Answering "Snorkle Bob's Call to Ban Aquariums

Just an FYI, Snorkel Bob apparently thinks that Coralline Algae grow from the insides of corals to the outside, the Coralline keeps the corals alive, but if it grows too much, will suffocate the corals. And apparently, tangs eat the Coralline which is why they should not be taken from the reef. Also, Hawaiian cleaner wrasses never live more than 30 days in an aquarium unless the aquarium has 30 fish in it. I can't believe anybody takes him seriously...I'm all for sustainability, and responsible reefkeeping, but this nut takes it too far.
This might be totally unrelated, but has anyone heard mention of what outfit President Obama used while snorkeling on his recent vacation? Snorkel Bob is a very politically active person and talk about the networking possibilities if indeed his is the outfit the President used. Has anyone heard anything on the matter?

Obama & his family went snorkeling at Hanauma Bay. The bay is a nature preserve and is closed every Tuesday for maintenance, so they were able to go on one of the off days when nobody would bother them.

Hanauma Bay has its own snorkel concession (not owned by Bob, thankfully) so I imagine that's where they went.
? the forum we used to discuss Animal Planet's Tanked was closed yet this forum that discusses a U.S. president ad mist something well beyond what was originally discussed goes on and on. That is fair I am guessing. I am getting a little confused, maybe some light needs shed on this?
? the forum we used to discuss Animal Planet's Tanked was closed yet this forum that discusses a U.S. president ad mist something well beyond what was originally discussed goes on and on. That is fair I am guessing. I am getting a little confused, maybe some light needs shed on this?
It was an oblique reference to the president in direct reference to the topic at hand. Fundamentally no more political than the topic of this entire thread.
Mentioning a political figure going snorkeling isn't quite the same as talking politics. In regards to that other thread, the closing has more to do with stopping people getting too personal with the arguments that were happening.
"In the case of the two species mentioned, populations have increased along the Kona Coast despite increased harvest for the trade. Yellow Tang populations increased 337,050 between 1999 and 2010, and Yellow-eye Kole Tang populations increased by 1,019,700 during the same timeframe according to DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) data."
Again I haven't read the entire thread but I can offer this. First and foremost I don't understand Snorkel Bob's profile of the average aquarist. I am just shy of 30 and stepped into the hobby at age 8-9. I know lots of young people, high school students and college students into the aquarium hobby. Where he came up with that profile I don't really know. I also know that Clownfish will live out an entire lifespan in a tank as small as 10 gallons. I bred them in 5 gallon tanks all throughout high school and college. So that is fubar as well.

I don't think Snorkel Bob has a real understanding of A. The aquarium hobbyist and B. The level of time and detail that we put into our aquariums. He is missing all the good things that aquariums do, such as foster people's love and understanding of coral reef environments. Reality is if it was not for marine aquariums I would never have gotten into coral reef biology, scuba diving and all the hobbies and interests I have now.

Furthermore he does not understand the dedication of the individual hobbyist. I have been to countless trade shows, aquarium forums and society meetings. Hobbyists care about their animals. We have invested thousands of dollars to keep them healthy. When people pay these prices for fish they are often confident they can keep them alive.

As I have stated Snorkel Bob is looking at one section of the hobby not the hobby as a whole. Sadly, his misinformation has resonated with many people.
FWIW I wouldn't call people that are online "average hobbyists" as that is discounting a large proportion of people that do not go online (nor care on the same level we do). The fact is, there are a lot of hobbyists that do not think like us, and give us a bad name. I've worked the entire gamut in this industry and my years in retail were the most eye opening for me in that regard.
Unfortunately Gresh is right. The folks we have posting here are not the average LFS customer. Look at the occasional newbie post of someone wanting to shove too many, and too large fish into a newly set up tank all in one day....and don't want to listen to anyone telling them they shouldn't do it. That is sadly the average LFS customer.
I just got back from Kauai, and might I add, Snorkel Bob has the creapiest ads I have ever seen. Something about him being married to his cat.
Also, macman7010, I agree with your last posting. It was in fact, a snorkeling trip to the big island around middle school that inspired me to join the aquarium hobby, followed by a scuba certification, a degree in Marine Biology, and a subsequent job in fisheries regulations.
Problem with the driving forces behind the idea of the Hawaiian ban is that isn't about a problem with sustainable fisheries practices, but rather one of the "they shouldn't be allowed to catch my friends". Wouldn't matter what you did, the reasoning behind the ban idea is strictly an emotional one.

This is exactly correct. It's misplaced emotions with skewed facts behind it that is leading to this idiocy.

Commercial fisheries should be where they are looking if anywhere...but they bring in too much money to bother with. heh

This guy is what is wrong with the world we live in. He is one of the attention wh--- whale wars morons that value the life of animals over humans. Pure ignorance. I wish the Japanese ship woulda ran em all over. Reminds me of a local story where a man was drunk and ran over a man and got 5 years and another man who couldn't afford to feed himself let alone a dog got close to 8 years for animal cruelty. The world we live in is an absurdly twisted place. Now this crybaby wants to illegalize me keeping a fish tank. Give me a break. And at risk of being banned if I say what else I'd like to I'll stop there.
all of this from a guy (Snorkel Man) who has made TONS of $ off renting snorkle gear to anyone who wants it, including tons of people who have never even been in the water. these are the same snorklers who created the "reefscape" you see in his "yellow tang" video.

the reason EVERY accessible shallow water spot in hawaii is decimated of most/all coral is because of the very people the "snorkle man" rents to.
you can see them daily walking on (what used to be) the reef. the damage you see is caused by FEET, Snorkle Man! feet covered with fins YOU RENTED !!!! not because of tangs being harvested.

i have a question for the Snorkle Man-how many large, deep (+10') coral heads are there in hawaii with flat, dead tops (3'-6' deep?) made by feet in fins you rented
answer= ALL OF THEM!
once you get 8-10' deep, the coral is in good shape. (maybe the remaining tangs ALL live there???????? (i guess Snorkle Man would know, since he is obviously SO well versed in coral and fish life cycles)

what a crock! put your $ where your mouth is Snorkle Man! stop renting tens of thousands of sets of gear every day!

what a JOKER!


I think if snorkel Bob had the REEF's best interest in mind. He would want to have no one go into the water except for the people qualified to observe the reef and report what's going on.

Sometimes when no human interaction is involved and an area is protected, it will heal itself.

He is stressing the fish by going into the water. That's why he can't find his so called friends. They are swimming away from him and heading for deeper water.
As all of you can see I am new to this website but not new to this hobby, having been in it since 1983. I will defend it against all comers including Bob, for one reason above all others, education-awareness. We as a hobby take all kinds of criticism from all kinds of sources but who speaks to our good effects? I am but one among many and in my experience I have enlightened tens of people to what actually exists under the surface and how insanely beautiful it really is. I can also lay claim to having inspired 1 child to become a marine biologist. If she or someone you have inspired goes on to find the answers our reefs so desperatley need then my expenses and time are well worth it. If one of those who have visited my house and heard me speak has learned NOT to step on coral while snorkeling on vacation then great. Now multiply by several hundred thousand? a million? What would it cost our governments to educate so many to the plight of our world on any such front? I would hate to imagine. I will hope that common sense and an organised response can stop such peoples crusades. I fully understand that we are not the average LFS customer but we do have an impact. It is because we care that home breeding/ propogation has taken a foothold and will someday make a positive impact on the oceans. Sorry for the rant but I feel strongly that we must speak loudly or there will be no end to the un educated's effects on our world. Just my opinion for what it is worth.