So to summaries. Now I may have completely got this wrong and if so please ignore me! If we have to much iron and a high kh, manganese may become limited, this is why you do not use GFO, keep kh at NSW levels and dose products containing amongst other things manganese.
I presume that AF micro b contains manganese of which I am currently dosing 3 drops per 300ltr.
I do witness a coming and going of a small amount of cyno on the sand which seems to be linked with dosing.
Please keep up the dialogue it's fascinating!
Aquaforest's Coral B doesn't have manganese as an important part of its composition, I don't think... It's Micro E, which contains manganese as an important part of its micro element ingredients. As it is in Salifert's Trace Hard supplement..
It seems to me that higher ph- which is slightly more likely to occur in a reef with higher kh levels- renders manganese less effective or less reactive.
As does excess dissolved iron...
From what I have tried to gather from Andrew's not entirely cohesive explanations (sorry, Andrew, but it's all still a little unclear), is that higher iron and higher ph make manganese less effective at doing what it is supposed to be doing...
What I'm not entirely clear on is what manganese is doing..
There was mention of chlorophyll A and cyano..
Is manganese responsible for inhibiting cyano (or the light up taking ability-and therefore it's ability to live) and chlorophyll A (which is used by some zoox in corals)?
And is it more effective at doing this in iron limited and more acidic systems?
Andrew, although the jokes are flying around, I'm pretty sure everybody is taking what you say pretty seriously.. I certainly am.... I'm getting sick of trying to get the food colouring dye out from under my fingernails... And for some reason, it doesn't even stick to my corals like it does to yours!!