Answering "Snorkle Bob's Call to Ban Aquariums

Oh, so you want to stop fisheries in Hawaii where the most regulated (and sustainable) fisheries is but continue to buy fish from Indonesia because we have no control over their laws? Interesting logic... And by the way, the damage done by aquarium trade collection in Indonesia (even with cyanide) is orders of magnitude lower than that done by food fishing and pollution, literally a drop in the bucket.

Here is what I mean:

The populations did not drop to a fifth as you say. Populations of juveniles dropped by 5x outside reserves, but adults dropped by less than half. Quick question, where does the 24 years figure come from? If reserves are there, they will keep supplying adult fish and larvae to adjacent fished areas.

Should we fight to collect and sell stony coral and live rock in Hawaii?
The following is from the state biologist in charge of the fishery:

I’m sure in the discussions on these resolutions there has been much talk about fish populations and the effects that aquarium collecting may or not be having on them. Indeed the resolution bluntly states that the aquatic life of the reefs are being devastated by collection. This is simply not true. As I noted earlier the West Hawai’i aquarium fishery is by far the most thoroughly researched fishery in the state of Hawai’i. We have a pretty good idea of what’s going on out there on the reefs although people on both side of the issue often don’t not like to hear the details. The coral reef community is complex and dynamic and species abundances wax and wane even without human influence. Due to recent technological advances in coral reef habitat mapping we’re now able to estimate and track the total population sizes of many reef fishes. For example over the past 12 years the West Hawai’i population of yellow tang in the 30’-60’ prime reef habitat has increased by just over 337,000 fish. Similarly kole populations have increased by over 1,019,000 fish. These two species make up 91% of the total West Hawai’i aquarium catch. This is not devastation. There are indeed concerns over some species to be sure but that is what management is for.

Simply put, the fish are not declining. Bob's call to ban the fishery is for emotional reasons - basically he's morally opposed to keeping fish in a box. It's a free country and people are entitled to their own opinions, but claiming that it's an environmental issue (which it isn't) to justify your own personal viewpoint is not right.
Simply put, the fish are not declining. Bob's call to ban the fishery is for emotional reasons - basically he's morally opposed to keeping fish in a box. It's a free country and people are entitled to their own opinions, but claiming that it's an environmental issue (which it isn't) to justify your own personal viewpoint is not right.

Unfortunately that is what happens with most movements. Emotions turn to fear tactics which turn to outrage which turn to extreme reactions. That's also the reason why Religion and Politics are off limits... we can't have good and informed debate without going off the deep end on either side of the ball.
I am a spear fisherman and love my salt water tank. When I spent 6 months in Maui I was amazed at the lack of fishing regulations in Hawaii. Sure, there re many dealing with collection, but this is one of the only places (in or out of the states) I haven't had to buy a fishing license... spear fishermen in Maui were plentiful, the fish were not as were regulations.
I just finished reading this and WOW Bob is dumb. The reason the aquarium trade gets bad publicity is because of dumb owners that don't know squat about keeping marine fish alive, not responsible people who actually know how to keep them alive.
And how are so many tangs exported for the aquarium trade? My family knows a lot of people and we have visited all of them at one time or another, and NONE have marine aquariums. And those of us who do have marine aquariums don't always have >100 gallon systems to keep tangs in.
Okay just read this and lets see if some agree
1,000,000 Yellow Tangs in Hawaii
70% or 700,000 you can not touch because they are protected
30% or 300,000 can be harvested
The first group is up by 50% or 350,000
The second group is down by 50% or 175,000
In closing
Protected 700,000 + 350,000 = 1,035,000
Unprotected 300,000 - 175,000 = 175,000
Add the two and you get 1,210,000
So how are they going extinct?
I would suggest lots of research in new man made reef rock tech....and seperate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to those species who can and cant be bred captively....not only fish, but also corals and inverts as well.

the animal rights groups have lost there battle with hunting, trapping, and logging.......the aquarium trade is there new target in the name of "fragil reefs"

this industry doesnt have the deep pockets there old enemys had.......and its there new battle ground.

personaly, i see nothing wrong with responsable collecting. But then i dont have a problem with any responsable use of any resource that can replete its self :)
Just a quick "what if" to throw out to the crowd:

Why not create massive man-made reefs for the purpose of collecting fish and growing/harvesting corals? I'm just sayin. Wouldn't it benefit the industry as a whole if they got together and worked with the various governments around the world to create these artificial reefs to benefit the industry as a whole? Granted, it would take time for them to become established and productive but, during that waiting period, wouldn't they serve as havens for all sorts of marine fish and help bolster wild populations?
Problem with the driving forces behind the idea of the Hawaiian ban is that isn't about a problem with sustainable fisheries practices, but rather one of the "they shouldn't be allowed to catch my friends". Wouldn't matter what you did, the reasoning behind the ban idea is strictly an emotional one.
all of this from a guy (Snorkel Man) who has made TONS of $ off renting snorkle gear to anyone who wants it, including tons of people who have never even been in the water. these are the same snorklers who created the "reefscape" you see in his "yellow tang" video.

the reason EVERY accessible shallow water spot in hawaii is decimated of most/all coral is because of the very people the "snorkle man" rents to.
you can see them daily walking on (what used to be) the reef. the damage you see is caused by FEET, Snorkle Man! feet covered with fins YOU RENTED !!!! not because of tangs being harvested.

i have a question for the Snorkle Man-how many large, deep (+10') coral heads are there in hawaii with flat, dead tops (3'-6' deep?) made by feet in fins you rented
answer= ALL OF THEM!
once you get 8-10' deep, the coral is in good shape. (maybe the remaining tangs ALL live there???????? (i guess Snorkle Man would know, since he is obviously SO well versed in coral and fish life cycles)

what a crock! put your $ where your mouth is Snorkle Man! stop renting tens of thousands of sets of gear every day!

what a JOKER!
This might be totally unrelated, but has anyone heard mention of what outfit President Obama used while snorkeling on his recent vacation? Snorkel Bob is a very politically active person and talk about the networking possibilities if indeed his is the outfit the President used. Has anyone heard anything on the matter?
I think the laws/regulations will change. Some will like the change and some wont.
But how would he know where to go?

As with all married men his wife did.

It is always a sad day when fear and emotion replaces science and statistics not to mention when one when has financial gain in the name of a "better world".