ASM Skimmer Club!

I can't get my ASM G2 to collect anything more than the picture below. I have had it for almost a year and I can't get it to work. It is just horrible. I need this thing to work and it wont. I have tried raising it to about 5 inches under water. It is pictured below at about 9 to 10 inches.

I dont know what to do. I have raised the water above the exit return. I have tried to place the fine bubbles at the very top but that didn't work. It just wont work no matter what I do. I have never gotten a full cup of skim no matter what I do.

Posted in two spot because I am not to sure where it would be best. I am just tired and ready to give up. If you can help thanks.


Collection cup. The most I can skim no matter what



I don't know much. But that may be all there is to skim. You don't mention how often you empty the cup. If you empty it every other day or two, once a week. What's your bio load? Feeding regiment? All this matters. That I do know. And stop messing with it. Find a position that seems optimal and leave it. Everytime you change it it needs to readjust/break in.

Lets say you empty it every other day. So that would mean on the fourth day there should be twice as much. Depending on the fact that you don't alter it or your feeding habits during that period.

I haven't set mine up yet because I haven't set up my new system. But with my current skimmer(Aqua C Remora), It seems to skim mostly at night and even then not too heavy. I have a small bio load and don't feed too much. These are all contributing factors.

Again I just got mine, and I'm reading all the posts to get caught up on the ins and outs of the ASM skimmers. One thing it seems to be about them is they need to be left alone once dialed in. At least that's what I've picked up.
I don't think so on the pressurizing of the cup. Never heard that one. I have read where people put their air syphon in it and it seems to create a negetive pressure thus being able to lower the water level because it draws the foam higher.

I did notice there is no vent hole in the lid as I have seen on other brands. And like the one I'm currently using.

Cup from another model I don't know. Contact the manufacturer.

Take everything I say with a grain of salt, no pun intended. I'm a newby as wel.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14894967#post14894967 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ddinox64
I did notice there is no vent hole in the lid as I have seen on other brands.

Cup from another model I don't know. Contact the manufacturer.
I guess if people are running them without a vent hole they must be okay.

I will contact the manufacturer about the cup from another model. Do you know their email address?
Nope. I think I've seen a post indicating that it doesn't come up anymore when doing a search. In fact I did just try All Seas Marine and, blank, nada, finito, gone.

I would tend to think as a production product it would be beneficial to standardize certian things, such as the neck and inlets/outlets. But all the bodies and cups are different diameters, so who knows.
Hey guys,i was lookin into the mini G but i seen some bad reviews.what do u guys think?anyone who owns one can chime in..its for a 50g tank, moderately stocked thanks
New G1x question

New G1x question

Just started a new G1x and I am getting plenty of white bubbles. When adjusting the outlet pipe do you want the bubbles to come up half way or as close to the top but not overflowing?
The top of which? The exit pipe or the collection cup cylinder?
If you're talking about the exit pipe. It needs to be overflowing or there wouldn't be enough pressure entering the skimmer to push through. I would set it to where it just starts to roll over the top of it.

How deep is it sitting in the water? Pictures always help.
The top of the skimmer cylinder. The position of the extender pole is allowing the white bubbles to come up half way into the cylinder before overflowing in the collection cup. I have the water level in the sump to 9".
Sounds good to me. Is it dry and frothy or wet? Adjust the outflow a little more to where it(the bubbles in the collection cup) just start to go over the rim into it.

Skimming has a lot to do with bio load. My skimmer only creates skimmate at night. I have four fish and quite a few coarls. But I feed minimally so there's not much to pull from the water.
Its definetely wet. I have heard it takes a while to start skimming the gook and it is only 2 days old. By the way, to clean does the collection cup come off?
Thanks for your help
Yes, it comes off. It's just a 1/4 turn if that to remove. If it sits high enough to clear the top of your sump(which mine doesn't and I'm sort of bummed), you can add a drain to it and it can leach into a bottle or something sealed.

Not a problem. Funny thing is, I haven't even set mine up yet. I built my sump to have it sit 10" deep based on reading a post stating they operate best in 8"-10" of water. I guess we'll see.
for the people who have done the mesh mod... wich enkamat did you use and how many layers did you use??

i used PF4 Flatback enkamat and i used 3 layers of it. now i get a lot of bubles but it seems like my pump is not pushing the same amount of water as it used to before the mod. has anybody encountered this problem before? do i just simply need to add 1 more layer of enkamat?