America's Lost H-Bomb


How much paper can a 7,600 lb paperweight hold?

People ask me what I'm going to do with it when I find it. :D I dunno... Put it on my mantle? :)

Maybe I can dump it in a certain politician's yard with a note attached - "Hope you enjoy your new paperweight."

My bet is that he wouldn't be real happy about it sitting in his yard, either. :)
Sorry, I'm unclear as to how that qualifies you. I don't mean to sound rude about it, but we have several Marine Corps officers on our team that are EOD - some of them nuclear specialists.

Marine EOD is no doubt well trained but it doesn't make them the end all. I would say I am just as if not more qualified since I use this on a daily basis still and have attended several high level demolitions courses.

We know that the conventional explosives have been described by the manufacturer (he's on our team, too) as "conventional TNT-type explosives," but we don't know whether or not the explosives are actually Trinitrotoluene (TNT). They could be made of many different chemicals - or any combination thereof - so knowing the characteristics of TNT might not completely describe the state of the warhead today.

So the manufacturer can't retrieve the composition of the explosives used to make an explosive manufactured by his company....ok.

We do not know whether or not the Bomb's integrity has been compromised - in other words, we don't know if the conventional explosives got wet or not. It's entirely possible that they are open to the sea, and it's entirely possible that they are underground, still sealed in the hull of the bomb, in a totally anoxic environment (no corrosion).

What we do know is that when the Bomb hit the water, there was no explosion, either of the conventional or nuclear kind. The bomb could be in 1ft of water, and it could be in 35 feet of water - or even underground underwater. :)

Well that's a positive sign....otherwise the expedition would be fairly pointless....

What's with you government types and the "paperweight" theory? :) This is not a paperweight, and never has been. What it is is a massive nuclear weapon, in a questionable state of repair. We have no idea what is going on with it. And while it's entirely possible that yes, the conventional explosives have somehow been swept away and decayed into the ocean, it's also entirely possible that they're as good as the day that the Bomb was dropped.

It is, however, under no circumstances, a "paperweight." If you need a four-ton, 12-foot long, nuclear, "Weapons of Mass Destruction" paperweight, then it's time to go paperless. :)

I was using paperweight to describe the fact that without the conventional explosives or the firing mechanism for the explosives intact that the bomb would be inert in it's current state without introducing a new firing device.

Nope. Depending on the type of enriched Uranium used in the Bomb, it could have a half-life of anywhere between 25,000 and 4.2 million years - in other words, when left to decay, the Uranium would be half as potent as it was the day it was dropped anywhere from 25,000 years to 4.2 million years from now.

In effect, the 50 years it's been down there is a blink of an eye. For all intents and purposes, it can be safely said that the Uranium has not decayed at all - maybe a fraction of a percent.

...And that's independent of whether or not it's been exposed to seawater.

Unlike fuel rods found in nuclear power plants, this type of Uranium does not create significant heat as it decays.

Frankly, I wish it did... If it did, we could find it by it's heat signature. :)[/QUOTE]

That makes perfect sense to me. I am more familiar with the nuclear rods in a power plant than weapons I learned something.

I do have one question though.

If you find this lost H bomb what do you plan to do? If the government is as reluctant to admit to its loss as you make out do you think they'll just be like "our bad?" I would suspect that the moment you come public with the fact it was found they'll push you out and make it a military operation for recovery and disposal. I'm just asking.

good hunting.
If you find this lost H bomb what do you plan to do? If the government is as reluctant to admit to its loss as you make out do you think they'll just be like "our bad?" I would suspect that the moment you come public with the fact it was found they'll push you out and make it a military operation for recovery and disposal. I'm just asking.
I'm thinking that one hell of a 4th of July party would be in order... Hosted in Iran though! :blown:
Does UPS deliver to Iran?
My vote is that it has already been found and the gov kept it quiet so that it has a bomb that isnt covered by any of the treaties since it in theory either doesnt exist or is under water and thus accounted for.

Dont accidently blow it up in the near future. I just got a new camera and havent gotten a chance to use it yet since the above the surface temps are frikkin cold lately.
LOL I would drop it in the that all the afghan leaders are there too!.

Like I said good luck and if you find it I hope that you get the credit for it and it isn't stolen from you by big brother.
Marine EOD is no doubt well trained but it doesn't make them the end all. I would say I am just as if not more qualified since I use this on a daily basis still and have attended several high level demolitions courses.

Okay, fair enough... But they all agree that the explosives could be the same as they were 50 years ago, LESS stable than they were 50 years ago, or totally eroded... They don't know.

Yet, you say with confidence that a conventional explosion is not a risk... And I would love to believe that... But I just don't see how we could confidently say any one of the above for sure.

So the manufacturer can't retrieve the composition of the explosives used to make an explosive manufactured by his company....ok.

Not exactly - it's more like, "I'm not sure which of these they used..." I don't think that he has the information that he needs to know for sure.

I'll shoot over an email and see what he says specifically about it.

I was using paperweight to describe the fact that without the conventional explosives or the firing mechanism for the explosives intact that the bomb would be inert in it's current state without introducing a new firing device.

