All sps tanks

Any TOTM yet? if not it's definitely overdue

do you think? :)

some more picts



WOW...that video is intense. Simply beautiful and the choice of music was really nice as well. Are you feeding something in the picture.

How do you get such amazing results?
+1000 on dvanacker's statement. jawsee, your tank and that video are AWESOME!!!! Great work. Please share some info on your system or a link to a thread where the details are discussed.
very nice sized corals

very nice sized corals

jawsee what lighting do you have and that turquoise acro that is in the beginning is awesome never seen that color before..where did you find it?
Hi thanks,i am feeding artemia and mysis in the picture.
The results ,they come by themself i think iff you do the right things;)

WOW...that video is intense. Simply beautiful and the choice of music was really nice as well. Are you feeding something in the picture.

How do you get such amazing results?
Roger,most from my corals started as a frag,the most of them are from friends in germany and Belgium.
Lighting is 4x400 watt hqi ,16x80 watt T5,8x pl 9watt.

jawsee what lighting do you have and that turquoise acro that is in the beginning is awesome never seen that color before..where did you find it?
Here's a new FTS of my tank. Ive started dosing vodka once again after a 2 month break. Only thing I dose is vodka, absolutely nothing else.

Nothing special here,good water,many light an good water movement,knowing your own system is in my eyes very imported,every tank is diffirent.Trace elements an other bottle`s i use very limited,too give the corals food i give my fish a lot of food and i think the corals has there benefit in this way.Frozen food also contains amino`s ,iron an other useful stuff for them.:)
Care to eleborate and tell us what the right things are?
Thanks. Finally coming back to life after a winter of discontent. Couple more weeks and the new light should be installed and I can finally get out from under my heat issues. :D
Please post pics of all your sps tanks, nanos, big tanks,T5, MH, Zoevit anything systems. No matter how young or old the system.

This thread is rad, but am not wasting an hour of my life looking! Enjoy the cramps though RC:reading: