ASL ultra pearl berry Sps group buy

Let me know when you do one for the REAL pearlberry. I’m a fan of the original real deal ORA one, not the “ultra” or other names the cool kids are calling it. Lol
Let me know when you do one for the REAL pearlberry. I’m a fan of the original real deal ORA one, not the “ultra” or other names the cool kids are calling it. Lol

**POKE! Still have the original ORA plastic plug it came in :)

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If the ultra look like the picture without Photoshop then I like the ultra. Longer polyps n whiter body.
The reason I want this frag is because I need a white Coral body for my tank. Most of my corals have a solid color body. So I'm on the hunt for pearl berry n ice fire enchinada
The reason I want this frag is because I need a white Coral body for my tank. Most of my corals have a solid color body. So I'm on the hunt for pearl berry n ice fire enchinada want "œwhite coral body"? I have a ton in a bucket outside the yard. Free for you neighbor.
So far just me and tony are confirm if you or anyone want to join please reply name to thread so we can keep count the frags cost $69 I'm asking Scott to send me a picture of a real frag I will post it when I received. We need 5 for free shipping
Ok Aquarium specialty cut 4 frags and it will be ready in 1 week
So far Anthony , Tony, Charles and his friend.
