Acer's new build thread

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Trying to upload a pic of sump and fuge. Looking like there is a plan after all.
Installing Baffles in sump and refugium tomorrow (assuming the silicone arrives from amazon as promised), glueing plumbing from refugium to pump together today. I was surprised how large the true union valved are , glad I had the room. Picking up used Apex package , 2 dosing pumps today.
Tank has arrived and safely in the garage- only one issue- which Steve is remedying as I write= they forgot the inside trim on the canopy that hold the canopy on the tank- so it slides over the tank and does not sit "on" the tank. Steve is sending it to me . This may actually be good mistake, as now I get to determine how far the front of the canopy overhangs the top of the tank now.

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I am waiting on a few things from Custom Acrylics = overflows and plate to put 2 x 7 inch socks in the sump.

So, plan for weekend is: I will be gluing the downstairs sump/refugium and return pump plumbing together and putting in baffles in sump and fuge.

Waiting 24 hours - then move cabinets and sump/fuge and pump outside to run water test for leaks, flow over baffles, check for cavitations, etc.
Putting the glass baffles into my 40 breeder and 75 gallon sump/refugium setup. Guess what- when I measured for the baffles I only measured the 75 for width of baffles, and the 40 is about a 1/4 inch wider- NOOO!!! I think, with the help of a friend( thanks Kevin) - we were able to get the baffles in the 40, I wont know if the silicone will hold with that big of a gap until I run a test - in 6 days.
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Glass baffles in the 40.