Answering "Snorkle Bob's Call to Ban Aquariums


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CORAL has published a Special Edition newsletter with letters from hobbyists, marine scientists, and aquarium professionals responding to a call from Robert "Snorkle Bob" Wintner to end all marine livestock collection and to make aquarium keeping illegal.

Must read for anyone interested in sustainability issues:

CORAL Magazine Newsletter Special Edition
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thanks for posting this, it's good to see that someone is putting forward an official rebbuttal to his posting.
Misinformation is always dangerous. Obviously both sides of the argument have their agenda but it is good to see so many well articulated responses from professionals to counter Mr. Wintner's argument. Unfortunately Coral magazine may not have the network base that the sea shepherd does such as an animal planet tv show that would draw the attention of the public to this argument. This is one instance where I hope the industry's available funds and lobbying are in bed deeper with the government than the people rallying against the Aquarium trade. I feel that Without influence in government sustainable practices will never have a chance to achieve full potential before they are shut down to gain votes by pandering to the misinformed masses attacking the aquarium industry. I think the aquarium industry has put out tons of information about the successes and moves toward a better method of gathering/growing and maintaining livestock in aquariums but it is targeted at its market(us the hobbyist). I would love to see a more public outlet such as a tv show that not only provides information about the science of reefs but combines that with the aquarium hobby and how the two affect each other and it also would have the potential to point out other major issues affecting reefs to focus the call for concern onto these more threatening and potentially catastrophic problems.
CORAL will be putting together a special report on aquarium collection in Hawaii in an attempt to get some real science and facts on the table. We will be talking with collectors, fisheries biologists, and people on both sides of the issue in the Hawaiian Islands.

Sea Shepherd has not taken on this crusade yet, and we can hope that they will get some expert opinion before accepting Snorkle Bob's words as gospel.
That's excellent news and I definitely applaud CORAL's efforts. It is one of the only aquarium magazines I seem to find at a bookstore or news stand by me anymore. I didn't mean to imply that CORAL doesn't have a large enough outreach to the public in my previous comment or that the Sea Shepherd had taken a stance against aquariums. My thought was that their show has the potential to draw concerned citizens to their website in an effort to find more information about a cause they can take up. In this case the original article is presented or linked on their website and allows Mr. Wintner's information to be distributed to these people with no counter argument present. I feel that this gives it more credibility to the "uninformed masses" (for lack of a better term) because of it's link then to the television show and a major network. That's why I think what CORAL is doing to counter is an excellent step.

The July/Aug edition of CORAL I thought was an excellent example of what could be portrayed through a more public outlet such as television. The SEASMART article about responsible collection but also the importance of wild collection on the economy and standard of living for residents of papua New Guinea. The effects of invasive lion fish and the efforts to stop their spread. Captive breeding clowns, and the distribution center for wild harvested species. I think these are all very interesting topics that alot of people would find interesting other than aquarium enthusiasts and would be well suited to any number of major television networks such as Discovery, Science, Nat Geo, Animal Planet, Green, Travel. They are all creating the same shows under different names that portray environmental causes or industry's that affect the environment eg: River monster's, logging, swamp men etc.. and following the success of Life and Planet earth. What I am trying to say is that what better time or outlet to really secure the future and promote this industry through the TV. I would bet that the novice aquariast looking to start a fish tank would learn and accept proper methods and techniques to care for their aquarium through the TV more readily than the advice of a store employee or book they read or friend that helped them. I think it would have the potential to avoid alot of waste and mistreatment by novices and experienced folks alike because the TV show they watched told them to do something a certain way and if that show sparks interest in joining the hobby then it only further secures the future by bringing in new members.

I don't mean to hijack your thread or get off topic but I thought it might be a good discussion to have within the powers that be on new ways to counter the issue of the original post and promote the industry as a whole. Plus from a business point of view there is a lot of money to be made in television advertisements, a new target audience plus network deals, and even to help fund getting a show off the ground there are major distributors, product companies whose products could be advertised in return for funding a show etc...
No fear, I think this is entirely on topic. Robert Wintner has a bully pulpit (Huffington Post blog) and potentially powerful allies (Sea Shepherd). Our point is that he cannot be ignored.

