Hmmm. Wouldn't that reduce the water/air interface by trapping water in the gap and effectively submerging the screen in the thick film of water between the plastic sheets?
Well, yeah basically...this is one of the reasons why the 3D growth is more effective - suspending the algae in water allows the base of the growth mat to become more exposed to light so it can keep growing rather than getting shaded, that's why enclosed growth chambers that are sized properly to encourage this type of growth work better.
In my pic posted a few days ago
When I cut the pump the algae stayed right where it is in this pic above. I don't think there is much merit to the physical air/water interface of an open-air scrubber, and if there is, the benefit of the 3D enclosed box I believe outweighs it significantly. Plenty of CO2 and O2 in the water and it's what happens at the boundary layer that matters.
One could actually argue that in a packed 3D growth chamber like above, the lower you get in the growth mass (physically, towards the bottom of the chamber) the lower the flow gets, and you would expect to see less effective growth there...but you don't, at least, I never have. So there is probably a layered effect, where the top algae gets higher flow and grows a bit better or differently, and the lower sections have slightly different growth attributes and flow characteristics, honestly I haven't concerned myself with it because it's never seemed to have been a point of "failure" or rather a node of "improvement needed"...
If not, how do you maintain a controlled gap so the plastic film isn't far enough to dry and create salt frosting, but also not close enough to sandwich the screen reducing the air/water interface?
you don't really have to control it. If you drape a screen in plastic wrap, it becomes a dynamic gap, or really, no gap at all but it's just not restrictive. You end up with little pockets of 3D growth everywhere. So if you placed a sheet of material about 1/2" from the screen on both sides and just let growth and gravity take over, you would likely get some bowing and variation in growth in areas but I'm betting that you would have pockets of thick growth that take off when 3D effect hits.