I'll be very interested in the population dynamics you uncover. In my current AEFW problem, my tank is experiences periods of infestation and recovery.
AEFW bite marks were first noticed on 9 Nov 2013, and AEFW confirmed by blasting acros with baster and knocking off a couple of worms, which were easy to ID. I stared dosing with Flatworm Stop (4 mL/g0 gal), added a Melanurus wrasse, and continued basting. After a month or so, I no longer saw any signs of AEFW. In mid Jan 2014 I again noticed many bite marks and knocked off several adult AEFW from one colony. After a week or two of basting the acro, it has healed and currently shows no signs of AEFW, but I'd be very surprised if they are gone. I've continued to use Flatworm Stop even though it may not be doing anything. Although I've scanned for eggs, I have yet to see them, but they must be there.
I have also used Bayer (50:1 dil), Coral Rx, and Revive, but none seem very toxic to AEFW. Just basting the coral seems most effective.