And the rebuild begins.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7695502#post7695502 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sangogo
I had a yellow sea slug in my tank one day I looked, but never found it again. What color are yours?

ahh not sure, blue I think. its real small. Ive found a couple of them. babies.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7695736#post7695736 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Donstuprich
btw, that light has made that zoo patch perk up! thx man :)

dude, you really need to get some better lighting in there if that little light helped
wow.. after looking at my fuge pics again, that ball of cheato sure has grown!!

I also got my skimmer skimate catcher in the other day.. so no chance of an accidental overflow in my stand now. still havnt gotten any of the penductors that bluezoo mailed to me.. I'm going to give it another week or so, I know they mailed them out, so I'm blameing the post office.

And purlyH2O said my RO/DI unit should be getting to my shipitAPO account very soon.. I'll belive it when I see it.
FINALLY!!! shipitAPO got my RO/DI unit and forwarded it on to me.. should get it next week sometime. Now I just need my Penductors and Ill be all set.
wow Im so glad I got that Precision Marine waste collector!!! Was talking to Jeff yesterday about the micron filter I have on the output of my skimmer catching all the pods from my fuge. So I took it off... well the lack of back pressure caused my skimmer to get out of whack and it started running super super wet.. filled up my waste collector. Think about this collector, it has a ping pong ball in the top, so if the collector fills up, it flotes up and cuts off the air and kills the skimmer, so no overflow... I did lose about half a gallon of water though.. but oh well better than 55 gallons.

I'm wanting to redo my sump in a differant configuration, but would like to keep the down time on the sump to a minimum. Does anyone have a 20 gal tank that they're not useing at the moment that I can use to temporarily?
Hey had an idea. what about extending the piping from the fuge straight to the return pump area instead of the skimmer pump area so all your pods never make it to the skimmer. you can still keep the sock on and reduce the amount of pods that make it into the skimmer.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7795704#post7795704 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffb3t
Hey had an idea. what about extending the piping from the fuge straight to the return pump area instead of the skimmer pump area so all your pods never make it to the skimmer. you can still keep the sock on and reduce the amount of pods that make it into the skimmer.

lol.. thats why I keep you around.. will do that this weekend.