Television exploring all aspects of aquatic life and aquariums would be great, and probably very viable if done well. Our strength is in print an digital media, not television. Anyone out there who can make something like this happen?
No fear, I think this is entirely on topic. Robert Wintner has a bully pulpit (Huffington Post blog) and potentially powerful allies (Sea Shepherd). Our point is that he cannot be ignored.

Television exploring all aspects of aquatic life and aquariums would be great, and probably very viable if done well. Our strength is in print an digital media, not television. Anyone out there who can make something like this happen?

And an excellent Job you have done. As I said I think a large number of your topics could be put into television in a documentary type program. Plus it would be profitable advertisement for any number of companies such as the ones that list adds in CORAL. It also has the opportunity to provide a major outlet for the aquarium industry to provide a program that reflects it's viewpoints and practices, sort of like a reef "How its made" type thing. Maybe you all can find some new business partners to team up with. Even on a seedier business level it would allow for a platform to promote industry biased propaganda and counter any opposition.
Those are all well written responses to Snorkel Bob's attack on the hobby. We, as Reef Central, need to do something to help our cause. It's true that there are "cowboy collectors" out there, and they are one of the biggest problems we face when trying to keep our noses clean of any misperceptions. Also, we need the big aqua farm companies to step up and talk about their sustainability efforts - or what they will be doing to encourage sustainability.
"Misinformed" implies an ignorant sincerity.
I doubt thats the case.
Wilfull and manipulating for personal aggrandizment is more likely the case.
I think his shock and awe generalizations and black and white simplifications play well to an ocean-ignorant, semi-green press always hungry for story.
Great job by Coral Magazine to get our side out there. I know there was a production company at MACNA to do a documentary on it and was just thinking it would be nice if they would take it a step further and cover our hobby in depth and deal with issues like these.
This whole argument boils down to accountability and it starts with the collectors, right on down to the hobbyist. Being a hobbyist, I'm at the tail end of the trade, so I don't know the intricate details of what goes on from collection, to arrival at the LFS. There comes a time when common sense and doing the right thing, need to take precedence over profit. LFS owners should take the time to educate potential hobbyists, on proper husbandry techniques, instead of just trying to sell them everything under the sun. Collectors need to be cognizant of what they catch. Fish that are commonly known to have very high mortality rates in captivity, should perhaps be left out of the aquarium trade. If the secret to keeping them alive is revealed by professional aquariums, biologists, etc., then it would seem more prudent to release them to hobbyists. Same goes with corals. If more leases were given to make LR farms, the need to collect from natural reefs would decrease dramatically. Crop farmers get government subsidies, so why not give them to coral farmers (if they're not already). We need to be our own watch dogs. As consumers, we let people know which LFSs maintain quality livestock, take the time to educate customers and really seem to care. The same needs to be passed up the line. LFS owners need to keep an eye on distributors and distributors on collectors. If we police ourselves accordingly, we won't need anyone else to. The less ammo we give others to fire at us, the safer this hobby will be. If we don't act accordingly, everyone loses. We lose the hobby and everyone in the trade loses their job.
Excellent points. If we try to know what we are buying (and its care requirements) and where it came from and if it is eating at the LFS, we would be in much better position.

Supporting the good local stores that buy healthy livestock is a big start.
Robert Wintner has really no clue or idea what he is talking about... Wow.... Was quite comical however! I thought it was a spoof at first haha! Still not sure. I mean SERIOUSLY.... Coraline algae is what keeps the coral alive? And it must be trimmed by yellow tangs to keep it alive or the coral will suffocate? LOL awesomesauce!!!!!

Let me try.... Bumblebee gobies are the bees of the sea. Bumblebee gobies are vital to our oceans as they fly from their freshwater habitats into the ocean to pollinate corals. Without them, Our corals cannot reproduce vigorously. We must ban all aquarium trade, low flying aircraft, cars that may hit the flying gobies, and the green lantern... (especially the green lantern as he was really close to the sun and now is a radioactive phenomenon.) Now what is wrong with that picture? It's stupid. If we do not act now or our natural reef ecosystems are DOOMED and my chickens will lay green eggs and I am without ham.
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As far as I'm concerned Sea Shepherd is a terrorist organization. It's only a matter of time before they get someone killed with their tactics (if it hasn't already happened and I'm not aware). As for Robert Wintner... what a tool.
I took the survey I know some people make an extra buck but its great for people to enjoy nature and learn the reef chemistry as well as enjoying having an apropriate size tank as well for the right fish.