All sps tanks

Lazylivin, nice tank I love the scaping and the combination between corals, I see you dont realy have colour yet in you sps or is that just the camra, I can truly see your system becoming a TOTM one day.
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This is my 225g tank. Has been up and running for 2 yrs, 6 months now.





Hargitai, Thank you for the compliment. :D Regarding Color it could be a few things:
The corals are not of the quality as others.
They could be using Saturation to enhance color of photos.
Quality of camera and photographer.
Quality of aquarium lighting
Hobbyist experience to get the best possible coloration out of the corals.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13887718#post13887718 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hargitai
Lazylivin, nice tank I love the scaping and the combination between corals, I see you dont realy have colour yet in you sps or is that just the camra, I can truly see your system becoming a TOTM one day.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13888846#post13888846 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 64Ivy
Latest shot of my 500g 'frag tank'. A year or two away.


I'm just glad you didn't give up!! I was devastated when I found out about your crash, so I can only imagine what you were feeling

Can't wait to see how everything grows out for you this time!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13888846#post13888846 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 64Ivy
Latest shot of my 500g 'frag tank'. A year or two away.


WOW! I knew you were having some issues but WOW! I didnt think the losses were so severe.

Your tank now looks emptier then Al Bundy's refrigerator. Orange tang sandwich anyone?? :p

Judging by your prior success I am sure your tank will rise from the ashes . You can call it "Project Phoenix" ;)
Very Nice tanks everyone! :)

Pluto, it starts to look like a real reefflat, really nice.

Boyman; I used 2x 250 Watt DE Aqua Connect MH + 4x24 Watt Aqua Science T5 on The Formosa Forest


Picture of my new setup, the Lagoon. I made a quick shot, because the aquascape isn't done yet. More pictures in my thread this week, when I'm done aquascaping.


2x24 watt Giessemann blue 22000 Kelvin
2x24 watt Giessemann blue 22000 Kelvin
2x80 watt Aqua Science Duo 15000 Kelvin
2x80 watt Aqua Science Blue 22000 Kelvin

2x400 Watt Aqua Connect MH in Lumenarcs

This shot was taken with T5 only

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Should read "THE 50" Congrats on winning understatement of the month. Awesome tank!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13846126#post13846126 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Robertus
Great thread,
here is mine.

Only 50G...



<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13914450#post13914450 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SunnyX
Some shots of my 100g rimless reef:





What your bulb config?
How is the growth been with T5?
Aquactinc Constellation 48" 7x54W

All Ati bulbs:

Aquablue special
Pro Color
Aquablue Special
Aquablue Special
Sunny your tank is awesome and my new tank is going to follow alot of the same priciples eg T5 lights, Tunze, scaping, 2 part(3 part realy) and SPS!

Johan your tanks scaping is NICE, very natural.

Jrpdriver, your tank is so beautiful in SPS shape and scaping, my tank is(hopfuly) going to look similiar.
