aquamaxx ConeS CO 1 skimmer review

Totally normal!. You have very little for the skimmer to take from the water. Furthermore, it will take longer for the skimmer to break in. Just give it time. it will eventually get a slime coating on it and become more predictable. It will stop overflowing and settle down. It just takes time with a new tank.
I have seen that skimmer running at a show. It's a nice skimmer. You will have to give it alot more time. One thing you will learn with this hobby is patience!!!
If your not patient, it's going to cost you alot of money.
So it's rated up to a 175 gallon tank? I think I would get better production with a smaller neck. I already have a 3.25 and it runs idle alot! I do however carbon dose, so my water is pretty darn clean. I was thinking the Reef Octopus 110 Would be better suited for my 65 gallon set up.
This is what I see happens: Too large a neck lets the skimmate build up low in the neck quicker, greatly reducing the skimmers efficiency. It does not allow the skimmate to rise quick enough and get out of the neck.
Just my 2 cents. I like the idea of a 9 watt pump too! :)

a smaller neck would probably be fine but the skimmer performs fantastic with it's current specs. I dont know if their claim of increased laminar flow is due to the cones on the BB plate, but it just works. The turbulence I see seems a bit more stable than other skimmers I've used but nothing to really get excited about. Laminar flow is smooth, non layered current and the usual churning in any skimmer is pretty much what I see now. It was a bit calmer at the A/W line when I first got it but now it looks similar to my other skimmers turbulence. I dont have any experience with the new RO skimmers but I do own an NWB110 with the old OTP pump. It skimmed okay at best on an 80 gal system but the OTP pumps are/were junk IMO. I would put my CO1 up against any similar sized skimmer on the market today in terms of overall performance and quality of skim.

Happy reefing

for those that are following and are pre-ordered with hopes of a shipment soon, here's the latest reply from Larry at Aquamaxx.

Thank you for your email. The shipment should land at the docks today, then hopefully get through customs fairly quickly. We are hoping that everything will be at our distributor Monday or Tuesday.

If there is anything else we can do for you please let us know.

Larry Jones
AquaMaxx Tech Support

Hopefully there will be enough left for non pre-order people to get their hands on one.

happy reefing

Mine has been operating flawlessly for over a month, it starts up perfectly which is a massive factor for me.
I find the cup design to be working really well and with a botlle brush cleaning is not a chore.
I have a 45 cube so it don't get it pulling as much skimmate as some others. However, i accidentally dropped a handful of ON formula two pellets in the tank a day or two ago(lon story), I did a wc and scooped most of the pellets out, within an hour the skimmer had settled and has pulled out all the mess i made so another big thumbs up.

As with most skimmers, WATER LEVEL IS CRUCIAL. If your skimmer over flows check the water level first.
wow! Good news from both of you!!

Mine is still chugging along without a single issue!!!

I'm so confident in its consistent performance that the only time I look at it now is when I clean the cup.

I've given mine 3 deep cleanings since I put it in service. My cleanings consists of the impeller well, magnet & NW, venturi, bubble plate/cones and obviously the cup. I don't scrub the inside body of the skimmer because I don't want to remove the slime coat.

The CO-1 is hands down the best performer I've had and I've had a few.

Get em' while their available!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Reefing

alrighty, so i ordered an aqumaxx cone co1 from Marine Depot. You guys have praised it so much as well as most, so I'm giving it a shot. I currently have an eschopps s120 cone w/sicce. It works good though i think i could do better. I have it running on an oceanic 57 gallon with eheim 1262 return that is about 3/4 power. The aquamaxx sicce pushes about 150 more gallons of water per hour then the sicce on the eschopps so I'm hoping it collects even more. ill keep y'all posted.
Thanks for the review reeftivo. I placed an order for Co-2 with MD yesterday primarily based on this thread. Now I have to wait 6-8 weeks :(

Btw, anyone know if JNS SK2 skimmer is the same skimmer as CO-2? JNS SK2 is in stock at some of retailers.
I purchased my C01 on the weekend as my CAD lights pipelees was just producing WAY too many micro bubbles. Plugged the C01 in and away it went. Silent and efficient so far. Very impressed at this point!
I'm looking for a skimmer for my tank (350L - 90G) - this skimmer seems to be very impresive according your comments!
but not avalaible in Europe :(

What is your feeling about noise and performance in comparison to other skimmer like powercone for example, if someone have already had these 2 skimmer?

Thank you! merci ;)
I'm looking for a skimmer for my tank (350L - 90G) - this skimmer seems to be very impresive according your comments!
but not avalaible in Europe :(

Have you looked for the JNS version of the ConeS skimmer ? They may be available in Europe. JNS manufactures the Aquamax skimmers.

What is your feeling about noise and performance in comparison to other skimmer like powercone for example, if someone have already had these 2 skimmer?

Thank you! merci ;)

My AM skimmers are nearly silent and the performance is outstanding.
Thank for your reply.

About JNS skimmer, i sent an email to JNS aquaria - acc. to him, only one distributor in europe, in germany - but it's not an online store :crazy1::crazy1: