Alan's 300g Marineland DD Reef

Well, I lost the Melanurus last night :( I went to feed them and it was just laying there in the corner. Wondering if it was due to stress from the QT tank not having any sand to burrow in. A small tupperware with some sugar-sized sand would probably have been good.

The other wrasses looked fine. I know the Yellowfin, Exquisite, and Mystery were definitely eating. I couldn't tell if the Lubbocks was eating, as it was hanging out between the PVC fittings. I have been feeding them frozen mysis.

I think I'm going to move the tangs and clownfish out of the 50g stock tank and into a glass tank. It's too hard to observe them as is.
I got some things rearranged with the quarantine tanks. The two clownfish and blue hippo tang were moved into a separate tank. The blonde naso was also moved into its own 20 gallon long QT. I've confirmed that all fish are eating well, except for the blonde naso tang. I'm able to observe him easily since he's in his own tank and have not seen him go for any food yet. I've tried a bunch of different foods including ocean nutrition 1 and 2 pellets and flakes, prime reef flakes, frozen mysis shrimp, nori, instant ocean gel food, frozen ocean nutrition algae cubes, as well as supplementing with kent garlic extreme and selcon. I may take some caulerpa out of my sump, rinse it off really well, and see if he will eat it. Other than that I can't think of any other options, so I'm looking for suggestions.

I plan on getting the skimmer stand built and finish up the return plumbing this weekend. I'll get some more pics posted after that.
how about soaking some nori in that garlic extract stuff that some people use?
I've been soaking the food the last couple days with garlic and selcon, but no luck.
I rinsed off some caulerpa and tried to feed him that about an hour ago, but he wasn't interested :sad2:
So much for getting the skimmer set up this weekend :furious:

I had it all sealed up, except for the collection cup lid, which I wanted to let sit out to make sure there weren't any crazing issues again. It looked good, so I decided to unwrap the rest of the skimmer, get a stand built, and hook it up today. When I went to put the plumbing pieces back on the skimmer I realized that the vertical air intake/overflow pipe didn't fit on to anything. I spent a bunch of time moving things around thinking I had a loose part somewhere, but went back to look at some old pics and realized the thing was completely different. The replacement skimmer is missing a small barb fitting coming off the side (to feed the air intake on the pump) and missing a barbed end on the top of the T (to allow the vertical pipe to slide on). On top of that, the T fitting is completely blocked off!

So now what? I'm sending Coralvue an email and will call them tomorrow to see what is going on. I already spent $40 to ship my original skimmer and now this!

OMG! frustrating is that?!?! spend good money on something like that and to have all these problems is completely unacceptable...have you considered demanding your money back and getting something else?
Ok, an update on the skimmer...

I talked to Coralvue today about all the issues I have been having with the SRO 5000. I don't remember verbatim what she said, but apparently they shipped me some sort of floor/demo/testing? unit for the replacement. They said they didn't have any dense foam packing when they sent out the replacement, so they also apologized for sending it in a crappy box with scraps of peanuts and styrofoam.

So, it looks like I'll be getting a third skimmer now :rolleyes: They are supposed to ship one out today and include a pre-paid shipping label, so I can return the one that I currently have at their expense. She said that it will be from a new shipment they just received and they'll inspect everything before it gets sent to me. I should have it towards the end of this week.

I originally requested a refund for the whole thing, but they were not willing to do that. I mentioned the $40 shipping charge that I had to pay to replace the original skimmer and they said they couldn't do anything to reimburse me for that either. However, they did offer me a few products to help offset my shipping cost and all the hassle. I picked a 250w 20K Radium lamp, which should be shipped out today as well.

As long as the new skimmer is good and I don't have any crazing/cracking issues, then I'll be a lot happier. I'm ready to get this thing set up and move on with my build.
Any luck with the blonde naso tang yet?
No luck yet. I tried feeding some fresh cilantro, but it wasn't interested in that at all. Same thing with the new sheets of nori that I just picked up. I can wave it around right in front of the naso's mouth, but he shows no interest in eating. It's been about a week and a half since I got him. I'll just have to keep trying different foods for the next week or so. After that, I'm not sure what to do.
A few updates...

I received the new replacement skimmer from Coralvue on Wednesday. I haven't had a chance to hook it up yet, but the stand is built and ready. All the parts appear to be correct this time. I'm hoping to get it set up tonight or some time tomorrow. Finally!

Blonde Naso Tang
It's eating! Last night was the first time it ate since I got it. I tried tons of different things, but added some razor caulerpa late last night and he started picking at it within a few minutes. I checked this morning and the whole patch that I put in there was eaten down to the clip! :dance:

Fish Added
I hit 9 weeks yesterday on my fallow period, so hopefully everything should been good there. I have had a small yellow tang and a purple firefish in QT for about 6 weeks now, so I decided to introduce them to the display tank. Both of them are doing well. Plenty of room for them in the 300g :)
It was the c02 I exhaled that caused that fish to eat. You don't have the right touch!!!!!

Looking forward to seeing some more movement in that big boy!