A Splash of Color

Hi biggles I have been following your informative ramblings for a long time and always look forward to reading what you have written.
In post 207 you say you run two 400 watt halides and 11 T5's is that correct? And if so how many watts per square foot does that equate to?
I've been struggling to get good growth and I am sure I do not have enough light.
Your corals and husbandry are an inspiration!!
Many thanks justin
Andrew, colonies of that size and color go for 125-300 dollars where I live. You are very lucky to get access to such beauties:).
Andrew..... Everyone can have a nice Acro tank with those colonies. The ART is to get to those colonies starting from a 1" frag........

MAMA MIA..... I am so jealous that the evil part of me comes out ......


Daniel :debi:
Andrew..... Everyone can have a nice Acro tank with those colonies. The ART is to get to those colonies starting from a 1" frag........

MAMA MIA..... I am so jealous that the evil part of me comes out ......


Daniel :debi:
Jealousy is an ugly emotion Daniel... But I'm pretty jealous too:blown:
I can't believe they would design a doser that sticks on. I may have to dump all my jaebo pumps on principle ... except I don't have any principles...

Love the pics Andrew, good thing I don't live down under because I'd be plotting ... something ...

It seems the problem is with the new DP dosers from BM? My friends and I have owned the BM-01 since they've come out and never once had a problem with them. I've probably replaced 2 pumps in over the 4 years of ownership.
I can't believe they would design a doser that sticks on. I may have to dump all my jaebo pumps on principle ... except I don't have any principles...

Love the pics Andrew, good thing I don't live down under because I'd be plotting ... something ...

I've seen acro fever and the effects it has on so called 'mates'........... you guys would be like rabid squid if i let you near my LFS :hammer:

Sweet nightmare :jester:

The nightmare is going to be detailed tomorrow, the acros are taking a big hit over my stupendous goof a few days ago.......

Hi biggles I have been following your informative ramblings for a long time and always look forward to reading what you have written.
In post 207 you say you run two 400 watt halides and 11 T5's is that correct? And if so how many watts per square foot does that equate to?
I've been struggling to get good growth and I am sure I do not have enough light.
Your corals and husbandry are an inspiration!!
Many thanks justin

Hey Justin, the display is 60x32x18" so about 13.3 sq ft of footprint. I have 5 x 39W and 6 x 24W T5's running all day and the 2 x 400W Radiums burning for 7 hours. 1139W divided by 13.3 = 85W per sq ft - i think that's what you were after but let me know if not. :)

Andrew, colonies of that size and color go for 125-300 dollars where I live. You are very lucky to get access to such beauties:).

I am lucky Matt, getting hold of the acros so soon after collection that are held in premium conditions at my LFS. Not many shops run calcium reactors on their SPS sale tank, all the acros that have been in Dave's system heal over their cuts within a couple of weeks - btw, if you see a colored pigment to the healing edges there's a very strong chance that the tips will be that color once the acro commences growing again so look at little signs such as this when trying to decide if a poopy wild acro is worth taking a risk on.

Andrew..... Everyone can have a nice Acro tank with those colonies. The ART is to get to those colonies starting from a 1" frag........

When my older brother (Boxboy) would tease or annoy me as a child my mom would say to him 'you'll play with the cat until it scratches' and my brother was severely scratched on many occasions. You're playing with the cat Daniel............:twitch:

Jealousy is an ugly emotion Daniel... But I'm pretty jealous too:blown:

Jealousy and acros go hand in hand Matt, you're not a real acro keeper unless you want what your mates have lol :p

It seems the problem is with the new DP dosers from BM? My friends and I have owned the BM-01 since they've come out and never once had a problem with them. I've probably replaced 2 pumps in over the 4 years of ownership.

