Alleged Coral thief makes the news

As a side note for the LFS reading this - I know you all might consider each other competitors - but please consider sharing your "do not serve" list with other stores (not in this forum of course).

It's not just the thieves you need to worry about - but almost all the LFS in the area has had run ins with poisoners. If a guy can stick his hands in your tanks and pull things out without you noticing - your at just as much risk to have another person put something you dont want into your tanks.

I can only hope that other stores have a free-sharing policy with other LFS for this type of information - were they to come and visit each other of course. The lives and money you all have invested in your livestock is more important in my opinion than being competitive or having an attitude of "lesson learned."
I am glad they had security cameras. This guy lives in a $500K home and decides to steal the freaking clam? I hope they go to his house and start taking all his stuff and give it to the LFS he stole from.

I hate thieves....
I'm glad that they caught him.

The picture in my avatar was from something that actually happened in Buffalo several years ago. A shoplifter was caught and the owner agreed to a more lenient outcome if the guy stood outside with this sign for a day.
DANG Busted! Could you imagine being on the news for doing something so stupid!?! He got what he deserves.
There is only one side to this story . Lol you clearly.see him grab and bag corals and a good size clam. Its a shopping bad not meant for corals. Hang him is all I have to say. ;-)
stealing is bad no matter. don't know why a certain basketball player's father would say stealing is no big deal.
He came into the shop I work at about a week before he was caught at the other store. He bought a large piece of live rock with coral on it and we let him have a bucket to transport it, we were pretty busy at the time and then after he paid, a large Maxima clam and a rose bubble tip "made its way" into that bucket as well.
Really had us floored, glad he was caught.