the new rockwork. A large Elegance coral would love amazing on that sandbed. You have so much negative space. Very nice effect! :D
lol...brave or stupid,sahin!
To my eyes,minimalistic doesn't look good combined with BB.
At least in my tank.So i bit the bullet and put the CC.
I really like your suggestion about the elegance,will tink about it!Thanks!

I am loving the new scape! Minimalist all the way. Very nice!
Thank you very much fail_shed!
I'm glad you like it!:beer:
Minimalistic has some advantages that i wasn't able to enjoy before!

Unfortunatelly after 16 months,my achilles died!:(:(
I left some scape foam exposed on the rocks,which he was eating,while he picked on the algea.
He had grown very much and his bites had became really strong,so despite that the foam was rock hard he could chop it while eating algea.:headwally:
He then started eating less and less,his poop became green dust and somedays ago he passed away.
Just before his last breath

Απο 1684 by mad23_, on Flickr
And two last in his memory
A few days after his arrival

IMAG0515 by mad23_, on Flickr
16 months later and a few days before he rests

Απο 1659 by mad23_, on Flickr

I couldn't find an achilles any time soon,so at the moment and because of the pellets i put a sohal and a mystery wrasse.
I really like the mystery....a real beauty but with a relatively ugly face...lol
A friend of mine brought the sohal,as a present but i think i will change him with a leucosternon.
At least until(if) my next achilles arrive.
Gradually i cover the foam with epoxy:headwally:
Thank you very much fail_shed!
I'm glad you like it!:beer:
Minimalistic has some advantages that i wasn't able to enjoy before!

Unfortunatelly after 16 months,my achilles died!:(:(
I left some scape foam exposed on the rocks,which he was eating,while he picked on the algea.
He had grown very much and his bites had became really strong,so despite that the foam was rock hard he could chop it while eating algea.:headwally:
He then started eating less and less,his poop became green dust and somedays ago he passed away.
Just before his last breath

Απο 1684 by mad23_, on Flickr
And two last in his memory
A few days after his arrival

IMAG0515 by mad23_, on Flickr
16 months later and a few days before he rests

Απο 1659 by mad23_, on Flickr

I couldn't find an achilles any time soon,so at the moment and because of the pellets i put a sohal and a mystery wrasse.
I really like the mystery....a real beauty but with a relatively ugly face...lol
A friend of mine brought the sohal,as a present but i think i will change him with a leucosternon.
At least until(if) my next achilles arrive.
Gradually i cover the foam with epoxy:headwally:

Dude, I'm sorry for the loss... That sucks. It's one of those unintentional losses. I almost lost my wrasse to the MP10 recently. I was depressed for days.

I love mystery wrasses. I think the same thing about them. Face only a mother (or father) could love.
Ohhh. That is very sad news your lovely Achilles died. :( Your tank will be a lonely place without him. :(
Dude, I'm sorry for the loss... That sucks. It's one of those unintentional losses. I almost lost my wrasse to the MP10 recently. I was depressed for days.

I love mystery wrasses. I think the same thing about them. Face only a mother (or father) could love.
Thanks fail_shed!
It sucks and it sucks really bad!
I had him for 16 months and every day i was watching him as if he was 16 sec in the tank.
My biggest aquatic love ever!So sad to lose him over something so stupid!:(

I'll post later on some mystery pics

Ohhh. That is very sad news your lovely Achilles died. :( Your tank will be a lonely place without him. :(
Thanks sahin!
I may be exaggerating but the first few days i felt like i lost a human or a pet(which he was very close to).
Really lonely place...:(
I hope i'll find another to fill the gap,he left.
The sohal is a very nice fish but with achilles goes the saying "once you go black you never go back".
Despite not having interesting colors and patterns,will always be my favorite fish.

thank for the support guys...
Pity about the achilles.... beautiful fish :(

I like your current scape, and I too tried to go bare bottom on my tanks...just couldn't stick with it.... Addicted to sand :lol:
Sorry about your pet
It's corny too some people they "say its just a fish or coral"
But too us with this passion for reefs
It is part of us that's lost too
I hope you will make another finned friend seasons greetings!
Really like the new aqua scape
And a new skimmer ! Looking good!

Sorry about your pet
It's corny too some people they "say its just a fish or coral"
But too us with this passion for reefs
It is part of us that's lost too
I hope you will make another finned friend seasons greetings!

Thank you very much diciple:beer:
I'm glad you like the new scape!As the days go by i also like it even more!
The truth be told,i was very sceptic about buying the skimmer but at the moment i couldn't be happier.
Works like a champ!

In my head,it's never corny to say that you have deep in your heart "just" a fish...
Thank you so much for the support friend!
In the next few days(if everything goes as planned) i'll take out the sohal and
bring another achilles.

Now most of the scape foam is covered with epoxy.
A few more small spots and done.
Pity about the achilles.... beautiful fish :(

I like your current scape, and I too tried to go bare bottom on my tanks...just couldn't stick with it.... Addicted to sand :lol:

Thank you so much for the support bello...real pitty...he was and will be my favorite fish ever.

100% with you,as far as the sand.
Love the easy life that comes with the BB,but sand adds something special...even if it's crushed coral...lol!

Really glad you like the new scape,thank you so much:beer:
A few pics of the sohal.
When he came,was in bad shape with scratches and spots on both sides

Απο 1707 by mad23_, on Flickr

And after a few days.It's amazing how fast they can heal,given the wright conditions.

