Atomic081's 225 Gallon Reef w/ Basement Fish Room

Thanks Joe! I have spent a lot of time planning out the fish room.

I also have had problems with the expandable hoses. I only plan on keeping it hooked up while I use it because of how flimsy they are.
Cool old house - lots of character!!
You will love having a fish room, I couldn't be without one.

I spent this morning and started the plumbing. I ran out of 1 inch pipe so ill go back tomorrow and get some more.

I also drilled my first tank today. The 20g long that sits over the sump!

I also got my Skimmer tub installed today. The 2 drains from the tank and the refugium drain will go into the tub and then through a 2" bulkhead to a 7" filtersock.

Plumbing got finished this week!!! The Frag tank, Refugium, and Skimmer tub have water running. Ill Finish cleaning up and post pictures tomorrow!!!

On another note. I should have the hardwood floors finished and the office painted in 2 weeks, then I can FINALLY set the big tank!!!!
subscribed, I wish I was handy like you :(

Great build so far and congrats on the new house! If you ever want to come to NJ and redo my whole setup I pay in food and water :)
Ive been working alot on the house for the past 2 weeks and not so much on the Fish room. New Windows, Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC, 11x19 room addition, New Master Bathroom, New Laundry room, moved kitchen and master suit, Sanded all the Trim and 2x sanded over 1200 sqft of Hardwood floors, and Trimmed all the Trees in the past month.....Im Exhausted!!!! Last night i did spend a few hours tinkering and FINALLY got the Reeflo Dart up and running.

Here are a few updated pictures of the house.

And Finally.....This is where the tank will be!!!
Next, to the Fish Room!!

First I added 2 Dj switches. I have chosen not to use a controller. I just dont see the benefit except for the timers. These are 20 dollars and work great for turning stuff on and off.

Next I hooked up my GFO and Carbon Reactor

I installed Filer socks!!
Placed a "Ohh Sh*t" 3 way switch for the Main Return pump. Just incase i need to turn it off from either upstairs or downstairs.
I ran another circuit for the upstairs tank to make 2 total circuits.
I finished the QT tank by adding a HOB filter.
I know there is more, and ill try to post a video in a bit of everything up and running.

It's pretty loud. Is there a reason why you have those two loc-line returns pointed up in the air like that? The splashing is going to cause a lot of salt spray all over everything. And with the sound of running water going on like that all the time you'll probably be running every five minutes. I know I was just from watching it.

It's pretty loud. Is there a reason why you have those two loc-line returns pointed up in the air like that? The splashing is going to cause a lot of salt spray all over everything. And with the sound of running water going on like that all the time you'll probably be running every five minutes. I know I was just from watching it.


The Loc-lines are pointed up in the air cause im trying to adjust the frag tank to create as much flow without overflowing the tank :spin3: I cant see how much is coming out when they are in the water. I already put them back into the water overnight.

90% of the loud noise is coming from the skimmer. The output is spraying almost 12" out the side. Im hoping that when i actually add some bioload to the tank i can tone the skimmer down. If not then im going to need to put some sort of a 45 or 90 deg pvc to stop it from spraying all over the place.

Thanks for all the input, I always want to hear suggestions!!!!
My lamp for my Refugium came in today!!!

I also started to seed my Live Rock and Sand today. The process officially started!!!
We did some work on the Study that the tank will go in. Its all gonna be covered up, but i still want it to look nice.

Your house is really shaping up. Your fish room is very nice too. I like how you have planned out everything.
Thanks Pife!

I picked up a geo 612 calcium reactor last night. The only things I need now are a ATO, a ATS, and maybe a uv sterilizer.