All sps tanks

A lot of growing out to be done yet, but here is mine


Beautiful tank
Dakman's 110 reef

Dakman's 110 reef

Well here is my tank before i broke it down to move it up here to Connecticut, most of my big colonies got "fragged" on the transport up and a few didn't make it. Will have to get new shots as soon as i can find my camera in one of these boxes. Oh i apologize for the bowl, had frags for friends before i left VA in there. Enjoy


Beautiful tank you have. Love the mix of colors. Can u tell me more about your tank. Feeding, hardware, etc. thanks

Its a 180 gallon bowfront that I got off of Craig's list a couple of years ago. I have a 30 gallon sump os so and and 20 gallon refugium. Lighting is by three 250 watt metal halide 20k ushios and two T5 supplements. I have a 1/4 horse power chiller. I just replumbed with a dart hybrid and I have two tunze 6105's for supplemental flow. I use a tunze ATO and I also have a Calcium reactor. I feed my fish pellets and flakes daily. Change 10 gallons of water weekly. Test way too infrequently and spend too many hours staring at the tank.
Hey Ryan those anthias are beautiful, are they ventralis? They look different, maybe just the LEDs?

yeah they are vents, they may look different as they are from Cairnes instead of the ones from Hawaii you guys get?

No LED on this tank, ATI PM with KZ bulbs.