Απο 1738 by mad23_, on Flickr

Having some guilts for getting him out soon(because of the new achilles) but unfortunatelly i can't have them both:(

And the mystery.Really glad i bought this guy.Thank god a good friend of mine insisted on him:)
A reeeeeeeally ugly dude(mystery) but at the same time sooo colorfull and weird!

Απο 1736 by mad23_, on Flickr

Απο 1798 by mad23_, on Flickr
Wow, that is VERy fast recovery.

That Mystery Wrasse looks suspicious to me...its those eyes...makes me think he is up to no good... :lol:
A few pics of the sohal.
When he came,was in bad shape with scratches and spots on both sides

Απο 1707 by mad23_, on Flickr

And after a few days.It's amazing how fast they can heal,given the wright conditions.

Απο 1738 by mad23_, on Flickr

Having some guilts for getting him out soon(because of the new achilles) but unfortunatelly i can't have them both:(

And the mystery.Really glad i bought this guy.Thank god a good friend of mine insisted on him:)
A reeeeeeeally ugly dude(mystery) but at the same time sooo colorfull and weird!

Απο 1736 by mad23_, on Flickr

Απο 1798 by mad23_, on Flickr

Great recovery on the tang.

And awesome mystery!

Don't feel guilt buddy. I'm sure the Achilles would want it that way!
I love that last pic of the Mystery. Kind of like a puppy looking at you! Nice tank
Thank you so much andy,glad you like it:beer:
lol...nice way to make the mystery look beautiful!lol

Wow, that is VERy fast recovery.

That Mystery Wrasse looks suspicious to me...its those eyes...makes me think he is up to no good... :lol:
Some weeks ago i was reading a study on how fst fishes recover their skin problems(tissue loss etc) and after that i saw that healing from the sohal.
Iwas impressed!

Lol sahin...i will have a close eye on him!:)

Great recovery on the tang.

And awesome mystery!

Don't feel guilt buddy. I'm sure the Achilles would want it that way!
Thank you so much fail_shed!:beer:
Some monti pics.
It's not the most beautiful coral but i thought i'd share the photos:)

When it first came in the tank.Glued it on a magnet plug
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/98426815@N07/10103997724/" title="IMAG0773 by mad23_, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3721/10103997724_4e2ba654d3_z.jpg" width="640" height="361" alt="IMAG0773"></a>
Top down after some months
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/98426815@N07/10104989295/" title="Απο 333 by mad23_, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2821/10104989295_c8329491f8_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Απο 333"></a>
After rescape
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/98426815@N07/11423165196/" title="Απο 913 by mad23_, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2851/11423165196_49a7b65981_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Απο 913"></a>
A bit later
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/98426815@N07/11423293943/" title="Απο 1560 by mad23_, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5526/11423293943_f15d6251cc_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Απο 1560"></a>

But now it started growing and shading other corals so i moved it down.While moving it
a big part of it broke on the left
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/98426815@N07/11423039054/" title="Απο 1721 by mad23_, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7354/11423039054_f78b8efece_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Απο 1721"></a>
And a bad close up
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/98426815@N07/11451613156/" title="Απο 1786 by mad23_, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3796/11451613156_46a50a602d_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Απο 1786"></a>
Still waiting for things to settle and get some colors but growth is ok
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/98426815@N07/11423316493/" title="Απο 877 by mad23_, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7372/11423316493_34ecd039a4_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Απο 877"></a>
And after a few months(growth is a bit up from the black lines)
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/98426815@N07/11423540926/" title="Απο 1779 by mad23_, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7352/11423540926_86d0297fc4_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Απο 1779"></a>

And a random:)
It's one of the only few corals that colors up slowly
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/98426815@N07/11241566024/" title="Απο 1630 by mad23_, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3812/11241566024_c3c2a89b1d_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="Απο 1630"></a>

Sorry for the bad pics guys and thanks foe watching!:)
Just read through your thread and so sorry to hear about your Achilles. Our fish are like children and we take it very hard when we lose one of them too. Glad to see the Sohal is doing well for you.

Nice improvement on your aquascape and you have some gorgeous SPS pieces in there. Looking forward to seeing those corals grow as your reef matures. :D
And the mystery.Really glad i bought this guy.Thank god a good friend of mine insisted on him:)
A reeeeeeeally ugly dude(mystery) but at the same time sooo colorfull and weird!

My sentiments exactly!!! I had a chance to buy one, didn't.... and now.....just waiting for one to be available :(

That's some good growth on the corals :thumbsup:

How about a FTS?
Just read through your thread and so sorry to hear about your Achilles. Our fish are like children and we take it very hard when we lose one of them too. Glad to see the Sohal is doing well for you.

Nice improvement on your aquascape and you have some gorgeous SPS pieces in there. Looking forward to seeing those corals grow as your reef matures. :D
Thanks for the support and understanding with achilles,mike & terry!
The st&%d way i lost him was what bumped me the most.
Ah...that's in the past now.

Really happy you like the new scape.It means a lot!:beer:
I also can't wait for it to mature.
Thanks for you kind words.

Also,congrats on TOMT guys!:celeb3:
Well deserved and thanks for the inspiration!

My sentiments exactly!!! I had a chance to buy one, didn't.... and now.....just waiting for one to be available :(

That's some good growth on the corals :thumbsup:

How about a FTS?
Really hope you get one soon bello:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Been there...in those regret -not to buy something- moments that i really feel you.
Happened to me lately with a coral:)

I hope they continue growing like this:rollface:

Promise i will post lots of pics soon.
In the next days i have my WC and always is my favorite chance to take my poor quality pics:thumbdown
Thanks again for you kind words.