Premium Member
Hope all is well, Andrew!
Thanks Matt, just been really busy with work and family the last few weeks and too grumpy to play. :twitch:
Hope all is well, Andrew!
Good to hear. Busy is good for making you appreciate.. Not busy..
We all reach RC saturation at times. Normal and healthy..
Have you made any changes to recipe or dosing, lately? Tweaked anything?
I'm getting close to trying koral colour and micro e
Could you give me your dose per day and system volume again?
So, I have been a "lurker" on this and many other threads. I was impressed, as we all are with Biggles' success so I started with Biggles' Law of Acro Keeping [BLoAK] #1: Add more fish and feed them. Results: Better polyp extension and slight improvement in coloration.
Given the success noted, I PMed Andrew for some advice regarding implementing his BJ method in my system. BLoAK #2: add Biggle Juice (which in my case was Lugol's and Koral Color). Result (now about 6 weeks out): incredible improvement in overall color intensity and polyp extension.
Thanks to Matt, (ReefMutt) he encouraged me to up my photo skills and here are a few examples taken recently with my iPhone6 of the dramatic improvement in my corals overall - untouched (I am waiting on my orange gel filter).
Stats on my system:
1. DT 120g standard, bare bottom, Sump 100g rubbermaid (about a 1/3 full),Total water volume ~150g.
2. Filtration Live Rock and Skimmer (only).
3. Lighting: 250DE MHx2 (Phoenix 14K) 54wT5x2 (blue +)
4. Flow: MP40 x 3
5. ESV 2 part for Alk/Ca
6. Water change RC 20% twice a month.
For all those wondering if his advise really works outside of Australia - My tank is living proof. Consider this a testimony on BLoAKs #1 and #2.
Andrew, should quiver start a thread or what???
can never have enough BJ's ( I had to do it)
I stick to the Bj's because I can't afford the Zj's
I vote for a thread too!
Clean up in aisle twelve...
I have been following your thread for a very long time. You have been able to get some of the nicest colors that I have ever seen. And you get wild colonies to improve their color, most reefers take gorgeous wild colonies and turn them to brown. I wish I understood better what you are doing to zero in on such excellent colors.
Looking very nice Andrew.
Where are your no3 / po4 staying with this new dosing?
Thanks Michael, they're probably high atm due to all the recent re scaping and rock removal. The glass needs daily cleans but other than that there is no algae except for the crap on the pump grids. It's amusing to watch the tangs battle the high flow in order to get at the front bits lol.
This was in low flow and light and went dormant with no growth and weird pigment coverage. Since moving it two weeks ago it has sprung to life and shot new square edged growth tips and encrusting tissue. You can see where it stung the stupid monti about 5 nights ago as the algae is dusting the recently dead patch now.
In person the polyps look like sparkling orangey gold and i'm fairly certain it's sold as ARC Fireworks overseas. It's very, very eye catching as Dave and John discovered - had to chase them away from staring at it too much as that can brown an acro as we all know :reading:
This was in low flow and light and went dormant with no growth and weird pigment coverage. Since moving it two weeks ago it has sprung to life and shot new square edged growth tips and encrusting tissue. You can see where it stung the stupid monti about 5 nights ago as the algae is dusting the recently dead patch now.
In person the polyps look like sparkling orangey gold and i'm fairly certain it's sold as ARC Fireworks overseas. It's very, very eye catching as Dave and John discovered - had to chase them away from staring at it too much as that can brown an acro as we all know :reading:
That's a very cool looking piece Andrew , tanks looking great as always.
That thing is nuts. Never see anything like that around here.
I am similar I get algae on the glass nearly daily, but none on the rocks. I just recently set up an inline frag tank, currently has no fish in it to controll any algae growth so might be interesting to see if some starts growing in there.
Spectacular! I have a friend with the ARC Fireworks over here and it does indeed look nearly identical. I've been following this thread but my first post. Keep up the great work!
In person the polyps look like sparkling orangey gold and i'm fairly certain it's sold as ARC Fireworks overseas. It's very, very eye catching as Dave and John discovered - had to chase them away from staring at it too much as that can brown an acro as we all know :reading: