2018 FMAS President
Bueller....Bueller.....Dr. Thompson,..... Dr. Thompson?????![]()
Lol, sorry, kids down form school. Haven't had much time to post. Bowling right now, will post on this tomorrow:wave:
Bueller....Bueller.....Dr. Thompson,..... Dr. Thompson?????![]()
Would PVC Tubing or Polyethylene Tubing work for the pump?
It's softer and a lot less expensive.
They use something called "Santoprene" which I've never heard of before.
I think it will work for my pumps, but I'm afraid it will wear out to fast and burst.
How should it mount is to bin, open or closed?
for apex it should be normally closed - Closed
for mounting, I would mount it so it is in the OFF position. (floating above the contact so when the water level drops it makes magnetic contact)
Put this line as the last line on your stenner programming:
If switchX open then OFF
(X represents the number you chose on the breakout box, 1-6)
Oh- and how do i even know if its on or off?
Switches are posted on your main "Dashboard" page at the bottom. It should state current status (open/closed)
Thanks for the info Tickle. It would be better if the quality was better.
I know you can't. I wan't saying that you could.
Yeah both motors are the same.
I think I loaded the tubing wrong, I'll try to load it again tonight or tomorrow.
I don't have a tube loading key like they are talking about, but I don't think dread240 had it either and he didn't have any problems with the tubing he used.
Same thing as a flat head, I think they are trying to make some money. LOL
In other news, my pumps came in and I ran out like a dork to Home Depot to get the parts.
Sacohen you have PM
RPS- AND????? Whats the scoop, i know you already set it up.
Eddie, a simple code like this:
"Defer 030:00 Then ON"
That will keep it off for 30 mins if the outlet loses power. I have it set this way for my skimmer when the main pump kicks off for any reason. Mainly when the tank is in a feed mode.
Now you have me thinking about the AWC system and how to do it. Well, actually I've thought about before. Some how program the Apex to kick into feed mode, for my tank it kills the main pump. Let the water from the DT drain into the sump and then begin the AWC. Takes less then 30 mins a day and still won't change the parameters by that much. If your sump is set up correctly, one tube will remove water from a camber while another one is pumping in, thus new water will never be lost down the drain. Reposting to the FMAS section as well.