Atomic081's 225 Gallon Reef w/ Basement Fish Room

I like 3. I think then jut out on the single arm would lend itself for some amazing coral placement. Plus if you leave it high off the bottom the fish would love the overhang to swim under

I kinda agree. I bought 4 more Ts so ill keep playing
Your PVC structures suggest to me that you are thinking of filling in the visible space with rock. Actually, I think you should be leaving those upper spaces open for the coral to grow into over time. You won't have an "instant reef" that way, but you won't have to start fragging or removing excess rock the instant your coral starts to grow, either. You'll have space for adult colonies.

Your PVC structures suggest to me that you are thinking of filling in the visible space with rock. Actually, I think you should be leaving those upper spaces open for the coral to grow into over time. You won't have an "instant reef" that way, but you won't have to start fragging or removing excess rock the instant your coral starts to grow, either. You'll have space for adult colonies.


I'm definitely going to tone them back. They are way to big right now for mature coral growth. Thanks Dave!
3.. but on the right one you might need to extend the feet on the left a few inches more to support the rock.
On the left design, cut the extra pvc after the T.
Sorry about the Pictures messing up. My phone is horrible for posting pictures.

I got the new Reeflo Hammerhead return pump and was able to test it out tonight. SUCCESS!!!! I was able to run everything and have tons of flow to the tank. Im very happy with the new pump.

I was able to trade for a UV filter over the weekend!

I was finally able to tear down my 57 gal and move some fish and coral over.

This is an awesome setup! Hopefully going to be able to have a big tank w/ fish room someday "day dreaming now"
I'm excited to see how those Photons do. When you get them running, would you post a pic from the side of the tank? I'm eager to see how they do covering a 2' wide tank.
Thanks for all the comments! Im very happy with the progress so far. I will be adding liverock tomorrow night so stay tuned!
We have Rock!!!

I was finally able to Aquascape. Im not 100% done yet and i need to fill in around some of the pvc. Im really happy though with the overall size and shape of everything. The water was still murky when I left the house, but i still snapped a few pictures anyway.

I had another package today also! 2 WP40s with the dual wavemaker! These will go along with another WP40 that I got with the tank.
