ASM Skimmer Club!

Do you think the ties could be wacking out the impeller enough to hurt it from working right? And I like drying skimmer.
And it use to take about 2 weeks to get the cup full of black green goo.
If i were to adjust it to fill the cup up in two days it would be a lite brown color at best, well before the mod any ways..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12328527#post12328527 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TheNomadRhodes
Do you think the ties could be wacking out the impeller enough to hurt it from working right? And I like drying skimmer.
And it use to take about 2 weeks to get the cup full of black green goo.
If i were to adjust it to fill the cup up in two days it would be a lite brown color at best, well before the mod any ways..

yes the ties can hinder allot more so if they not the smallest ones you could buy

2 weeks to fill a skimmer imo is way way to long but to each is own
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12324659#post12324659 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SirToppemHat
Will a G2 be O.K. for a 120G mixed reef? I plan on modding it with gate, mesh and direct recirc.

I have a baffled 30G sump with one of the overflows going to the recir G2 and the other going to the fuge (10"x12") the center section is for the return.

If you dont know already.Asm skimmers are way overated for there handling capacities.To be honest I dont think a G2 could handle a 120.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12325829#post12325829 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Safedad
Stingything: When you did your recirc mod, did you cut of the existing connection for the pump and replace it with a larger hole and uniseal? I have the gate valve mod (really handy) and have replaced the impellar pins with mesh.
SirToppemHat: I have a G3 on a 55 and am upgrading to a 90. I got the G3 with this in mind. If you don't have many fish or a high bio load, you should be fine with a G2 and recirc mod.

Same as this:

I'm not going to have any problems with this G2,even up to 200 gallons heavy stock. :D
I don't think some realize how good this recirc works when tied into the overflow pipe and gate modded.
I would just do the gate and recirc. mods and skip the BS with the mesh mod. :mixed:

My sedra 9000 on my G-4+ is pulling between 14-16 scfh.Thats barely good enough for a 75. A G2 would never be able to keep up with a heavy stocked 200 gallon.

I am not trying to be a smarty pants,but some of you guys dont seem to realize that asm skimmers are really overrated for what size of tanks they can handle. The truth is sedra pumps really suck when used for skimmers.Its the reason why Euro Reef stop useing them.

I read this entire thread from the start,and not 1 person was able to mod any sedra pump to pull over 25 scfh.
G2 questions

G2 questions

Sorry if this is already been said or asked.
1. how do you know which skimmer you have they all look the same.
2. what do the mods do for you?
Here's 2 things I have figured out recently that make my G2 perform better. First is to keep the cup clean, especially the inside of the cone where the bubbles are. I think that the rough surface of the scum that forms pops some of the bubbles (that is the only thing I can come up with). But if I clean my cup every other day, it produces a lot more skimmate.

The second is that over the weekend I added a baffle to my sump to keep the water level consistent in the chamber where the skimmer is. Now it makes a lot more junk.
Well,I'm not trying to sound like a smarty pants either,but I don't know what 14-16 scfh'm guessing it probably has something to do with how much air is pulled into the venturi.
I think the the recirc. mod does a great job using the bubbles that the sedra pump produces.And pulling some of those bubbles back through the needle wheel breaks them even finer. I only have the pump maybe 2 inches below the water surface also.The entire body of the skimmer is filled with microbubbles.And even if I hold a finger over the intake hose it continues to swirl bubbles for at least 2-3 minutes before they dissipate out the gate valve.There's large bubbles building and rising up the tube constantly.And it's very simple to set with the gate valve.I'm pretty happy with it........:)
i own a asm g4x that i received for trade for setting up a few tanks for a lfs. My question is, can i replace the sedra pump with a more efficient pump. I am will to spend the money to get a good pump but have no idea which way to go! Any help would be great. I would like to stick with a needle wheel if possible.
my question is for a recommendation for a exact pump. I have no idea on how to match them up?
would the sicca, laguna, red dragon????????????????
I have no idea???????
For a G4 the Eheim 1262 will work well.

If you're not handy it could cost you about $300 depending on what parts you use.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12355562#post12355562 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefgeek31
i own a asm g4x that i received for trade for setting up a few tanks for a lfs. My question is, can i replace the sedra pump with a more efficient pump. I am will to spend the money to get a good pump but have no idea which way to go! Any help would be great. I would like to stick with a needle wheel if possible.