ASM Skimmer Club!

I'd like to join the club. I am setting up a 120 and I have a G2 for it. I want to mod it right from the beginning but I'm not sure which ones to do or how to do them, this will be my first mod. Any suggestions?
start with gate, venturi, and airline mods/upgrades. You should be able to do these three for about 15 bucks with one trip to ace hardware.
OK, Here is 7 days worth of nog from my G3 with no Mesh mod:



I am going to go one more week and then put the impeller with the mesh mod on. After I do that then I will probably pull it out and do the recirc mod on it.
Looks good paul. Is this your stock G3 with sedra 5000? How much do you feed an is your fish stock the same as what is listed on your current tank?
I sure wish my skimmate looked like that.
It's is stock except for the gate valve mod. I purchased another impeller and did the mesh mod to it but haven't put it on yet.

That is my current fish listed except for 2 green chromis. I feed them twice a day with some dry (Hikari) in the afternoon and then frozen (DIY frozen) in the evening. I also feed coral frenzy with cylopeeze twice a week for the coral.

The funny thing is with all the talk of what depth of water to run the skimmer in, mine is in 13" in my sump. I have my gate valve output about 1 inch under the surface. I don't know if I would get thicker skimmer nog if I had it in only 8 or 9 inches. I made my baffles too high so I am stuck for now. With my stand I can't raise the skimmer up either.
I am new to the asm club with a G3...bought it with mesh mod, gate valve and recirc. i read every single post in this thread and seams to amaze me how in 2 years asm turned from a great skimmer to a mediocre skimmer. I read many posts stating scfh flow is small on sedra pumps compared to other pumps. Just thinking about it logically, but to me scfh through a ventri cannot possibly be a benchmark for pumps(sounds like marketing hype) i would assume a stock sedra with a blade impeller would flow more water and create more scfh than a needle wheel or mesh mod but the performance would suck cause it wouldn't be producing fine bubbles. I think sedra's produce a ton of bubbles for the "little" scfh that they use and are ideal for the skimmers they came in

Was wondering if anyone had good results with diffferent pump? have a mag5 and 7 laying around i might want to try screwing with.

anyone that flows straight from their tank with the recirc mod, i would appreciate your input on setup. I read to keep gallons per hour under if one of my overflows is pumping 400 that is too much? or should be ok. I have a g3 if that matters.
I have a ASM-G mini.. does anybody have a link on a "how to" mesh mod, gate valve and recirc mod?. I have been thinking about doing this for some time but want to see what I need and how to... thanks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13237231#post13237231 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Paul_PSU
If you take the sedra pump and turn it so the venturi will face the skimmer, it will show you exactly where to drill the bottom hole for the recirc mod. You will actually be able to trace around the venturi on the body of the skimmer. I am getting ready to do the recirc mod also. The input hole for the feed pump seems to be around 5 inches down where the cone and body meet according to the feedback I have received so far.

Here is a link for it:
This one has the feed coming from the overflow.

Here is one that has a feed pump,

There are some on the site above. All but the mesh mod.

Here is an actual video of a mesh mod step by step:
thanks for the link.. so on a recirc mod the venturi buts the uniseal? does it go through the uniseal?.. thanks again for the link...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13252858#post13252858 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DML08
thanks for the link.. so on a recirc mod the venturi buts the uniseal? does it go through the uniseal?.. thanks again for the link...

Sorry for the delay in reply. The venturi will go into the uniseal. It should go in enough to complete the seal so you don't have to put an extension on the venturi.

I'm not sure on the mini, but the rule I generally hear is 1.5 times system volume. I have about 100 gal of water so I will need to push 150 through. I am not sure if I want to use a dedicated pump or "T" off of my overflow. My Overflow is rated at 600gph so I could put a valve before it hits the skimmer and adjust down from there.
Ok This is from my 2nd week of skimming and pretty much the same amount. I am happy that it is consistent in the amount it produced in two seven day periods. I did not have to touch anything after I dialed in the gate valve. I am running in 13" of water so that is my main reason for wanting to do the recirc mod. I will be switching out the regular impellar for the mesh mod I did. I will empty the cup when I do it and see what I pull in 7 days.



Here is a pic with the cup off and the skimmer running and also when I put the emptied cup back on.


on a gate valve mod, does it matter how high the T is? or not really since the water hight is controlled by the gate valve?
Not so much the "T" but the output should not be that far under the water. Mine is only an inch under the surface.
I hope this hasn't been discussed to death :) but the thread is soooo long!

I have the G5 and I am interested in doing re-circ with both Sedras and feeding the skimmer with the overflow from display tank.

How many gph will I need to feed the skimmer?
Any reason I shouldn't bother? :)
I will be doing a recirc mod on my G3 shortly. The magic number on the feed line should be 1.5 times system volume from all I have read. I am going to "T" mine off of my overflow box and use a valve to regulate.
I wouldnt think it would matter but I seem to remember reading somewhere to place it around the height of the junction of the skimmer body and the cone. That is where i have mine.
I tried a search of "bubble plate" and didn't seem to come up with anything from this thread so I'm assuming that this has not been brought up.

With all the mods that people are doing to ASM's has anyone tried adding a bubble plate to any of the ASM's?

I currently have an extra ASM G3 that I don't need to run on any system so it is free to "play" with. I've done the recirc mod already to it but I think I would like to add a bubble plate as well.

IF anyone has done this or if anyone has seen documentation on "how to" then please post.

Even a link to a good explanation of how a bubble plate works and is plumbed in general (on any skimmer brand) would be a great help because right now I'm clueless of how it even works.