I set that that jebao doser up exactly as i imagined the instructions would have instructed me had i read them. It's a long shot but i guess i may have missed a step in the assembly............ ;)
Those colonies are stunning... $55 is rediculous.
That would (makes sense, I guess) be the cost to an importer before shipping and handling over here..
A wholesaler would then mark them up accordingly and resell them to retail.....
By the time the average schmuck off the street would see them, they would be chopped up into 1 inch frags and guess what the frags would sell for??
You guessed it.. $55
Thanks exactly what I was after. After adding two more T5's I'm at 46 watts per square foot.
I know it's not the most scientific thing but at least it gives me an idea. Would be interesting to see what more of the successful reef keepers aim for with regards to watts per square foot of tank surface area.
I know there are a huge amount of variables when it comes to lighting but there are very few general rules, to keeping high end sps tanks.
Would be nice to establish a minimum range.
Big thanks again for the info.
Those colonies are stunning... $55 is rediculous.
That would (makes sense, I guess) be the cost to an importer before shipping and handling over here..
A wholesaler would then mark them up accordingly and resell them to retail.....
By the time the average schmuck off the street would see them, they would be chopped up into 1 inch frags and guess what the frags would sell for??
You guessed it.. $55

That sucks Matt but i'm not at all surprised, paying for true long held aquaculture stock that colors nicely under artificial conditions is one thing but chop shops are simply ripping people off.

Thanks exactly what I was after. After adding two more T5's I'm at 46 watts per square foot.
I know it's not the most scientific thing but at least it gives me an idea. Would be interesting to see what more of the successful reef keepers aim for with regards to watts per square foot of tank surface area.
I know there are a huge amount of variables when it comes to lighting but there are very few general rules, to keeping high end sps tanks.
Would be nice to establish a minimum range.
Big thanks again for the info.

No probs Justin, either you don't have enough or i have too much looking at the vastly different numbers we have. :crazy1:

I removed four pieces today that had RTN'd completely. About 50% of the acros have mild to severe STN and everything has no or almost no PE after four days since i part crashed the reef. Colors - the acros look really, really bad...........

The reason i bought that acro was to reassure myself that the water is ok. Since it has good PE all today and hasn't shown any signs of distress or sudden color loss in two days despite all the other acros looking deathly sick or dying, i'm confident that what i'm looking at is not due to something i've missed that would still be causing the acros such distress. It's very hard to just watch the fallout from an epic goof without constantly second guessing yourself and thinking something else is wrong.

This guy had RTN'd when i turned the lights on this morning, i expected it along with the other echi piece that did the same.


I have no idea why but the very worst affected acro's have been the SSC. Every piece STN'd on the underneath of the branches and the bases. As i said, the colors of the acros are just awful lol.



I need to go out for a bit but when i get back i'll share the horror story that began wed afternoon and continues this Sunday afternoon. You won't believe what i did............ :facepalm:
Oh crap! We all have stories of our blunders:headwally:

The hobby would be boring without blunders Matt lol..........:hmm5:

Rather than just explain, i will sort of let you inside the inner workings of my mind and how it reacted to what took place......... this is for those of you that haven't yet experienced the sickening experience of watching all hell break loose in your SPS display, i hope you never do but this will give you a little taste of 'what's killing all my acros' :uhoh3:

Wednesday afternoon about an hour before lights off i decided to do a 10L water change. I can remove about 14L from the sump without running dry and there's no need to turn pumps off and blah blah blah - point is i had decided this was a much easier than changing out 100L every two weeks.
Removed 5 x 2L jugs of water from the sump and replaced it with 10L red sea blue i'd mixed a week earlier. I put the stuff away and had a look at the display and noticed everything had withdrawn polyps. Because i intentionally pour the water in fast to stir up any crap in the sump i frequently see the acros close up for 5-10 mins when the new water goes in so i thought nothing of it and decided the acros could go to bed early since they were sulking.

