And the rebuild begins.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7808218#post7808218 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sangogo
Haha, this thread made my day. I think we all could use a kick in the butt....

haha.. I need one on a daily basis.. :p
damn damsiles.. got one out.. going to get that other one too. he's picking on the other fish.

The clown is happy though.. he just swims around without a care.. net.. what net. lol
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7812123#post7812123 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
how about the anenome?


my tomato clown said screw the lather and went for the Rose bubble tip anenome. (ours split, you have one, I have one)
Now my other clown thinks the lather and the carpet is his. haha.
I'd love to have an anemone, but with the except of the "sango isoginchaku" (coral anemone is the literal translation, no idea what they call it in English), all are listed as pretty hard to keep.

Some places seem to imply that "shiraito isoginchaku" (white thread anemone, as it is literally translated) aren't too bad either.

I see mixed reviews on the bubbletips ("tamaitadaki isoginchaku) though. Some places say they are relatively easy, just as many say they are very hard.

And a few places say that a certain type of carpets ("ibohatago isoginchaku") are not too bad, though the main colorful carpet ("hatago isochichaku") is very hard. (Everything other than the above was listed in "too hard, don't try" territory)

So much information that conflicts. The only one that people consistently list as fairly easy is the sango isoginchaku. (Sorry that I only really know the names in Japanese... :()

What is your experience with anemones in general?
This is my first one.. so we'll see. So far so good. went to PetBox today and they had a beautiful purple one that my girlfriend wanted me to get, but I dont want to add anything else to my tank for a little while. one step at a time...
he's all purple.. I just changed the water, so as soon as everything settles down, Ill get pics of the rest of the new guys.
I have 7 total.. altho 1 is a very very small gobie.. dont have a pic of him yet. Im just hopeing one of the biger guys hasnt gotten to him yet. havnt seen him since I put these other fish in.





the one with the white stripe down its back(if anyone knows what that is, let me know) likes to host in the bubble anenome.
sweet! I just came back from the LFS during dinner break. They had skunk shrimp on sale! (Skunk shrimp were next on my wish list.) Only 980 each!
that clown is freaking me out though.. wont stop I think I can get him to eat out of my hand.. he's a brave one.