Well, I know... It's just a sore spot because that's what government officials called it in the show, too. :)

Kinda funny that you'd use the same analogy. :)

That makes perfect sense to me. I am more familiar with the nuclear rods in a power plant than weapons I learned something.

Oh, man... That'd be great if the Bomb would make some heat as it decayed... :) Wish it did. :)

I do have one question though.

If you find this lost H bomb what do you plan to do? If the government is as reluctant to admit to its loss as you make out do you think they'll just be like "our bad?" I would suspect that the moment you come public with the fact it was found they'll push you out and make it a military operation for recovery and disposal. I'm just asking.

good hunting.

Man, that's a great question. :)

What do you think we should do with it? Our government has called it "irretreivably lost" at least twice officially, and countless times unofficially. If we found it, obviously, it wasn't "irretreivably lost."

If the rightful owner of something gives up and you go and find it, do you give it back? What if it took you a decade to find it?

What would you do with it?
I'm thinking that one hell of a 4th of July party would be in order... Hosted in Iran though! :blown:

Bluetangclan said:
Does UPS deliver to Iran?
My vote is that it has already been found and the gov kept it quiet so that it has a bomb that isnt covered by any of the treaties since it in theory either doesnt exist or is under water and thus accounted for.

Dont accidently blow it up in the near future. I just got a new camera and havent gotten a chance to use it yet since the above the surface temps are frikkin cold lately.

akunochi said:
LOL I would drop it in the that all the afghan leaders are there too!.

Like I said good luck and if you find it I hope that you get the credit for it and it isn't stolen from you by big brother.

You guys are funny. :D

Let's just say this... Exclusive coverage rights that include a lost nuke, the government clearly lying to it's people to cover it's butt, followed by a "give up" when it clearly can be found... Well, that makes for a great story. And exclusive image rights would be worth millions to the right media. :)

Or... If the government REALLY wants the story to not be told, they might be interested in covering us for what we would have otherwise financially gained... Add a nice plot of land, a fat retirement plan, and a well-equipped research vessel (so that we can find the one they lost off of Jacksonville, too) and we'd make the deal. :)

There's also some information that we're looking for that we've never been able to gain access to... We'd want that as a part of the deal.

Our intents would be for the situation (which we would create by finding the Bomb) to work out best for everyone. :) Personally, I'd also like to see the risk completely mitigated so that my kids can grow up here without the worry of having a lost nuke in their back yard. :)
LOL after working for the GOV'T for 12 years I have a feeling they will change their mind regardless of what they have stated if you uncover a thermonuclear weapon.

I'd have your legal side ready for one HELL of a legal battle. I'm sure they will try to bully you around. Unfortunately, they will have a million different declarations to try and bury you...state of emergency etc etc blah blah blah LOL....You should find it conveniently in "international waters" :)
Yeah, I have no intention whatsoever of getting into a legal battle with those guys. :)

What I want is an agreement concerning all parties. And since the Supreme Court passed a law in 2004 specifically regarding this particular weapon (and any others like it - probably in response to our calling them in 2002 and notifying them of some higher-than-normal radiation findings near the suspect area), their intentions are pretty clear.

In the long run, we want finding the Tybee Bomb to be a positive thing for everyone... And we want it to APPEAR to be a positive thing for everyone - local residents, the Government, and of course, us. We want our people - and our children - safe... And we want people to KNOW that they're safe.

With things the way they are now, nobody knows anything for sure, and a myriad of possibilities exist - some of them catastrophic. Like the Government, I'm sure, we want the best possible outcome for all.
Yea, but a good retirement plan would be nice.......
or a couple of nice incentives would be nice!

No doubt! :)

If we find the Bomb, I would think it would be fair for us to trade our expenses and a fair profit margin for the location. That's how my business works with all of my clients. The difference is that normally, I have an agreement with the client PRIOR to finding said item. In this case, the negotiations will happen AFTER the item is found.

I'd also like to enter into an agreement with them to find other items that they'd be interested in... And preferrably get some help from them (boats, funds, access to information) so that I could continue to do what I do, but with a government contract.

To me, that would ensure my company's future prosperity and get some "rocks out of their shoes." :) It would also improve national security risks and help ensure this country's safety.

I have no intentions of trying to "get one over" on anyone - I am motivated for the challenge of the search and for the benefit of everyone - including the rightful owners (the Federal Government), it's people, AND my company.

If the Feds aren't intersted in the location or even the Bomb itself (they seem disinterested altogether in many ways), then our only option to recoup our expenses would be through selling the exclusive rights to images and the story.

Those are the only two ways that I can think of to make this situation financially worthwhile... Which, of course, is the goal of my company.

The only other glaringly obvious method of financial gain from finding the Bomb would be to either retrieve the Bomb and sell it to another nation... Or at least provide another nation the location. This, of course, has many risks associated with it... For one, we'd clearly be breaking the law that the Feds put in place in 2004... Second, we could easily be found guilty in all kinds of ways for treason. Thirdly, giving another nation something like this would clearly put Americans - and probably my local area - at tremendous risk.

