ASM Skimmer Club!

I would never think about placing mine outside the sump. Mine is 3 years old and leaks where the skimmer body connects to the cone. I have replace the o-ring, used o-ring silicone, and pipe joint compound. Still leaks and I just let it. This is a very common leak spot.
hello, i am thinking about getting an ASM skimmer for my 50 gallon reef. I am thinking about getting the ASM Mini-G. Is this a good skimmer or do you think i should look at others?

Edit- also, is this an in sump skimmer or can i place it next to my tank since i dont have a sump.
I have a sump, but the space that I had available to put a skimmer in, I made into a refugium.... ;-( frustrating!
so for someone who really wants an ASM skimmer... what would you recommend as a good 2nd so that I can run a skimmer outside, next to my sump?
anyone have any pics of a gate valve mod? or of an ASM hooked up to a sump, sitting outside? Thanks!
Rort, I wondered about it being hooked up after I posted them.

I wouldn't want to use it outside because it leaks and... I find it useful to let it overflow into the sump when I take the collection cup off for cleaning. That way, I don't have to change the setting. If you have it out of the sump, you will need to dial it back or it will overflow.
Ya, i saw one at my LFS hooked up in the sump and it can come apart very easily! :-(

I guess a different skimmer is going to have to be the one for me!

Any recommendations?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13229284#post13229284 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rort
Ya, i saw one at my LFS hooked up in the sump and it can come apart very easily! :-(

I guess a different skimmer is going to have to be the one for me!

Any recommendations?

I would look at MSX or the octopus extreme. Same skimmer different label. Post another thread.
It can be done with silicone but you would not be taking the skimmer apart much anymore. I even tried getting a thicker O-ring and that did not work. Telfon paste might be an option and that way you could take it apart easily and just put more paste on when putting back together. For me that is too much of a PITA and I just got another sump that could fit the skimmer.
I have tried joint compound with teflon and it did not completely cure the problem. Mine is in my sump and I was just playing with it though because I had some laying around. Maybe I did not use enough. I have had enough leaks and floods as is with my tank to feel comfortable using an ASM outside of a sump. They are notorious leakers.
I been following along interested in doing the recirc mod to my G3 and have a couple of questions if you don't mind answering.
1. I understand with a recirc in sump, water level changes will have no effect on the skimmer performance, ie., it won't overflow if the sump water level rises?
2. If starting fresh, what are the optimum placement of the holes in the skimmer, ie., where the recirc inlet/outlet, skimmer water supply inlet.
Thanks in advance for answers, I think recirc my be the way to go but if filling and/or making new holes in my skimmer I just want to try and get it right. BTW I'm thinking of using a sicce 2500 for the recirc and not sure yet if supply by drain or small pump.
If you take the sedra pump and turn it so the venturi will face the skimmer, it will show you exactly where to drill the bottom hole for the recirc mod. You will actually be able to trace around the venturi on the body of the skimmer. I am getting ready to do the recirc mod also. The input hole for the feed pump seems to be around 5 inches down where the cone and body meet according to the feedback I have received so far.

Here is a link for it:
This one has the feed coming from the overflow.

Here is one that has a feed pump,