Thank you Leonardo that means alot coming from you :beer:
Have followed all your tanks and would love to replicate one someday, had me quite confused there regarding the sneaker collection nice to know or little site gets some international attention :thumbsup:. Whats your opinion of Australian tanks?
Considering the change to T5 just for improved colour and viewing, when i look at the tank in person it looks very blue and the colours dont seem as bright but in photo's i can fix that with the camera settings.
I'd like to run about 4 blue plus and 2 fiji purple to get good coral colour and then 2 white tubes to off set the blue so tank looks more white with good colour still. Sure it'll take some experimenting to get it right but thats the plan.
sorry no pics of the rock scape but its quite basic i was more aiming for a good platform to display the acro on rather than an interesting scape. Wish had of done something more interesting but this works for now.
Cheers mate
Wow nice tank Reefsic! But I thought you were in So-cal? You know over here we go by gallons not liters :lol: what are the dimensions? In inches or feet please lol's it going Ramzy? Yeah, I'm from San Diego! I've just been spending a lot more time on the "other forum" where they measure everything in Liters or Centimeters, so it kinda stuck with me!
Tank was custom made by LeeMar using starfire glass, diamond edged. Its a 190 GALLON w/ a 30 GALLON sump. Dims are 60x30x24. This particular tank has been running for only 4 days. I just upgraded from my 100g Acrylic last weekend with a 48hr turnaround. I lost my Regal, Flagfin and my Subulata Acropora colony. All other livestock acclimated fine (Thank God)!!!
Haha I was just joking on the liters, I had a feeling the other forum had something to do with itIf you've got a tank build on it please PM me the link id like to follow along with the progress on it. Everything looks great so far, sorry to hear about your losses though. :thumbsup:
Very amazing pictures guys and gals! I love some of your aquascapes and your colors are superb. I started this tank in April though some of the corals and fish came from my previous build. These pics taken about a month ago.
DANG! That's A LOT of tangs in a 90g. Do they all get along fine? I just added a Powder Blue Tang in with my Purple Tang in my 120G and so far so good.