Thursday morning i walk out of the bedroom to a strong stench of acro slime and immediately turned the actinics on. The skimmer was squirting foam out the lid holes and had dumped three days skimmate back into the system. The overflow was covered in foam - if you see what looks just like detergent bubbles in the overflow it's your acros sliming even if you can't actually see them doing it. I saw all the acros had what i call negative PE - when the polyps withraw so deeply all you see is empty pockets on many areas of the acro.
I know the skimmate doesn't worry the acros like this, i've had overuns a few times dumping a lot more in than this when the venturi has blocked. Think, think, think....... what's wrong......:spin2:

I've used half the bucket of salt already without issue - not the water change. Something has died, or gotten into the water somehow and i need to sort it fast looking at what's happening. Turned the skimmer off. Went to the alk kit and tested. Instead of 7.0 it's 8.2, since half the 190ml of bicarb dose went in after dark i know the rise is due to the lack of consumption. The acros have been upset most of the night with that alk rise i think. No alk drip today to let that level drop back. Check calcium and it's 420, was 410 a few days ago so that also makes sense.

What is it, what is it, what is it.............

Making a coffee, this is a saga so put the popcorn maker on now because the thriller soon takes a plot turn and becomes a horror story........
And we are back.........

I need to get the skimmer working to remove as much of that slime as possible so i lift it from 8" to 4" depth and open the water height screw wide open. Still foaming over too much so i turn the air back by half - skimmer working wet that'll do for now. About 1L of RO would have gone it when the cup filled so that's nothing. I'm getting a torch..........
I checked every nook and cranny of the sump, display and overflow for something out of place to explain the water irritating the acros so badly - nothing. I did see about 30 snails in a pile upside down on the sump bottom and when i checked the display i saw most of them were lying on the sand upside down.......... i was right there's a poison in the water killing my acros, it has to be the water is contaminated.

I'm not going to work, screw that for a joke.

'Hey Pat it's Andrew, i'm not coming to work today my reef is crashing and i can't leave it'
'Your what is whatting ?'
'I'll explain tomorrow'

Hung up on him before he could ask any more stupid questions, the acros need me.

I have four 25L drums always mixed with salt water so a water change is the only thing i can think to do. Before that i swap the carbon with a cup of fresh stuff and drop the bag between the baffles so it gets plenty of flow. Double check both the heaters again - temp is right and both look fine.
I had 3 full drums and the one i had been taking water from already. There was 8L of water in the drum so i removed 8 from the sump and poured the bucket straight in to replace it. The temp in the room was about 21C so i didn't bother heating such a small amount as the temp swing would be stuff all. Went and put the heater into a drum with the 6025 mixing pump. Go back to the display and it's now the Amityville horror story.
The skimmer is overfoaming crazy again even how i had it set up, turn it off. Many of the acros have filaments out up to 3/4" long and i can actually see white slime shedding off many. Holy @%#$ the drum of salt water is contaminated and i just dumped the rest in !!!!!! :deadhorse1:

What to do, what to do, it must me the water from the drum.....what is it and what if it's in the other drums.....$%%$ !!!!!!!!!!

I can't test for a contaminant, i need to dump the water, wash the drums with bleach and make new water - i don't have that time, pick up the drum and smell inside - nothing weird so might as well taste it.........look in the cupboard where i keep the four empty containers i store the measured salt in for mixing to 1.0260 and the one i hadn't yet added to the drum i'd been using was sitting with the three empty ones..........

I went outside and slowly walked around the backyard 'no, no, no, no'............'you bleepwit, you bleepwit'...........

More coffee, thanks Justin :)
My best thinking is in the yard so lets go there and pace. Removed 18L and replaced with RO in a 10 hour period - that's bad........ real bad. Back inside and get the refractometer out. I can't trust anything anymore i'm checking everything. Use the calibration solution and it's spot on. Test the tank - 1.0225-1.0230 $%#$ !!!!!!
Test the three drums, all 1.0260 - phwew ! need to swap these into the display now to lift the salinity a bit, start the RO for more water and do the water change..............

