AfamousJohnsons 90gallons under the hood "not a Bonsai" mixed reef

I think its great. I will be adding a manifold into the plumbing to better utilize it in the near future so we will see how it does with that. But so far its a great pump. I had to return the power supply shortly after purchase due to it going bad (what a hassle there - totally changed plumbing to work it in and than had to figure out a quick fix to get my old pump back in) never had any problems getting the situation handled.

I have noticed tho with a lot of the jabeo products and this included if you dont service and clean them on a regular basis they tend to loose a bit of their push.
Thanks Drew for sharing your vaca & nice tank pics too!

The violet mille with purple tips and hairy I likey!

Thanks you 2. The vaca was 1 for the books for sure. I will be going back.

You talkin bout this 1 Tom?

picked it up from John at YR last year as a brown piece in the 10$ section. Its corilites are blue but i can never pick up the color with pics. I'll have to remember ya when it comes time to frag:)
Good to Hear! I lost mine the only Tenius now I have are the RR Ultimate Orange Passion and the regular RR Orange passion.

hard to call that one a the OP is on my list and for good reason - amazing coral
You'll get the 1st frag of this guy back when he grows out. Told ya when ya hooked me up with it - just in case you ended up loosing yours. Love this hobby.