LED questions.

You went Engineer mode Dread, not that im bored its that im :headwally: trying to figure it out lol.....

was up til about 2 yeseterday soldering 240joints + and drilling, plus screwing on all the LED's fun fun. I think i need to go see a chiropractor now......

Pics of the almost complete rig to come....
I check for updates every day, but when you guys start getting technical, i just sit back and watch, i have nothing to add, but it would be great to see the results. some time last year i was going to talk to a engineer/president of our company (really cool guy) about building a custom power supply, but he has since retired. so that's a no go. i basically wanted a PWS like the maxwellen but at 750 ma and better dimming control, if only meanwell could do that.
20 leds and 750 ma without doing parallel would be great and no messing with internal pots and testing voltage etc. would be great if bridgelux upped the game and made 800ma leds running at 750ma as well.
Well it won't be pwm control but we are looking at 256 steps of resolution on the maxwellen driver with this system... Can do anything you want with that IMHO
Anyone else having a problem getting a custom order from them? Ray hasn't returned my emails.

Patience, they've been out on holiday for the last couple weeks for the chinese new year. I think they had that posted on their site? I would guess it'll take them a bit to catch up as their holiday just ended yesterday.

But, my experiance with them at the beginning of January, they are very good about working out custom orders and responding to messages. I had my customized order arrive within about two weeks of first emailing Ray.
Ray and I have been emailing back and forth for a couple of months and still haven't gotten it nailed down. Are these worth waiting for?
Ray and I have been emailing back and forth for a couple of months and still haven't gotten it nailed down. Are these worth waiting for?

For me they were a great value! about 1/3 the cost of the various cree kits out there for my purposes. and still more than bright enough. I've got my first 24LED array (1 of 2) built and up and running over one side of my frag tank, they will be replacing 4vho's and they seem more than bright enough at less than half the power.
yea, I have no complaints at all on mine. So happy I've even went out and bought more stuff just to make them even more useful then they already are :p

though I'm actually mad on that point, considering the arduino mega showed up today, as well as my breadboard, protoboard and jumper kit, but the damn IC's and trim pots I need probably won't be here till next week :(
yea, I have no complaints at all on mine. So happy I've even went out and bought more stuff just to make them even more useful then they already are :p

Me, too. Although not to the same degree, I only bough some other cheapo ebay leds with some of the money I saved to play with mixing in various colors........ and all the hardware and materials to eventually get some nice professionalish looking housings made for the rigs.
I got a friend that wants to add some supplement led's to his tank, and kept looking at cree's.. I think he'll be using bridgelux after my recommendations (and breaking down the pricing)

If he orders I think I'm going to snag like 6 more. I don't have a seperate frag tank yet, so I use 2 corner racks and I don't get strong light at them halfway up the tank. It kinda sucks, but it's awesome at the same time, that the light is so directed into the tank I can't even get algae to grow on the glass and my frag rack is kinda dim since it's on the edge LOL
Anyone have luck gettting a reply from ray? I sent an email about 2 weeks ago got a reply the next day... I replied with what i wanted but no reply for about 2 weeks..
Hardware is mostly complete on a maxwellen driver control. The 6 channel pot works, timer circuit works, only tested each individually with some basic sketches already online. Need to get a screw terminal or something for tieing the dimmer wires into before I can actually put it on the tank, but I'm watching it cycle resistances right now on my fluke 1587 so I know it'll work.

Hopefully I can focus enough tomorrow with the super bowl going on that I can write the code for basic led fading. It won't have any relays for physically turning the drivers on and off yet, that will probably be the 3rd of 4th module I make. (first was a real time clock as you have to have something to reference time from, second is the variable resistance channels on the pot.)

Trim pot worked beautifull too, I'm watching it go all the way from 900 ohm max to .4 ohm minimum (my leads are about .2 ohm themselves). That means that with the trim pot, you can take these drivers all the way down to minimum current (they won't turn off completely though, need to break AC power for that)

That much closer to proving my point that these can be controlled :p
you are the man, any pics?

I'll take some in a few minutes once I finish getting all this crap up off my desk lol. I started on the bread board but have already moved those circuits over to a protoshield so I don't have a mess of wires everywhere. all in all though it's not much to look at, just an arduino mega with a protoshield and some IC chips on it :p

scratch that, dead batteries, you gotta wait till tomorrow
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Basic Coding is finished. I'm going to clean it up a bit tomorrow but it works.

Pre-warning before I post this. I'm very rusty on C++ LOL, and I'm absolutely positive there's more efficient ways to code this and do classes and functions, but I only know the basics really well at this point, so I had to type everything out longer. I also have to come up with a calculation to give you the dimming point between 2 time frames. I have fall backs in place at the moment to where they will be full intensity when they need to be and lowest intensity when they need to be....

That said though, currently if the controller were to lose power and come back on during the fade times it will just start from the lowest, work as high as it can before it runs out of time during the fade sequence and then go max intensity. Same is true as the unit is going from max intensity to min intensity. If the unit never loses power this is not an issue and the code varies the intensity across the time frame perfectly.

The timeToFade is also kind of tricky. Ideally you want it to be a multiple of 255 for perfect scaling, but the code will take care of rounding errors as it's needed. Again this is more of a function of me being rusty on c++ and not remembering how to write a proper algorythm for that.

Code and pics will be up tomorrow if I don't get slammed at work on stupid stuff. I'll also toss up a video of my multimeter reading the resistance of the digital pot, as I'm not going to install this on my light fixture till I have some of the other stuff done and can replace my ac jr. with it, but it will provide proof of concept so people get brave and make their own
Does anyone run LED from Aquastyleoline on a reefkeeper ALC

ReefKeeper system can control Meanwell driver's via the 0v-10v port on the ALC