Very Nice tanks everyone!
Pluto, it starts to look like a real reefflat, really nice.
Boyman; I used 2x 250 Watt DE Aqua Connect MH + 4x24 Watt Aqua Science T5 on The Formosa Forest
Picture of my new setup, the Lagoon. I made a quick shot, because the aquascape isn't done yet. More pictures in my thread this week, when I'm done aquascaping.
2x24 watt Giessemann blue 22000 Kelvin
2x24 watt Giessemann blue 22000 Kelvin
2x80 watt Aqua Science Duo 15000 Kelvin
2x80 watt Aqua Science Blue 22000 Kelvin
2x400 Watt Aqua Connect MH in Lumenarcs
This shot was taken with T5 only