So aside from the fact that I would never consider giving access to this device to another nation for financial gain, it also wouldn't make sense for me to do so. Not only would it be against my beliefs, but it also would have no gain for my company or me.

Nonetheless, I expect that when the day comes that I know the Bomb's location, I expect that interested parties will be very motivated to want to do business. :)

Some of my "hot" buttons, in case they're reading, are these:

1. Expenses for our search for the past 12 years covered, including appropriate salaries for searchers and salvors.
2. An operating profit margin for my company consistent with it's current margins.
3. An exclusive, well-laid contract for finding our next target (another nuke off of Jacksonville).
4. A research vessel equipped with the proper electronics, dive systems, ROV, manned submersible and helicopter, with options to hire additional crew out of government employees.
5. Four land grants for the project - two residential (one on a local island, and one in Tucson, AZ), one commercial, and one with undefined zoning in one of the US's outlying territories.
6. Grant capital to accomplish our next mission to the best of our ability.
7. Permanent and indefinite federal income and corporate tax immunity for my family and my company.

Most of these things won't cost the Federal Government a dime directly... And yet, would benefit all parties nicely. :)
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I hope all work out for the best. I sincerely hope the gov't won't blackball you or try to push your hand. I think it is a good thing you're doing and that if you are successful you should by all means be compensated for your time.
I hope all work out for the best. I sincerely hope the gov't won't blackball you or try to push your hand.

Oh, they will. I would. :) "Negotiation" is part of business. :) Business is the core of capitalism... And capitalism is what built America. :)

I think it is a good thing you're doing and that if you are successful you should by all means be compensated for your time.

Thank you, my friend. :)

I just hope that WE find the thing before someone else does, who's intentions are not so pure. :) There are no guarantees either way, but we are hoping that the odds are stacked in our favor - I don't know of anyone else looking for the Bomb, or anyone else who has done the research and pulled a team of qualified personnel together. If it's to be found, I can't see anyone else finding it. :)
Some of my "hot" buttons, in case they're reading, are these:

1. Expenses for our search for the past 12 years covered, including appropriate salaries for searchers and salvors.
2. An operating profit margin for my company consistent with it's current margins.
3. An exclusive, well-laid contract for finding our next target (another nuke off of Jacksonville).
4. A research vessel equipped with the proper electronics, dive systems, ROV, manned submersible and helicopter, with options to hire additional crew out of government employees.
5. Four land grants for the project - two residential (one on a local island, and one in Tucson, AZ), one commercial, and one with undefined zoning in one of the US's outlying territories.
6. Grant capital to accomplish our next mission to the best of our ability.
7. Permanent and indefinite federal income and corporate tax immunity for my family and my company.

Most of these things won't cost the Federal Government a dime directly... And yet, would benefit all parties nicely. :)[/QUOTE]

Hey I have seen that movie. You are the best around and you don't trust the job to anyone else on earth. You have a super hot daughter who loves the screwball that is on your team. You think she is better than that yet love conquers all. You and your team overcome insaine odds and save the day. I just hope your ending is better than Harry's. Good luck.
Hey I have seen that movie. You are the best around and you don't trust the job to anyone else on earth. You have a super hot daughter who loves the screwball that is on your team. You think she is better than that yet love conquers all. You and your team overcome insaine odds and save the day. I just hope your ending is better than Harry's. Good luck.

Yea, but Harry had a blast! :D

You do realize that I'm now going to be having illicit thoughts about Liv Tyler all day, don't you..? :p
Yea, but Harry had a blast! :D

You do realize that I'm now going to be having illicit thoughts about Liv Tyler all day, don't you..? :p

No I didn't realize and a small thank you is simply enough. Man cannot think about reefs all day long. Can he?:fish1:
Hey I have seen that movie. You are the best around and you don't trust the job to anyone else on earth. You have a super hot daughter who loves the screwball that is on your team. You think she is better than that yet love conquers all. You and your team overcome insaine odds and save the day. I just hope your ending is better than Harry's. Good luck.

What movie is that?
I know this is a little off the topic above, but...

SeaJay all I have to say is wow! I am totally hooked on this.

I would love to meet you two one of these days. Both of your credentials (you and your ex) are unreal.

I am moving to the Charleston, SC. area later this year. I currently hold SCUBA Certification through NAUI and am looking to complete the remaining of all my certifications once I move south to a warmer climate.

I have gone diving around Florida, Puerto Rico & Cozumel. I can't wait to get to more places once I get the certs. I am looking to acquire. One of them that I really want to acquire is a Rebreather Certification.
Armadgeddon with Bruce Willis.

The one where he blows up the asteroid?

Oh, dude... C'mon... Firstly, I do not have a horribly receding hairline (I never understood how women thought that his "male pattern baldness" was sexy).

Second, my daughters are WAY hotter - and there's four of them, not just one. :)

Third, my wife isn't dead or gone or divorced or whatever his deal was. She's very much alive, and set the bar for her gorgeous daughters:

Lastly, my story ends with watching the sun set over the Pacific way down in Mexico, not blowing myself up. :)