More acros are looking crazy distressed now and i'm about ready to get in the ute and drive away......... what did i do wrong now, think, think. :facepalm:
Screw this i'm checking the alk again because i don't know what else to do. Test the display and now it's 8.8 ARGHHHHHHHHH !!!! what the hell is making the alk keep spiking i'm not adding any $%#$@# alk !
Test the water left in a drum, haven't tested alk of my 7.7 blue bucket mixes in over a year, why would i...........

NINE POINT BLOODY TWO !!!!!!!!!..................:hammer:

This is backyard stuff so we're going outside for a pace. Okay the salt mix is way too high to do any more large water changes - #$@% !
Need to raise the salinity so replace RO with salt water until i hit 1.0260. Need to constantly monitor and adjust the skimmer to keep it working as best it can. No idea what the alk draw has dropped to but it will need checking three or four times a day until i regain some sort of control over what's happening to the acros. Will use small 6L water changes for now to maintain alk since the salt is mixing way higher then the 7.0 i keep. Put a pedestal fan aimed at the sump all night and turn the wall aircon fan on all night blowing across the display top, i want as much evap as possible to lift the salinity.

Friday morning the house still smelled of slime but not as bad. Salinity is 1.0245 and alk is 8.4ish. Acros have stopped sliming, zero PE and everything is looking like it has a dusty grey coating and i can now see white skeleton lines starting around the bases of a lot of acros...... i knew i was going to take a big hit after seeing the acros slime so badly but i still hoped it wouldn't happen........ :( Since i knew Dave had fresh healthy acros in and since i still had lots of crazy thoughts that i was still missing something i decided i would shoot there and grab an acro to see if i had sorted the problem, if it went arse up once i put it in the water i'd know all was not right.
No more water changes at all as i need to get the alk down. By lights out Friday night i had the salinity back at 1.0260 and the alk was 7.8. Acros look just awful and pigments on many have almost gone completely. Everything is paling so the halides will be staying off - only been using the T5 actinics up until now so start using all the T5's and watch the acros in case they freak out. The pink acro had good PE within 30 mins of hitting the tank water and hasn't missed a beat so far.

Saturday morning the alk is about 7.3 so i start doing the 6L water changes again. I did five of those small changes with the 9 alk water and the alk stayed at 7.3. I put 50ml of alk in the drip container for Sat night.
Saw lots and lots of STN on many acros, zero PE on 90% and tiny dot polyps barely poking out on the rest. I think it's going to stop and i won't lose everything - yeehah ! Removed about 40 dead snails but the rest seem to have recovered. Not much else i could do but watch the acros look terrible.

Today i removed two echi's, a SSC and my white skin table that had the blue and fluoro tips. There's a couple more pieces i think could still RTN but i think the STN is almost stopping on almost all the affected pieces. I can see signs of polyps on most things, not out but at least they are visible again. It's Sunday night now and some of the acros have a few polyps venturing out a tiny bit so all i can do is let things settle and deal with the tissue loss areas once i know that things are well on the road to recovery.

In case anyone tries to outdo my goof just remember it was two separate RO water changes followed by an alk spiking salt water change - that's a triple header.........:facepalm:
This makes me sick to my stomach.... I know exactly the whip of adrenalin and sudden "wind knocked out of you" feeling that staples your feet to the floor...
Very sorry to hear this, Andrew.... I have done different things with the same outcome..
It is gut wrenching...
I want to summarize to be clear in my head what happened.. As I read, my pulse quickened as did my reading (not to mention kids distracting me in the background) so I want to be clear..
Basically you forgot to fill one reservoir of RO with salt and used this to do a wc and then proceeded to do subsequent wc with salted water who's alk was too high...
You had a salinity drop from 1.026 to 1.022 and an in-tank alk spike from 7 to 8.4..
Is this accurate?
Again, really sorry to hear this.. :(