Anchor Meeting - April


New member
I had mentioned to Ted that I could host the April meeting. Unfortunately, the only Saturday in April that I can do it is the 18th, which is the same day as the Tampa Club meeting.

An option, that actually would work better for me and maybe those wanting to also go to the Tampa meeting is to start the Anchor meeting earlier in the day.

So we need a show of hands (via a reply to this post) of those that can come to a meeting "way down here" in Palm Harbor on April 18th and also your ability to do a 10:00am or maybe a noon start time.

Word of warning - no way I can match the fantastic spread that Ted had for us all at the last meeting.

Jim , You know the TBRC meeting is the same day . It may be at night , but it is still the same day .


I realized that - but unfortunately this is the only Saturday in April that I didn't have a conflict. I figured it was worth a try to see if there were enough Anchor members that weren't going to the Tampa meeting that wanted to have an Anchor meeting.

I guess we will wait and see - if this date doesn't work for anybody else, either you and I can have a couple of beers and shoot the bull or just cancel.


Due to lack of interest and/or schedule conflicts, there will not be a April Anchor meeting here on April 18th. Hopefully we can find a time and place in May that will work for everyone.

Anybody is more than welcome to come by at any time to see my setup, shoot the bull, etc.
