Algae Scrubber Advanced

Maybe I should go one sided? That would give me more space for the spotlight.
If I were to use the under powered LED light do you think it would be smart to increase the cleaning frequency to keep the growth a bit less thick?
One sided will be less effective because there is a component of light from one side that transmits to the other. Wiithout that, you won't be able to have a long growth period & you will probably have to clean more often to prevent die-off at the base (due to shading).

Similarly if you run a lower-powered light, initially IME that is better so you don't photosaturate, but after you get a mature screen, that low power light will not penetrate as deep and you get the issue like above.

Increasing cleaning frequency would be required, but that's not necessarily a good thing. you want a long growth period, without die off. The thicker growth grows faster, there is a bit of an exponential phase to the growth cycle, and you want to capture that. There is a point of diminishing returns of course, so you want to harvest before that, and then don't over harvest - you want to stay on the leading edge of that growth curve, not from ground zero
Maybe I should go one sided

Never do 1-sided unless there is no other option. Filtration is all about the roots holding on during high air/water interface turbulence; the roots die and let go twice as fast when the light only comes from one side.
Here is my scrubber. I built it from a document storage bin. It will comfortably hold a 10x8 sheet

Built with 2 spray bars for super easy removal of the sheet. The center pipe just sits in a cradle.

I have two 50w led lights that I will put on either side. More pics to come when I make more progress.


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Be careful if you plan on putting those lights inside the box. They are not waterproof and it's a matter of time before something happens.
Be careful if you plan on putting those lights inside the box. They are not waterproof and it's a matter of time before something happens.
I plan on putting an additional glass shield over it, and I also removed the glass and siliconed it on to make it water tight. Agree the rubber seal was didn't prevent moisture.

I plan to cut holes in the side panels and mounting the lights to the outside.

More importantly, how well do these lights work? They are bright pink. I have 2 rated for 50w each.

I plan on a roughly 8x8 screen

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Finished it up tonight.

It has 10x7 screen

Should git er dun I hope on the 180g


Screen removed


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So one thing I didn't adequately prepare for was the LOUD noise of the drain. This thing is insanely loud.....

How the heck are you guys handling that? unfortunately the water level is all the way up to the point where it is nearly spilling out of the holes I cut for the I cant really let the water go any higher up w/out sealing those openings. The only thing I can think of to quiet the thing is to create some sort of spill ramp that gently lets the water go from the box to the sump, or put a gate valve on there to do a siphon and put an overflow tube in as well.

I have my doubts that will work well with only 1/2" of water in the bottom of the ATS....Honestly I really am struggling with what to do here....
Put a valve on the drain and "tune" it to the input rate. Possibly stick a piece of airline hose into the drain also (from above). The valve thing usually works best when you have a secondary drain, just in case. Though I've literally never had one clog, your drain is exposed to the algae screen directly, so it's possible.

If the holes around the light fixture are sealed up, that's a start. Hopefully it's "well" sealed up?
If you can find a way to get the drain to the sump water level, it will be silent.


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If you can find a way to get the drain to the sump water level, it will be silent.
That just gave me an idea....

Build a float for it! It already has flex pipe feeding it. The issue is the water level goes up when the return is turned off and I can't have the lights go under water

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So here is about 10 days growth since starting the new ATS. Not too shabby. Hopefully the next couple weeks should keep filling in nicely. Should I leave it alone for a while longer?


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Just back from vaca...surprised no one else replied!

I would just gently rub & rinse to clear off any loose growth and let it keep growing
So here is about 10 days growth since starting the new ATS. Not too shabby. Hopefully the next couple weeks should keep filling in nicely. Should I leave it alone for a while longer?


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Imo your method of spraying water on like that is washing off the Algae, more holes, a diffuser? Something

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Wash it off also means never getting a chance to attach, if you let it go longer it would most likely work threw it, but wanting to scrape it every few weeks , it's to much flow for that, you said it buy "blowing threw the holes " tuning a algae scrubber sometimes takes patatints, and understanding on what's going on, I personally don't like those high maintenance devices, but ok , I have a sorta high end scrubber, a lot easier than those..for sure. Jmo

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