aggressive lagoon

Wow, it does look like snow and it also looked like you bought some new coral for your tank compared to your past photos.
Wow, that is really a nice set up you have there. I also really like your surface skimmer idea. Would you mind PMing me the pics you sent to drewhop?
Beautiful! There's a lot of money in that tank!
Imagine trying to find a cuttle in there, the color displays should be interesting. Very exciting, thanks for sharing.

Did you ever think of culturing mysis yourself?
Yeah, I just didn't want you to find some cuttle poop in the skimmer. lol love the setup though. the cuttles are going to love it.
holy hell that tank is amazing! can i come hang at the cuttle lagoon in person! that is think your tank is very sick!
thanks for the comments :)

arich, if you are in the ever in the area, let me know. you are welcome to come by.
ha! that would require me to clean the house and keep it picked up long enough to snap the pics lol

i will see what i can do :)
here ya go ron

thanks guys, one baby cuttle that i got a few weeks back is doing great and three of the ten eggs i got this week have hatched. i have at least 30 mollies in the tank makin babies for food and another 50 in another setup doing the same. between that and frozen mysis, hopefully i will have plenty of food for this batch without ordering live mysis.
here is a pic the day after i got the eggs, one hatched that night (the other one is the hatchling i have had for a couple of weeks)

a little closer