ASM Skimmer Club!

I'm going to swap that pump for the Sedra and see haow it works on the G-3. The Rio pushes more water at lower watts. I'll take it out this week sometime and see what I have to do in order to make the pump fit the elbow.
i ended up buying the enkamat from ebay. it looks like it will be enough do to what i need to do after buying 2 sheets. the shipping was extremely fast on the order too.
would it work if i just put a piece of enkamat on the sedra 3500 impeller without cuting it up?

like push the enkamat into the needles and zip tie it there?
I'm just about done. I think I've done every mod known to man on this ASM G3.

1) Mesh Mod - complete
2) Bored Out Venturi Mod - complete
3) Recirculating Mod - complete
4) Air Silencer Mod - complete
5) Bubble Plate Mod - complete
6) Gate Valve Mod - complete
However, mine wasn't done the normal way. Cost me $1 for two O Rings and that was all. All I do is twist the pipe.
7) Drill and Tap for Waste Container - Dang. I knew I was missing something. OK, I still have this one to do.


I just did the "New Version" Gate Valve Mod today. Filling up bath tub now for a test drive.
It Works!

I tossed a couple of boxes of rock salt into the bathtub which brought it up to 1.024 SG. Fresh water doesn't skim too well. Then I found a bag of old freezer burnt fish food in the freezer so I tossed that in as well. Good thing tonight is Ladies Poker Night and the wife won't be home this evening.

Within just a couple of minutes with all that food in the water I was making foam.

** I apologize. The clip is all grainy but I think you can still get the idea of how this is working.

does anyone know the wattage these pumps use? the G-500, sedra 2500 and sedra 3500, looking into buying the G1 for my 50g breeder..thanks
2500 20 watts, 3500 35 watts, not sure about the g-500 but i have a g1-x with mesh mod and gate valve mod and it works great.. I would recommend the mesh mod with any asm $6.00 shipped for supplies can't go wrong
yea, i know of the mods, currently have a modded octopus dnw110, but without the mesh mod, how do they perform? i have bad experience with mesh, ended up breaking the pump, so probably won't touch the impeller..and yes i do have a kill a watt, but didn't have meter to measure how much air it was pulling, i may do it go the new skimmer, but may just do a single layer of enkamat..
It still performs alright without the mesh mod but nothing special, when I did my mesh mod I left the needles intact so no worries of breaking anything.
Boosting the bubbles

Boosting the bubbles

My sedra pump stopped last night. Pulled the skimmer out, pulled out the impeller and cleaned it, replaced the mesh and put it back in. Ordered a new impeller since the pump was old and now stops periodically. Took the opportunity to turn the tank return into the skimmer body straight down inside and added about 4" tubing. Seems to have less turbulence at the top. I am not satisfied that I am getting enough foam. I have three layers of mesh and will add a 4th over the weekend.

I have drilled a bubble plate. Any recommendations on how large the original collection chamber for the recycled flow should be?
Coralfragger01: Would you make yours any larger and would you keep the inlet flow combined with the recirc?

Does anyone sell the eheim 1103 in the US?
It is interesting how quiet it gets here.

I have a G3 and am running at about 8" depth. It has the recirc mod and I feed from my tank returns. I know that having it too deep hinders getting air to the pump. Having it too low would probably make it harder for the pump to maintain a high enough level in the chamber and influence total flow.If you can, I would suggest pulling some tank water (from a water change or your sump) and try running it in a plastic tub to see how it does.
Good luck,
G4P question

G4P question

I have an ASM G4P which is a short version of the G4X I believe (Sedra 9000) on a 180g reef tank. I have read all about mods and have done the gate valve and a mesh mod. I am still not satisfied with the performance of the unit. I am wondering if I could do another mod I have never heard of before: raise the skimmer body (I have plenty of head room) but leave the pump lower in order for the pump to be attached to the skimmer closer to its base. I would of course have to drill a new hole in the side and block the current hole. This would provide longer contact time as right now, there are only bubble (very fine ones) in the top half of the main chamber. Seems like a big waste.

My second question relates to ozone. I want to run ozone in the skimmer (again to improve its performance). I have tried it before, but never figured out a way to get carbon to trap the ozone escaping from the lid of the skimmer. Since my skimmer is in a cabinet under my tank in my dining room, the smell of escaping ozone doesn't do well with my wife... Even if I dial the ozone pretty low, you can usually smell it. I know some skimmers are made to have carbon in their lids. How do you do this with an ASM ?

Thanks a lot for your precious help my friends.

Re: G4P question

Re: G4P question

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14477481#post14477481 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bourbeaue
I have an ASM G4P which is a short version of the G4X I believe (Sedra 9000) on a 180g reef tank. I have read all about mods and have done the gate valve and a mesh mod. I am still not satisfied with the performance of the unit. I am wondering if I could do another mod I have never heard of before: raise the skimmer body (I have plenty of head room) but leave the pump lower in order for the pump to be attached to the skimmer closer to its base. I would of course have to drill a new hole in the side and block the current hole. This would provide longer contact time as right now, there are only bubble (very fine ones) in the top half of the main chamber. Seems like a big waste.

My second question relates to ozone. I want to run ozone in the skimmer (again to improve its performance). I have tried it before, but never figured out a way to get carbon to trap the ozone escaping from the lid of the skimmer. Since my skimmer is in a cabinet under my tank in my dining room, the smell of escaping ozone doesn't do well with my wife... Even if I dial the ozone pretty low, you can usually smell it. I know some skimmers are made to have carbon in their lids. How do you do this with an ASM ?

Thanks a lot for your precious help my friends.


There is always the recirc mod. I will do that one on my G3 when I upgrade from my 75 gal to a 150.